I’m impressed, Shadow’s infiltration method is most impressive. But it shows that they can disguse themselves, so that means Tim’s mom is highly likely to be Lady Blackheart. I mean it isn’t any stretch of the immagination.
My instinct is to say he’ll probably be done in two years. I feel like a year will have us just over the climax and another year for any cool down arcs. If the opinion of a random reader is worth anything.
We’ll see. Even I don’t know how it’s going to work out time-wise. I certainly didn’t plan on spending over 2 years just on their childhood arc when I began this thing.
I have a bad feeling about this scene. On a previous page, Tim mentioned Shadow’s name in his sleep and his mother over heard him. Since it isn’t confirmed that Tim’s mother is Lady Blackheart, Shadow using her real name in front of Tim’s mother may have some ramifications. This is all assuming that Tim’s mother isn’t Lady Blackheart. Don’t get me wrong, the similarities between Tim’s mother and Lady Blackheart are uncanny, it’s just that the two being one in the same, hasn’t been confirmed.
I’ve been following this comic since I found it a year or two ago, and it is by far my favorite out of the few I read, keep up the good work and I do hope that it keeps going for a while yet.
How about a teaser for the next page? Just a comment or two, cryptic if necessary. Something like “Shadow gets hit by a bus and gets taken to the Emergency Room.” Or some other such thing if it is going to happen
Shadow knows a fair amount; she has been watching human TV and reading human books for months, as part of the “let’s teach each other” deal she made with Tim back in #35 ( /?comic=35-curiosity-killed <–append that to the website name).
Green eyes, huh… I would’ve thought the spell or whatever would change everything but keep that yellow eye color… human eyes but still cat’s-eye yellow enough so she has a piece of her original form to prove it.
I’m impressed, Shadow’s infiltration method is most impressive. But it shows that they can disguse themselves, so that means Tim’s mom is highly likely to be Lady Blackheart. I mean it isn’t any stretch of the immagination.
I’m going to assume that he fell down the stairs out of surprise if the next panel is him already down them.
Is there any sort of timetable (real world) in catching up with you know what. I am 61, how much of the story will I see? God willing.
We never know. Gene Catlow’s creator just died, in mid story.
My instinct is to say he’ll probably be done in two years. I feel like a year will have us just over the climax and another year for any cool down arcs. If the opinion of a random reader is worth anything.
We’ll see. Even I don’t know how it’s going to work out time-wise. I certainly didn’t plan on spending over 2 years just on their childhood arc when I began this thing.
Ah youth!
I’m 70, had two strokes (one minor),two broken legs fromthe same fall (back in ’09). Every day is a blessing, every episode a bright jewel,
Hurry back, Brandon – I don’t know how long I can wait.
Is there going to be more
love the story. this is my favorite webcomic by far. but, irrelevant question, what is the purpose of the random page button on every webcomic?
I have a bad feeling about this scene. On a previous page, Tim mentioned Shadow’s name in his sleep and his mother over heard him. Since it isn’t confirmed that Tim’s mother is Lady Blackheart, Shadow using her real name in front of Tim’s mother may have some ramifications. This is all assuming that Tim’s mother isn’t Lady Blackheart. Don’t get me wrong, the similarities between Tim’s mother and Lady Blackheart are uncanny, it’s just that the two being one in the same, hasn’t been confirmed.
I just noticed how the pinky finger is sticking out. Shadow has less lingers, so the glove pinky will be empty and stick out…
I’ve been following this comic since I found it a year or two ago, and it is by far my favorite out of the few I read, keep up the good work and I do hope that it keeps going for a while yet.
How about a teaser for the next page? Just a comment or two, cryptic if necessary. Something like “Shadow gets hit by a bus and gets taken to the Emergency Room.” Or some other such thing if it is going to happen
(I’ll write more when I shake off from amaze)
That aura XD And those – green eyes ;] She looks adorable.
I wonder if Shadow and her fellow monsters in Nox know anything about the human world Tim lives in.
Shadow knows a fair amount; she has been watching human TV and reading human books for months, as part of the “let’s teach each other” deal she made with Tim back in #35 ( /?comic=35-curiosity-killed <–append that to the website name).
Okay I have a question. Does shadow went thrue another bed? How does peole from there dob’t freak out of somebody make in their house?
Sill ginger…
Heh, yeah. Yeah, she is!
Green eyes, huh… I would’ve thought the spell or whatever would change everything but keep that yellow eye color… human eyes but still cat’s-eye yellow enough so she has a piece of her original form to prove it.
Good point, human eyes instead of the cats-eye pupils. I bet everything looks way different to her now!
Then again Tim’s Mom seems to pull off the blue eyes pretty well so nevermind…