Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, didn’t see that coming. I suppose the explanation is “Logic? We got magic!”
Really well done by the way, I can’t wait to see Tim’s reaction (I somehow can’t get out of my head his eyes popping out in a cartoon fashion) ^^
Ok, where’s the catch? You teased us for too long with Tim’s mom/Blackheart to let Shadow’s trick just slide here. It’s other Shadow, who’s actually human? Some girl posing as Shadow and Shadow will appear later?
I can’t wait to see the surprise on Tim’ face next Sunday. Too bad you couldn’t squeeze it in this page. Bet he didn’t expected her to show up at his front door. let alone looking so human. lol
So much for “darkest angel”, but ya, she really should have picked a human sounding name and just tapped on the aegis for emphasis when Tim saw her. Could have gone with Sadie or something…
Panel 3, her profile has a rather ruthless look to it, and for some reason Ruth is looking extremely pleased with herself. Is it pride in her little boy getting a girl? Or a job well done? Or BOTH?!
Either way, hearing how Shadow explains all this to Tim once he gets her alone to ask is gonna be interesting.
One of my private speculations (until now) about an alternate name for Shadow is “Umbra” –which is Latin for “shadow”– but since it ends in the letter “a”, it is much more likely to be an actual human girl’s name (even if rare). Shadow could possibly say her real name is Umbra, but (for reasons unspecified) she prefers “Shadow”….
I actually logged in just to say, that I really love this comics and its plot twists. Thank you, Brandon!
So kewt~! Though… It does look like Shadow’s little Red Riding Hood and Ruth the Sexy Witch of the North. =D
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, didn’t see that coming. I suppose the explanation is “Logic? We got magic!”
Really well done by the way, I can’t wait to see Tim’s reaction (I somehow can’t get out of my head his eyes popping out in a cartoon fashion) ^^
Dem eyelashes though.
Ok, where’s the catch? You teased us for too long with Tim’s mom/Blackheart to let Shadow’s trick just slide here. It’s other Shadow, who’s actually human? Some girl posing as Shadow and Shadow will appear later?
Heh heh, wouldn’t that be something?
I knew it! Yesh! This is great!
She must’ve worked hours on that costume and makeup…
“No, that wont work. Too much bippity, not enough boppity… OK, take 37…”
OH MY GOD! Human Shadow is so CUTE!
Gasped!!! Make-Up!!!
(Ancient joke…)
I can’t wait to see the surprise on Tim’ face next Sunday. Too bad you couldn’t squeeze it in this page. Bet he didn’t expected her to show up at his front door. let alone looking so human. lol
(Jaw drops to the floor) I would have never pictured her like that. Love the green eyes. (Picks up jaw) still prefer her real form.
Okay, it’s killing me. Who is Shadow dressed as? Some obscure anime character I’m not aware of? Or is she just her own version of Red Riding Hood?
She’s just little red riding-hood. She loves fairy tales.
Was about to say you got the wrong hair color for pippi longstocking… looks like little red by way of beetlejuice. I approve
So much for “darkest angel”, but ya, she really should have picked a human sounding name and just tapped on the aegis for emphasis when Tim saw her. Could have gone with Sadie or something…
Panel 3, her profile has a rather ruthless look to it, and for some reason Ruth is looking extremely pleased with herself. Is it pride in her little boy getting a girl? Or a job well done? Or BOTH?!
Either way, hearing how Shadow explains all this to Tim once he gets her alone to ask is gonna be interesting.
Don’t worry so much about the name, I’ve already got it covered!
One of my private speculations (until now) about an alternate name for Shadow is “Umbra” –which is Latin for “shadow”– but since it ends in the letter “a”, it is much more likely to be an actual human girl’s name (even if rare). Shadow could possibly say her real name is Umbra, but (for reasons unspecified) she prefers “Shadow”….
Cutest redhead with green eyes since Kim Possible!
Looks like Blackheart’s magic book really has good beauty tips for lady monsters who want to look like lady humans!
I wonder who else could be benefitting from such a book
Brandon, I wasn’t really active for some time, to I must say, I love you, have my babies. Human Shadow, God, I really love you