I am really liking this story. I feel like I have an inkling as to what’s going on, but even if I’m right and I have anticipated a twist, it’ll be one of those excited, “I knew it!” moments.
OK, I’m going to guess that the transformation spell is temporary, so in the middle of trick-or-treating she suddenly reverts back to monster form, and can surprise/scare lots of humans for points on her scare-meter.
That said, in like 10 years the Level of cosplay will be so good she could probably walk around with alost nothing on and people would complain that her “costume is tacky and unrealistic”.
also Now i watch to rewatch beetlejuice , so today was a good day
I’m a bit disappointed because a conversion to human form and skin-color means she actually didn’t need the leggings or the arm coverings. Unless maybe it is a cold evening….
I do expect Tim’s fear level to skyrocket, though, giving Shadow yet another boost in score. A regular-looking girl is after him!
I forgot to say that since “Shadow” is an extremely unusual name for a human girl, Tim’s mom might have something to say about that, especially if she is NOT secretly Lady Blackheart.
Also, this comic gives us proof about something only previously suspected with respect to Ruth/Blackheart, that it is indeed possible for Nox to transform to human (and presumably vice-versa). It doesn’t prove Ruth is Blackheart, but the odds of that being true have just increased significantly.
I’m also reminded of something in the “present day” scene of #75 ( /?comic=75-a-little-nostalgic <–append that to the website name), which indicates that both Shadow and Midnight are preparing to dress-up for some event. At that stage in the story Midnight is calling Timothy by his actual name, so I'm now wondering if it is a human event, for which both Midnight and Shadow will transform in order to be there. Remember Midnight is Shadow's best friend, and after Shadow gets back from this youthful Halloween excursion with a big bag of candy, Midnight is going to find out all about how Shadow did it. That will include learning about transformation!
Finally, regarding an unresolved question relating to #75, where Shadow starts to call Midnight something but gets interrupted, I'm going to make the wild guess that Midnight is First Reaver. Shadow clearly doesn't want the position in #106 ( /?comic=106-boiling-point ), while Midnight is clearly very competitive with Nightmare in #61 ( /?comic=61-nightmare ) –plus there is a statement in #63 ( /?comic=63-checks-balances ) that Nightmare might have the wrong attitude for the position. When we look at Terminus in #69 ( /?comic=69-first-reaver ), just granted First Reaver status among some boy group, he is clearly several years older than the Bed Bugs, and so we can expect assignment of First Reaver status for one of the Bed Bugs to happen some years after the adventures of 12-year-old Shadow et.al. If Midnight is First Reaver in #75, she might not yet have had the position for a long time.
First Reaver is a title the kids are competing for, its basically honor roll for students. In #75 they are a tad old for that one. Also either that page or the one before it, Shadow mentions that she will be back to pick Tim up at a certain time, implying the event is being held in Nox, which means its likely not a human one.
(Man we really need an edit button…)
Also, Midnight calling Tim by his name, well, they ARE older in that panel, and calling him Dogbreath is kind of a childish thing so, one assumes that would fade over time.
OMFG!!! Human Shadow is f*cking adorable!!!
Also, Blackheart=Ruthe is looking more and more like canon to me(I would be amazed if Brandon would find a way to fake us out here but please don’t sacrifice a good obvious twist for a far-fetched unexpected one).
All in all, definitely worth the wait.
P.S Can’t wait to see the expression on Tims face once it hit him. And not to be nit-picky but why did Shadow go with her real name, rather than a fake name? Doesn’t she know that Shadow isn’t a common human name? Why not go with Nancy?(Get it. Because Tim is Freddy. You know the line I want to hear)
very nice.! but that is NOT the Shadow we are used too…..
arm an leg coverings are needed,, so all she has to do is the face, magic requires power/concentration .. this is her first time, now she should put on a mask so she dont need to keep up spell…( or if it fails/drops, )
I approve the modified hairsyle (if anybody cares what I think!) and I also note the leggins are matched with striped “armins”?? so Shadow (or now Sadie) hasn’t had to modify her normal blue and gold freckles with a spell.
However, that’s a potential point failure if any of the four is inadvertently dislodged.
Brandon, you’ll need to demonstrate that she’s also got personal security in the form of a garter belt to hold them UP (you know you WANT to draw that!)
I note that the little finger on her left hand appears to bend normally at the joints – which may defeat the “rigid glove” theory about her Noxian 4-finger conformation unless Brandon has an alternate explanation or did the spell to convert to human also include feet and hand transformations?
Well Tomokatu, I’ll offer an OPINION. I’d guess that the spell temporarily removes Noxian characteristics completely. If everyone’s right about Ruth being Lady Blackheart, somebody would have HAD to step on or trip over her tail by now otherwise.
Ya, if it can send the tail and ear tips off to hammerspace then adding a digit or two should be no problem. The ears make me wonder though. We can see in a few interactions that Noxians, with training, can have very heightened senses. I could see Shadow asking Tim later “how can you even hear me talk with those ears? I thought I was wearing muffs!”
i saw that coming she had book with her
so she used it to show her human side
nice well drawn to
think ruth knows to because shes blackheart
HOLY SHIT. that was the first thing i thought.
where the hell she found colored lenses?
It must have taken her a MASSIVE amount of make up to make her face white like this… impressive dedication there !
not make up she used book blackheart gave her and showed her
thats why she took long way around so nobody see her
It’s actually PINK, dude.
White would be creepy.
Yet perfectly in tune with Halloween. The Ghost Of Little Red?
White skin isn’t THAT bad. Just ask Anderson Cooper.
…Or The Joker…
The late Michael Jackson? white as a meringue — definitely creepy.
I am really liking this story. I feel like I have an inkling as to what’s going on, but even if I’m right and I have anticipated a twist, it’ll be one of those excited, “I knew it!” moments.
I cannot wait to see how this unfolds!
very well done
great job keep it coming
cant wait till shadow finds out who ruth truly is
Well I didn’t know she would have human skin way to go Brandon *claps*
Huh, I wasn’t expecting her to look human. Doesn’t this kind of defeat the whole “monster going out for Halloween as themselves” thing?
if she went with her true form, she’d potentially draw a few prods to test how real the “costume” felt.
Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.
OK, I’m going to guess that the transformation spell is temporary, so in the middle of trick-or-treating she suddenly reverts back to monster form, and can surprise/scare lots of humans for points on her scare-meter.
That would be totally hilarious xD
That said, in like 10 years the Level of cosplay will be so good she could probably walk around with alost nothing on and people would complain that her “costume is tacky and unrealistic”.
also Now i watch to rewatch beetlejuice , so today was a good day
Just combine evolution of 3D printing over the next 10 years, with costumes-making and that should be easy by then.
You do notice that she actually has very little skin actually showing. The rest of her besides her face and neck is completely covered.
And the Aegis is in full view in case Tim doubts her.
I’m a bit disappointed because a conversion to human form and skin-color means she actually didn’t need the leggings or the arm coverings. Unless maybe it is a cold evening….
I do expect Tim’s fear level to skyrocket, though, giving Shadow yet another boost in score. A regular-looking girl is after him!
I forgot to say that since “Shadow” is an extremely unusual name for a human girl, Tim’s mom might have something to say about that, especially if she is NOT secretly Lady Blackheart.
Also, this comic gives us proof about something only previously suspected with respect to Ruth/Blackheart, that it is indeed possible for Nox to transform to human (and presumably vice-versa). It doesn’t prove Ruth is Blackheart, but the odds of that being true have just increased significantly.
I’m also reminded of something in the “present day” scene of #75 ( /?comic=75-a-little-nostalgic <–append that to the website name), which indicates that both Shadow and Midnight are preparing to dress-up for some event. At that stage in the story Midnight is calling Timothy by his actual name, so I'm now wondering if it is a human event, for which both Midnight and Shadow will transform in order to be there. Remember Midnight is Shadow's best friend, and after Shadow gets back from this youthful Halloween excursion with a big bag of candy, Midnight is going to find out all about how Shadow did it. That will include learning about transformation!
Finally, regarding an unresolved question relating to #75, where Shadow starts to call Midnight something but gets interrupted, I'm going to make the wild guess that Midnight is First Reaver. Shadow clearly doesn't want the position in #106 ( /?comic=106-boiling-point ), while Midnight is clearly very competitive with Nightmare in #61 ( /?comic=61-nightmare ) –plus there is a statement in #63 ( /?comic=63-checks-balances ) that Nightmare might have the wrong attitude for the position. When we look at Terminus in #69 ( /?comic=69-first-reaver ), just granted First Reaver status among some boy group, he is clearly several years older than the Bed Bugs, and so we can expect assignment of First Reaver status for one of the Bed Bugs to happen some years after the adventures of 12-year-old Shadow et.al. If Midnight is First Reaver in #75, she might not yet have had the position for a long time.
First Reaver is a title the kids are competing for, its basically honor roll for students. In #75 they are a tad old for that one. Also either that page or the one before it, Shadow mentions that she will be back to pick Tim up at a certain time, implying the event is being held in Nox, which means its likely not a human one.
(Man we really need an edit button…)
Also, Midnight calling Tim by his name, well, they ARE older in that panel, and calling him Dogbreath is kind of a childish thing so, one assumes that would fade over time.
I still contend that it’s Midnight’s rise to becoming Mother.
Look mr Bubbles, it’s an angel
Harvest her for Adam!!!
…The fu-
OMFG!!! Human Shadow is f*cking adorable!!!
Also, Blackheart=Ruthe is looking more and more like canon to me(I would be amazed if Brandon would find a way to fake us out here but please don’t sacrifice a good obvious twist for a far-fetched unexpected one).
All in all, definitely worth the wait.
P.S Can’t wait to see the expression on Tims face once it hit him. And not to be nit-picky but why did Shadow go with her real name, rather than a fake name? Doesn’t she know that Shadow isn’t a common human name? Why not go with Nancy?(Get it. Because Tim is Freddy. You know the line I want to hear)
I think the “monster” in the family is Tims Dad. I think Ruth snagged him when he was about Shadows age. She was probably very dominate then too.
If that were the case it would make for one hell of a plot twist.
Ruths new last name would be officially changed to Herring
That’s her maiden name before she got married!
The power of makeup!
very nice.! but that is NOT the Shadow we are used too…..
arm an leg coverings are needed,, so all she has to do is the face, magic requires power/concentration .. this is her first time, now she should put on a mask so she dont need to keep up spell…( or if it fails/drops, )
I approve the modified hairsyle (if anybody cares what I think!) and I also note the leggins are matched with striped “armins”?? so Shadow (or now Sadie) hasn’t had to modify her normal blue and gold freckles with a spell.
However, that’s a potential point failure if any of the four is inadvertently dislodged.
Brandon, you’ll need to demonstrate that she’s also got personal security in the form of a garter belt to hold them UP (you know you WANT to draw that!)
I note that the little finger on her left hand appears to bend normally at the joints – which may defeat the “rigid glove” theory about her Noxian 4-finger conformation unless Brandon has an alternate explanation or did the spell to convert to human also include feet and hand transformations?
Well Tomokatu, I’ll offer an OPINION. I’d guess that the spell temporarily removes Noxian characteristics completely. If everyone’s right about Ruth being Lady Blackheart, somebody would have HAD to step on or trip over her tail by now otherwise.
An excellent point, Charlie.
All opinions gratefully received, except Brandon’s.
They’re gospel and canon.
Ya, if it can send the tail and ear tips off to hammerspace then adding a digit or two should be no problem. The ears make me wonder though. We can see in a few interactions that Noxians, with training, can have very heightened senses. I could see Shadow asking Tim later “how can you even hear me talk with those ears? I thought I was wearing muffs!”