No, she has 5 fingers. Look at left glove, it has all 5 in use. Her right pinky is extended. Besides, a spell that left you with 4 fingers would be of minimal use.
Could be she just isnt used to gripping with the 5th digit and she is holding the bag as she normally would.
Could also be the artist having it stick out like a sore thumb (groan) to draw attention to the spell actually being a full transform and not just illusion.
Having read your original manuscripts, which was no mean feat in tracking them down, I think we all prefer your more polished comic book version, in fact, speaking for myself, I think I like this comic version better.
While it deviates from the original, in some or most places, I could cheerfully have you stretch this out for the next five years. It’s that enjoyable.
Although waiting a week between episodes on average is going to be a slow torture.
So, silly question, do you have the entire, so far published series in ‘E’ Format, such as PDF, for would be premium customers?
Failing that, a ballpark figure on the number of pages a year would be nice.
I can see that in the future, this is going to cost some of us at least as much as a good lunch, via patreon.
A couple of times, like when he jumped out of the closet with his costumes Glove and Hat on, or when Midnight dug her claws into his hands during their initial tussle.
I hadn’t noticed, until someone mentioned it, that each character in the story appears to have a unique color associated with certain things (often “special effects”). I decided to make a list, so, here:
First, early in the story there are a couple of relatively ordinary black-on-white text balloons that have a kind of “inner outline” in pink or red (see #3, /?comic=3-its-complicated and #5 /?comic=5-grounded for examples). I assume this was experimentation, until the author decided on the personal colors.
Later, there was still some experimentation because the colors are not always consistent. For example, in #27 ( /?comic=27-off-the-hook ) there is an “AHEM” and a “SLUUURP” apparently associated with Ruth, and the color of those special effects is a kind of brown surrounded by orange –but later on, like in #74 ( /?comic=74-a-little-busy ) Ruth says “HEY~!” and the colors appear to be a slightly lighter shade, more like gold with a yellow border.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the color of a word is often graduated across several shades (the border stays the same shade), usually with the lightest shade at top. For example, in #54 ( /?comic=54-vow ), the fourth panel has Timothy experiencing consternation in the form of an exclamation mark combined with a question mark, and both symbols are large enough to clearly see a graduation across several shades of blue.
In the following estimation of the chosen colors I’ve tried to focus more on the bottom part of symbols, than the top part. That’s because when there is a second row of colored symbols, they are almost always the same darker color as the bottom part of the first row of colored symbols. While there are occasional exceptions to this list, I’m presenting the commonest colors.
Shadow’s special effects colors: dark red surrounded by pink
Timothy’s special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by light blue
Tom’s special effects colors: dark cyan surrounded by cyan
Ruth’s special effects colors: gold surrounded by yellow
Blackheart’s special effects colors: gold surrounded by yellow
Midnight’s special effects colors: purple surrounded by magenta
Moonlight’s special effects colors: light grey surrounded by grey
Nightmare’s special effects colors: dark grey surrounded by red
Mortis’ special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by blue
Terminus’ special effects colors: grey surrounded by light green
television special effects colors: magenta surrounded by purple
dark grey surrounded by red
white surrounded by pink
doorbell special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by light grey
As someone else pointed out in the comments to another cartoon than this one, Ruth and Blackheart share the same special-effects color, which could be yet another clue that they are the same person.
For the sake of completeness, I should mention 4 other named characters who have appeared in the comic, but were not associated with special effects. One is Human, Mrs. Southerton in #76 ( /?comic=76-its-a-living ), and the other three are Nox: Lord Pax in #67 ( /?comic=67-old-bones ), and the two Bed Bug girls Sunset and Gloom in #79 (/?comic=79-grudge ). Perhaps, as the story unfolds, we will see enough more of them that some special-effects colors will become associated with them…
Doors to beds all over the planet, yet I havent seen any markings in the shots of the hallways. How do they navigate, and how do they know which door leads where? Are they trained to know alternate routes for escape and evade, kind of a Noxious school fire drill?
How do they navigate?
The Aegis symbol acts like a GPS system.
Of course each guild has is own unique Aegis, so they do not show ALL exits (beds) only the ones that any particular guild has explored and uses.
Its natural to expect that age-restrictions apply as well. There are SOME beds that a Guild Mother wouldn’t want Shadow to appear from under!
I like Tim’s initial brooding look in the first panel. Either Brandon is channeling an early version of Batman or Freddy Kruger. It hints at a “dark side” and that maybe just maybe Timmy is going to fall down the well.
On the other hand Brandon could just be distracting us with a small going nowhere plot twist…
We do know that Tim is not very good with girls his own age. So, when his mother said he had a girl asking for him at the front door, he would be rather confused.
Good to see you’re still here Potdad. I see you, along with the comment section as a whole is no longer the pure chaos that it was back in 2014 – 2015 when you and I were both causing said chaos.
That girl has some seriously bushy eyelashes. I guess I never noticed in her usual monster form, since that part of my brain wasn’t really trying to see her as human. But now that she’s trying to pass off as human it is REALLY hard to ignore.
Then again our only frame of reference for a human female in this universe is Tim’s mom, which just makes me realize that this series is kinda locked into some very limited settings. Though we’re about to embark out into the world, so I guess that’s about to change.
I noticed that the pinkey of her gloves are loose. maybe it just changes her skin color and she can’t quite figure out the hands
No, she has 5 fingers. Look at left glove, it has all 5 in use. Her right pinky is extended. Besides, a spell that left you with 4 fingers would be of minimal use.
Could be she just isnt used to gripping with the 5th digit and she is holding the bag as she normally would.
Could also be the artist having it stick out like a sore thumb (groan) to draw attention to the spell actually being a full transform and not just illusion.
Yep, and also gonna point out that Ruth from the previous week was adjusting her hat without using her pinkies. Hmmmmmm
Having read your original manuscripts, which was no mean feat in tracking them down, I think we all prefer your more polished comic book version, in fact, speaking for myself, I think I like this comic version better.
While it deviates from the original, in some or most places, I could cheerfully have you stretch this out for the next five years. It’s that enjoyable.
Although waiting a week between episodes on average is going to be a slow torture.
So, silly question, do you have the entire, so far published series in ‘E’ Format, such as PDF, for would be premium customers?
Failing that, a ballpark figure on the number of pages a year would be nice.
I can see that in the future, this is going to cost some of us at least as much as a good lunch, via patreon.
Could you post a link to the it for the rest of us?
Sorry Buddy,
Ask Brandon.
Also, having read both, I prefer this story line better, as it builds a better TMUTB universe.
Hence the reason I think Brandon could do well with converting this to ‘E’ Format, for a fee, of course.
However, at the end of the day, it’s all up to Brandon.
welp, that was unexpected o.o
Just….Wooooow.. I like the idea
Of her costume !!! But were is
her tail O.o !!! Am i the only one
noticing that ??!!?! (177-178)
I’m pretty sure it’s some sort of polymorphy, like Lady B uses day-to-day. I imagine Shadow learned it from that book Lady B lent her.
In other words, her human appearance is not a costume, but a magical transformation. Her *outfit* is a costume.
Anyone else wonder if she’ll change back at midnight? Sounds like a perfect Cinderella story to me. Monster girl at the ball when suddenly…
Only if she eats a pumpkin.
This phrasing begs the twist, will she change back before midnight sees her?
Hilarity will ensue.
Oh yes, the pun was intended. I can’t wait to see where all of this goes!
So ah… anyone else get the feeling this isnt shadow?
Wow, she’s a cutie in human form!
I also love the hair style she’s wearing. I wonder if that’s part of the charm, or if she actually styled it that way.
Um, have we seen Tims speech color before this? I cant recall.
A couple of times, like when he jumped out of the closet with his costumes Glove and Hat on, or when Midnight dug her claws into his hands during their initial tussle.
I hadn’t noticed, until someone mentioned it, that each character in the story appears to have a unique color associated with certain things (often “special effects”). I decided to make a list, so, here:
First, early in the story there are a couple of relatively ordinary black-on-white text balloons that have a kind of “inner outline” in pink or red (see #3, /?comic=3-its-complicated and #5 /?comic=5-grounded for examples). I assume this was experimentation, until the author decided on the personal colors.
Later, there was still some experimentation because the colors are not always consistent. For example, in #27 ( /?comic=27-off-the-hook ) there is an “AHEM” and a “SLUUURP” apparently associated with Ruth, and the color of those special effects is a kind of brown surrounded by orange –but later on, like in #74 ( /?comic=74-a-little-busy ) Ruth says “HEY~!” and the colors appear to be a slightly lighter shade, more like gold with a yellow border.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the color of a word is often graduated across several shades (the border stays the same shade), usually with the lightest shade at top. For example, in #54 ( /?comic=54-vow ), the fourth panel has Timothy experiencing consternation in the form of an exclamation mark combined with a question mark, and both symbols are large enough to clearly see a graduation across several shades of blue.
In the following estimation of the chosen colors I’ve tried to focus more on the bottom part of symbols, than the top part. That’s because when there is a second row of colored symbols, they are almost always the same darker color as the bottom part of the first row of colored symbols. While there are occasional exceptions to this list, I’m presenting the commonest colors.
Shadow’s special effects colors: dark red surrounded by pink
Timothy’s special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by light blue
Tom’s special effects colors: dark cyan surrounded by cyan
Ruth’s special effects colors: gold surrounded by yellow
Blackheart’s special effects colors: gold surrounded by yellow
Midnight’s special effects colors: purple surrounded by magenta
Moonlight’s special effects colors: light grey surrounded by grey
Nightmare’s special effects colors: dark grey surrounded by red
Mortis’ special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by blue
Terminus’ special effects colors: grey surrounded by light green
television special effects colors: magenta surrounded by purple
dark grey surrounded by red
white surrounded by pink
doorbell special effects colors: dark blue surrounded by light grey
As someone else pointed out in the comments to another cartoon than this one, Ruth and Blackheart share the same special-effects color, which could be yet another clue that they are the same person.
For the sake of completeness, I should mention 4 other named characters who have appeared in the comic, but were not associated with special effects. One is Human, Mrs. Southerton in #76 ( /?comic=76-its-a-living ), and the other three are Nox: Lord Pax in #67 ( /?comic=67-old-bones ), and the two Bed Bug girls Sunset and Gloom in #79 (/?comic=79-grudge ). Perhaps, as the story unfolds, we will see enough more of them that some special-effects colors will become associated with them…
My Fan Art nose is tingling.
Question is, where did she get out? If not from under Tim’s bed…then who’s bed and which house? (More as not she emerged from under a manhole cover)
Ruth may keep a guest room (just for the Nox visitors) then it’s a simple ‘out the window’ & round to the front door for formal introductions.
Doors to beds all over the planet, yet I havent seen any markings in the shots of the hallways. How do they navigate, and how do they know which door leads where? Are they trained to know alternate routes for escape and evade, kind of a Noxious school fire drill?
They have a great sense of direction, like birds. So they don’t get lost easily! It hasn’t come up yet, but it will.
How do they navigate?
The Aegis symbol acts like a GPS system.
Of course each guild has is own unique Aegis, so they do not show ALL exits (beds) only the ones that any particular guild has explored and uses.
Its natural to expect that age-restrictions apply as well. There are SOME beds that a Guild Mother wouldn’t want Shadow to appear from under!
I bet she tells Tim’s mom that “Shadow” is just her nickname and that her real name is Nancy.
Her name was Magill, and she called herself Lil,
But everyone knew her as Nancy.
(The Beatles, Rocky Raccoon)
I like Tim’s initial brooding look in the first panel. Either Brandon is channeling an early version of Batman or Freddy Kruger. It hints at a “dark side” and that maybe just maybe Timmy is going to fall down the well.
On the other hand Brandon could just be distracting us with a small going nowhere plot twist…
We do know that Tim is not very good with girls his own age. So, when his mother said he had a girl asking for him at the front door, he would be rather confused.
True, he is confused but….
Nobody tell Tim, but that sense of confusion only gets worse (and it’s not accidental.)
Good to see you’re still here Potdad. I see you, along with the comment section as a whole is no longer the pure chaos that it was back in 2014 – 2015 when you and I were both causing said chaos.
I’ve been busy….raping a burning villages…but not in that order
That girl has some seriously bushy eyelashes. I guess I never noticed in her usual monster form, since that part of my brain wasn’t really trying to see her as human. But now that she’s trying to pass off as human it is REALLY hard to ignore.
Then again our only frame of reference for a human female in this universe is Tim’s mom, which just makes me realize that this series is kinda locked into some very limited settings. Though we’re about to embark out into the world, so I guess that’s about to change.
Thought they were eyelashes but now I see they are eyebrows. She’d make a great Witchiepoo like in HR Puffnstuff