#110 “Role Reversal”
And so the holidays have passed once more and The Monster Under the Bed is back for 2017, and celebrating Halloween?!
PATREON Throw me a dollar, maybe?
And so the holidays have passed once more and The Monster Under the Bed is back for 2017, and celebrating Halloween?!
PATREON Throw me a dollar, maybe?
There’s a difference between surprise and fear.
Looks funny to me.
Yeah, he’s more of a goof, than a horror…
I like the defeated rahhh at the end lol
Hehe, me too!
Well, it was a good try…………
Yeah, but she doesn’t scare too easily, at least not by a human anyway.
Hard to scare the monster. Good effort though, Tim, maybe you’ll get it next time. It’ll be a good day for him if he ever does manage it. For some reason I think Shadow would rather enjoy being scared by him too.
Haha, perhaps!
all he has to do is show Shadow the ‘training tapes for grown-ups’ from the internet and I’m sure she’ll be scared of our…’wild’ side.Well….until she’s 18 of course,wait where am I going with this?….
Well, it was worth a shot. Better luck next time.
I’m sure he’ll get her someday… and vice-versa?
I see what you’ve done with your little ‘vice-versa’
Please oh please oh pleeeaassseee, stretch this out to this halloween. That would be awesome. I know that’s 43 pages (including this one) dedicated to these two over halloween, but it would be sooooo cool. So many possibilities running through my head of what they could do halloween night.
It’ll be a bit, but it won’t be reeeeeeeeeally long.
This might be a unnecessary thing to say, but please don’t overlook the fact that Shadow routinely runs around without underwear, so if Tim wants her to go outside during Halloween, he needs to provide something suitable. Even if it is just a belt that keeps the lower part of her current garment closed.
lol Tim you friggin’ dork.
UUuuuuuuhhhhhhh….Tim has a bat in his closet…and it doesn’t look like it’s for baseball….
So, Tim is finally out of the closet? (Ducking)
Oh, haha. Not like I’m gonna be hearing that a lot later on! XD
hey Brandon,quick question,just just(intentionally left 2 just’s) light my way:
You’re doing this little ‘teasing’ in some pages,between their relationship to make us think that something far deeper is going on,but there is a problem,if I recall in one of the(if not the first) page we aleardy saw them together,years after this happens,soooo ironicly the beggining of the comic is the end of this relationship(that far,as we know) that is happening here which just started….for some reason after writting this I can’t comprehend(understand) the logic,like,the beggining is the end of this beggining which is just a continuation of a end…uh my head hurts…
Eh, the ‘present day’ stuff isn’t exactly the end either. It’s just another moment in their lives where things just happen to be pretty swell.
sweet…I think
It made me giggle so I’m happy.
Tim trying to scare the monster, that’s adorable.
Nice try Tim, but I think Shadow can’t really get scared with human fears.
For now let’s look what will happen next to you two. :3 It’s always a pleasure to read this comic – can’t get tired of it! 
O dear god a human centapide!! o wait wrong movie…
yes, VERY wrong.