#114 “Someday”
Time for the maestro to work her magic!
Oh yeah, and just another quick thing, not really that important or anything, but, well, Tim and Shadow are now 12 years old canonically, both retroactively and going forward! So, next time you read through the comic (if you ever bother) you might notice a few slight differences here and there, mostly relating to dates/ages/quotes/etc. which now reflect the changes.
Hopefully, this’ll clear up any confusion if it happens to come up in the future!
It occurs to me that if it is normal in the Nox culture to change one’s name after achieving high rank, then all we need is for Shadow –mostly because of interactions– to become curious enough about Lady Blackheart’s history to ask Lady Moonlight about Lady Blackheart’s original name —and if it turns out to be “Ruthless”, well, at least one mystery will probably be solved! –for the readers, if not for Shadow and Tim, until they compare notes.
Shadow asking a question that would actually be asked! Thank you. It’s little details like this that irk beyond belief when I’m reading or watching something, so it’s refreshing and welcome to see her asking a question that anyone with a functioning brain would ask (hollywood apparently still needs to learn that).
Probably a good idea on the age thing. Even in chapter one both kids seemed older than they were presented as.
Makeover ! A tradition for a girl and her mother !
Though usually, the mother isn’t so adamant in pushing her daughter toward the boy. Those monsters are progressists !
If Blackheart is Tim’s mother instead of Shadow’s mother, it could make sense for her to push the girl toward Tim. Especially after the revelation in #109, when it is possibly obvious that Tim likes the girl.
Also, I’m starting to think Blackheart wanted to have a daughter and is relishing the opportunity to do stuff like this with Shad. :p
After inspecting some details between Blackhearth and Tim’s mom… i felt like they are the same person because how that dark mark on their left cheek are in the same place but who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then explain the difference in boob sizes
oh ha ha,smart-ass
IS there really a size difference? Lady Blackheart wears clothes that emphasize and expose her breasts more than Tim’s mom does, but they don’t seem to be notably larger…
there’s more than one page you can do your research bud
.Trust me,I’ve done mine,but hey,feel free to look for your-self,but I’m noticing quite a LARGE difference.
It is called the “Wonder Bra”
Oh I wonder wonder whats in her wonder bra…..
She could have been invisible and in Tim’s room. Whether she’s Tim’s mother or not is hard to tell. Whilst I think that she is, I can see that it could work if she’s not.
Well, the leggings definitely hide the fact that she only has 3 toes.
nope,but the shoes will
I noticed that as well. Panel one is so unusual.
hehehe,panel 1,from this angle Shadow looks like she has a buck tooth hehehhehe…and I don’t know why it’s so funny to me….hehehehhehe
Wait so they’re now 12?
Cause page 3 said that Tim was 18.
So this is one hell of a flashback?
He is 18 on that page. That page also says ‘Let me take you back in time and tell you how I met… her.’ Followed by the chapter beginning and on page 5 it says ‘7 years ago’.
but…7 years ago means when he was 11,not 12,Brandon
He started at 11, then had a birthday in comic continuity, making him 12. Late birthdays often cause this to happen, I should know.
huh, must have read over that
I guess I’m one of the only ones who has kinda put two and two together and got a logical explanation on hw Blackheart knows so much, but I’ll keep quiet and enjoy everyones reactions when it happens.
Reread the comic, all the hints are there.
Well, the retcon of saying Tim and Shadow are both 12 in this flashback at least explains why Midnight started growing breasts (last week, panel 2) when in her prior appearance she was utterly flat. At 13 (Midnight’s still a year older than Shadow, right?), puberty changes have often started…
I wasn’t bothered a lot by that imagery, because they are a different species than humans. That is, it might be normal for 9-year-old Nox females to develop earlier than 9-year-old human females.
I merely meant that if you go back to Midnight’s most recent appearance before Shadow’s asking her for leggings, at that point she was flat-chested. Last week, she has breasts. Not as large as they WILL be granted, but they were present.
Perhaps the author will be editing some older images slightly. It may have only been a week or so ago when he decided to change their ages, and editing the text of a lot of comics is lots easier than editing the actual images.
Last week is the first time you’ve seen her out of her normal clothes during this time period, except for the bath scene early on, in which she was covered.
I utterly LOVE stripey stockings like that on cute girls. Especially if they are the ONLY thing they are wearing.
That comes years later when they are after a different kind of sugar
anyone else notice that Blackheart and Tim`s mother share a mole, hair color with similar style, and similar face shape. page 109 lets you get a good look.
HOLY SHIT!How many comments in one day!!!what is going on?!?!?!?