#100 “Something Special”
So! I’ve finally made it to the big 100! As it turns out I really was planning something special for the occasion! Heh Heh…
Thank you everyone for sticking with me for the ride so far, and I hope you’ll stay for the next milestone as well!
Onwards to the next hundred!
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I love this comic and look forward to each new page
Well now. It’s been 100 pages already? And it’s good to see that the photo still has some relevance.
…Why do I get the feeling that certain things that happened in the original work may happen sooner here? Not the ecchi stuff, nor actual plot stuff, but something in particular? Can’t actually say what it is without it being spoilers, though. Would a hint suffice?
Original work?
I haven’t read it but others have mentioned that it was originally posted online as prose. The old fans have commented that this version is different to Brandon’s prose version.
This comic is just too adotable man. I look forward to every Sunday. Please, never stop.
With you all the way on that one. I always check the comic before I head to bed and it’s a great end to my week. Plus I’m a sucker for these kinds of friendship evolves into love as well as breaking through a barrier and loving someone even though they are differnt. Tim and Shadow are soul mates and even if they couldn’t do what they did in chapter 1 they would be together.
I have something planned for my characters’ story along those lines only with a living (his body may be a mechanical emulation of a human body but man did not give him that soul. No he got it the same way all natural life does.) man made robot boy falling in love with a human girl and nither are ever interested in the more intimate parts because they both love each other that deeply.
Congratulations on 100 strips man!
Does anybody else have the feeling that the boy’s mother and Lady BlackHeart are the same person/demon?
They both got wavy blonde hair, a huge rack, and a small mole on the left side of their mouth. Could this be a set up for a major conflict in the future?
Mage, if you look through replies on prior strips where Lady Blackheart has appeared, you’ll see that this is a VERY common belief.
Those of us who read the entire story know what Brandon intended THEN but with the changes he’s made, we can’t be sure that he’s going to do the same thing in the comic. One difference (NON-SPOILER!) is that in the written version, Lady Blackheart doesn’t appear until MUCH later in the timeline and isn’t mentioned at all before that point.
We’re can one read this written version
So I recently re-stumbled across this comic of yours, having stumbled across it some months back, thought it looked fun and interesting, bookmarked it for later reading, and promptly lost it during the acquisition of a new PC. So having now finally gone through the archives, I find my initial impression to have been pretty spot on. This is good stuff, and definitely going in with the rest of my weekly webcomics.
I like the art style, especially with how expressive everyone is, both in their face and body language. Your monsters (I’m trying to recall if you gave a name for them as a race…I know you named the world they live in, but I can’t remember if anyone has yet mentioned their species name) have a nice design to them, and I like how much diversity you’ve gotten between them while still making it clear they are all the same race. While skin colors are the obvious differences, I like the effort at giving everyone a unique tail design. Small detail, but it adds a nice touch and shows you’re really thinking about the character designs. Definitely like Midnight’s design the best over all, the blue skin and yellow freckles are a nice contrast, and I’ve always been a fan of that general hairstyle she has going on.
Tim and Shadow have a really fun relationship going on between them. Even at a young age, it’s easy to see how they could have ended up together. I’m also a fan of Tim and Midnight’s antagonistic relationship, though based on the comics set in ‘present day’, I have to assume he managed to win her over so she no longer worries about his intentions towards Shadow. Yet somehow I can still picture her ‘threatening’ him out of old habits.
There is some nice world building going on here as well. Nox is an interesting concept for a world/alternate dimension, and I wouldn’t mind seeing/learning more about it. You’ve given enough out to make it feel like there is all this stuff going on that we just haven’t learned about yet.
Finally I just want to say that it’s refreshing to see a fictional married couple, with a kid no less, that still has an active and healthy sex life. I like that Tim’s parents aren’t just the simple, one dimensional, ‘he’s a kid so we have to show he has parents but no one cares about them’ type of parents I see in a lot of other works. Parents are people too dammit!
Anyway, loving the comic, looking forward to each update. Excellent work man.
I just found this today and… i’m stunned, stories like these are like a dream come true for me, it’s so well made.. you sir, have gotten yourself another reader..? follower? fan? Well anyway, i’ll keep reading this, Thanks for this amazing story so far, can’t wait ♥♥
You’re welcome!
Their relationship confuses me. I know at this point they are like really good friends and in the future they get together considering so far the comic is one big flashback. I know the she is infatuated with him and that he may feel a similar way but the last time the saw each other they kissed out of curiosity and then freaked out because of you be contact, of course they were cool afterwards. Now she is kissing him on the cheek like they are dating, so I’m guessing wishing the next few visits it’s become official or I’m gonna get really confused.
Heh, don’t worry about it so much. It’s just a peck on the cheek.
if you really think about it, this event must’ve happened some time after that, and i’m talking about more than a few days or so. Since we don’t really know when Tim’s birthday really is, this could’ve happened a week from then, or even a month, but we won’t be able to know since we weren’t given any specifics. And you are right, this is nothing more than one big flashback, so the timing of everything will continue to be unpredictable, until Brandon decides to make the Present Day the main story, and brings up the Past Days as small references
Actually, if you reeeeeeally pay attention to the little details you can track about how much time has passed.
It’s been just under 3 months from August until October since Tim and Shadow have met.
– From the night they meet to when he starts showing her movies takes place during most of August, as he mentions school starting in a few days at that point and it had been at least 3 weeks since they met after roughly calculating the time skips.
– Shadow asking if Tim thinks she’s a ‘good girl’ & the Long Night arc (First Kiss, Blackheart appears, Encyclopedia gift all takes place on the same night) is sometime in September.
– Tim’s birthday is in October, as mentioned on page 36 which is where we are now.
Only started reading this comic last week and it’s awesome please keep making these need more. Great job
For two people who say they don’t like kissing … They sure like kissing. Of the non-french kind anyway ^_^
From my youth, this feels real:
Earlier they’re experimenting so it feels wrong. This time she’s using it to convey emotion so it feels special.
So is she different or the same because she read the book
Congrats on the big triple digits!
Lol I have the same birthday as Tim
Assuming Oct 2 is his birthday
From what I recall, the time his birthday is mentioned, it states “late” October.
Still loving this comic
Congrats on 100 Bradon good to see the kiddys have found that a little kiss can be nice.