I wouldn’t be a good fan if I didn’t tell you that there is a lot of room for improvement with the art of Shadow in human form, but i love the idea and i can’t wait to see tens reaction. I love the comic in my heart skips a beat everytime I press the refresh button on Sundays keep up the good work Brandon!
I think the new colours, coupled with her slightly new doo are just throwing some folks off a bit, so I can understand any problems people have. Besides, don’t get used to it. It is merely a temporary alteration.
I always knew one can achieve a lot with proper use of make-up.
But isn´t that a bit much?
Might just be me, but i think her actual head form changed…
Scared me for a second.
Ya know Ruth looks really proud of herself in this scene. Whether it’s cause Tim’s finally getting over his fear of girls or because as Lady Blackheart Shadow turned out fabulous I couldn’t tell. Could be both for all I know.
There was an initial “Say Whut!” look on Mom’s face then the eyes get big and the look is a combination of “my little boy is growing up” and “I so love it when a plan comes together”. Mumsey/Lady Blackheart is an evil genius.
Actually I like the new dew and colors for Shadow in human form. Shes quite cute. And she used some magic to disguise her ears. I love the way mom says “Timothy!” When a mom say it this way, it means “Who is this girl and why havien’t you mentioned her before?” Mom heard Tim mumble Shadows name in his sleep. Keep up the good work. I love this series.
Damn, well played Lady BlackHeart, well played! Shadow cleans up nice! Hey Brandon, could you show us a picture of what Timothy would look like if he was a monster and what Midnight would look like if she were human? They would make vote pictures!
Sonofagun! You can dress her up AND take her out … trick or treating, that is. What a clever glamour; even her ears are rounded off and those eyes … I’m looking forward to Tim’s reaction.
I was one of the first people to call she was in human form. Maybe has a time limit so she has to be fully covered.
She is kawi as fuck! Cute. Dare I say, beautiful. Tim Burton version of Little Red Riding Hood.
Look at Ruth, all proud of the work she put in is paying off.
Love your background on that last panel. Panel 3: is also good, like how Ruth turned out, and the hood. I thought Ruth can’t be in costume? Did something change? 3 or 4 pages ago she said she too busy?
Look at that last panel. A light behind her head. If he wasn’t sure he was in love with her before. He better be now. But what is the message here..? He falls for the fake human form but needs to realise he likes her for her orginal nox form. And she is inscure of her Nox form for him? Can’t wait to see that page. You are the best Brandon for makeing the fans think. This is why your my favorite.
I think this is the page.you put in that extra work and it shows. Look at that character design. Outstanding….
Midnight has so-far expressed a low opinion of humans in general –they are for scaring, after all! Some of the things Shadow has learned from Tim about humans (not just direct interactions with a fearful Tim) could have helped her own scaring of humans during “rounds” –see #103 ( /?comic=103-boy-trouble <–append that to the website name), and #43 ( /?comic=43-the-smell-of-fear ).
Eventually Shadow may explain some of that to Midnight, after which Midnight might better-respect Shadow's relationship with Tim (and that info could also help Midnight achieve First Reaver Status, as I talked about in another comment to this comic).
For now, though, I seriously doubt Midnight has any interest at all in looking like a human. Years from age 12, however, is another matter….
I wouldn’t be a good fan if I didn’t tell you that there is a lot of room for improvement with the art of Shadow in human form, but i love the idea and i can’t wait to see tens reaction. I love the comic in my heart skips a beat everytime I press the refresh button on Sundays keep up the good work Brandon!
I think the new colours, coupled with her slightly new doo are just throwing some folks off a bit, so I can understand any problems people have. Besides, don’t get used to it. It is merely a temporary alteration.
I always knew one can achieve a lot with proper use of make-up.
But isn´t that a bit much?
Might just be me, but i think her actual head form changed…
Scared me for a second.
Ya know Ruth looks really proud of herself in this scene. Whether it’s cause Tim’s finally getting over his fear of girls or because as Lady Blackheart Shadow turned out fabulous I couldn’t tell. Could be both for all I know.
Remember this page: http://themonsterunderthebed.net/?comic=109-sweet-dreams
She is not surprised 1 second…
There was an initial “Say Whut!” look on Mom’s face then the eyes get big and the look is a combination of “my little boy is growing up” and “I so love it when a plan comes together”. Mumsey/Lady Blackheart is an evil genius.
It’s her ears!
They’re not batwing shaped in human guise and that makes a SKURL of a difference! (Trust me on this)
Actually I like the new dew and colors for Shadow in human form. Shes quite cute. And she used some magic to disguise her ears. I love the way mom says “Timothy!” When a mom say it this way, it means “Who is this girl and why havien’t you mentioned her before?” Mom heard Tim mumble Shadows name in his sleep. Keep up the good work. I love this series.
I can’t tell if the glow is part of a magical glamour or coming from the streetlamps behind her.
*Spits coffee*
But… How though? Also, Shadow looks adorable as a human.
Damn, well played Lady BlackHeart, well played! Shadow cleans up nice! Hey Brandon, could you show us a picture of what Timothy would look like if he was a monster and what Midnight would look like if she were human? They would make vote pictures!
Hella cute. Can’t beat out Vanilla Shadow though. Or would it be Chocolate?
Sonofagun! You can dress her up AND take her out … trick or treating, that is. What a clever glamour; even her ears are rounded off and those eyes … I’m looking forward to Tim’s reaction.
I was one of the first people to call she was in human form. Maybe has a time limit so she has to be fully covered.
She is kawi as fuck! Cute. Dare I say, beautiful. Tim Burton version of Little Red Riding Hood.
Look at Ruth, all proud of the work she put in is paying off.
Love your background on that last panel. Panel 3: is also good, like how Ruth turned out, and the hood. I thought Ruth can’t be in costume? Did something change? 3 or 4 pages ago she said she too busy?
Look at that last panel. A light behind her head. If he wasn’t sure he was in love with her before. He better be now. But what is the message here..? He falls for the fake human form but needs to realise he likes her for her orginal nox form. And she is inscure of her Nox form for him? Can’t wait to see that page. You are the best Brandon for makeing the fans think. This is why your my favorite.
I think this is the page.you put in that extra work and it shows. Look at that character design. Outstanding….

Forgot to add, and I hope I’m not too selfish in recommending this but will Midnight ever have a human form?
Unlikely, but you never know!
We can assume that eventually Mid will see her in human form. And you know there will be an instant curiosity of “How would I look as a human?”.
Midnight has so-far expressed a low opinion of humans in general –they are for scaring, after all! Some of the things Shadow has learned from Tim about humans (not just direct interactions with a fearful Tim) could have helped her own scaring of humans during “rounds” –see #103 ( /?comic=103-boy-trouble <–append that to the website name), and #43 ( /?comic=43-the-smell-of-fear ).
Eventually Shadow may explain some of that to Midnight, after which Midnight might better-respect Shadow's relationship with Tim (and that info could also help Midnight achieve First Reaver Status, as I talked about in another comment to this comic).
For now, though, I seriously doubt Midnight has any interest at all in looking like a human. Years from age 12, however, is another matter….
Just saw the facebook page. Love the new Shadow portrait. Any chance for a new Little Red as an incentive?
She cleans up nice!
Shadow more like shadow of her former self