Notes regarding the probability that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart:
1. From #116 ( /?comic=116-the-long-way ) and #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ), we know it is possible for Nox to transform to Human, and per #1 ( /?comic=test-post ), we know it is possible for the tranformation to be reversed (Shadow is 12 years old and Nox in #116, 12 years old and Human in #118, but 18 years old and Nox in #1)
2. From #65 ( /?comic=65-blackheart ) we know that “Lady Blackheart” is not the real name of that person;
it is probably a title. From #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we learn that Lady Blackheart’s real name probably begins with “R”. From #7 ( /?comic=7-rats ) we learn that Tim’s mom is at least sometimes called “Ruthie”. From #42 ( /?comic=42-parents ) we learn that Tim’s mom says that “Ruthie” is not actually her name, but she accepts the name of “Ruthless” (with title of “vice admiral”, although that could be part of some role-play presented in that particular comic). The key point here is that based on numerous comics offering us names of various Nox persons, such as “Mortis” ( /?comic=68-second ), “Terminus” ( /?comic=69-first-reaver ),
and “Nightmare” ( ?comic=61-nightmare ), it is easy to conclude that “Ruthless” is much more of a Nox-type of name, than a normal Human name.
3. When Shadow transforms between Nox and Human, her hair style changes, but her hair color does not. Tim’s mom ( /?comic=117-witchy-woman ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=96-take-care ) have different hair styles but the same color hair.
4. Tim’s mom ( /?comic=99-wish-come-true ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=87-encounter ) both have a mole in the same place on the left cheeks of their faces.
5. Each character in the story appears to have a unique “special effects” color, most often used when someone says a non-word like “Hmmmm” or “GRRRRR”. Shadow’s special-effects color can be seen in #106 ( /?comic=106-boiling-point ), and after she transforms to human she still has the same special-effects color ( /?comic=117-witchy-woman ). Tim’s mom ( /?comic=115-costumes ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=87-encounter ) have the same special-effects color.
6. In #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we find out that Lady Blackheart has a special way of knowing various things, possibly related to a magical book. In #42 ( /?comic=42-parents ) we find out that Tim’s mom “has a weird way of knowing things”, and in #41 ( /?comic=41-instant-karma ) we are presented with a comic-panel showing Tim’s mom doing something like using psychic power –and in #42 she calls Tim’s dad a thief, because in #41 he had taken something from her private edible-goodie stash, and somehow she knows it. Later on, in #111 ( /?comic=111-a-little-too-real ) Tim and Shadow discuss how Shadow might participate in Halloween, and neither mentions any details to anyone else, yet in #114 ( /?comic=114-sometime ) Lady Blackheart knows significant details, most easily explained by Tim’s mom remotely keeping tabs on Tim’s relationship with Shadow, and her also being Lady Blackheart.
If I’ve missed something, I invite anyone to add to that list.
In #99 ( /?comic=99-wish-come-true ) Tim’s mom asks Tim if he thinks she is some kind of monster. One of the most effective ways to lie is to say something true in such a way that no-one believes it –Tim certainly knows about Nox folk like Shadow considering themselves to be monsters, and here is an opportunity for his mom to give him some information that he is very unlikely to connect.
In #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ) Tim asks his mom about a “golden lion suit” she wore a number of years earlier during Halloween. Considering that Lady Blackheart has golden skin, nonhuman ears, carnivore teeth, a tail, and sharply clawed fingers and toes, a child’s interpretation of that form as a “golden lion” is quite sensible. Also, Tim’s mom appears somewhat nervous about that question, but basically admits such a “suit” did exist….
7. In #95 ( /?comic=95-the-same-mistakes ) Lady Blackheart tells Shadow a little about what it was like to rise to the top ALONE, and that she found something really mattered to her more than being at the top alone. While nothing specific was stated outright, the imagery of the comic’s last panel shows some silhouettes that look remarkably like Tim’s mom and dad, as if something about that was better than being at the top alone.
I think this qualifies as another HINT.
In #114 ( /?comic=114-sometime ) Lady Blackheart tells Shadow that more than leg-coverings will be needed to fool the humans, and “let’s see what we can put together” and “Let’s do this!” –all of which implies L.B. offers significant help that allows Shadow to appear quite human in #118 (/?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ). Logically, this means L.B. quite thoroughly knows how to make herself look human, if she wished (so see item 7 of the list of “probability notes”, added in this comment).
One more HINT is that Tim’s mom so far doesn’t seem to be at all curious about a human girl having the name “Shadow”. From #109 ( /?comic=109-sweet-dreams ) she certainly knows Tim knows someone named “Shadow”, yet a week went by (between then and the night before Halloween) without her asking Tim about that person. In #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ) Shadow introduces herself in the last panel, so we don’t get to see how Tim’s mom reacts to that information, but the upcoming #119 ( /?comic=118-a-cue-for-embarrassment ) preview on the Facebook page doesn’t show Tim’s mom reacting at all. Obviously if she is also Lady Blackheart she knows all about Shadow and hence doesn’t need to react….
Don’t worry mate. We’re understand and don’t rush you. Waiting patiently is the least that we can do for you for your great work. Keep it up man. I love your comic, such an emotional story, realy tuched me in the heart. Hope your family matters get better soon and we can all enjoy this realy great stroy again.
Seriously. I have no problem waiting longer. I’d wait a month for each new page if that was your plan. You need to take of you and your family first, though. I’m praying for you and your family, Brandon.
Just read the update. I feel for ya Brandon. I’ve got an author on a story site who’s got some trouble with family and health, and believe me when I say, we’re all keeping you in mind and heart (those of the crowd with hearts) and hope for the best. I want to wish you and those around you good luck and godspeed. And may the gods be with you (obviously we are all of different religions).
#Bansh E. Howl +1 from me for those words. We all wish the best for you and those around you Brand. Me and my buds can’t wait for the next comic. Keep up the terrific work!!!!!
I am truly sorry for your loss Brandon. I recently had one myself.
Take all the time you need man, your art has built a solid fanbase. We will still be here when you are ready and able to come back.
I have a question about the transformation spell. Shadow’s normal skin color is dark enough that that was likely the reason she was named “Shadow”. Other Nox folk have a wide range of skin colors, apparently rather wider than the human range –but the human range still stretches from quite dark to quite light. So, wouldn’t it take less magical effort if Shadow’s skin had been transformed from dark Nox to dark Human? I don’t have any reason to think your readers are so prejudiced that they couldn’t handle a dark-skinned Human Shadow. (Not to mention that her name would fit that Human dark skin better!)
Also, if Nox folk (even rarely; because who knows how long that transformation spell has existed) visit the Human world for reasons other than scaring, then sometimes subtlety would be an advantage, which means one’s skin color should not stand out in a crowd, and therefore I think a significant checklist of transformation options is part of the spell. (And *that* could of course explain Shadow’s choice for light skin, since Tim’s family is light-skinned.)
It’s a good point, but I think it comes down to the range of paints that Brandon has in his paintbox and the overall pallette that he chose before starting Page One.
It has since occurred to me that if the hair color doesn’t change during a transformation, then a dark-skinned Shadow with strawberry-blonde hair would look even more unusual than a light-skinned Shadow with strawberry-blonde hair.
Well, I doubt that hair colour would be exempt from a magickal transformation spell anyway but when it comes to women’s hair colours, I reckon I’ve seen everything, green, scarlet, ice-blue (like the blue ice that falls off aeroplanes). I’ve seen patches, stripes and checks, I’ve seen Union Flags.
In short, I don’t believe that any coloured hair one may see on a female’s head is ever totally natural and if it clashes with or does not complement her skin tone, then that’s just her bad taste showing.
Okay. On another hand, if hair color could be changed as part of the transformation, then consider Shadow as looking like someone from India, with dark skin and black straight hair –which could have been styled in her normal hair style, to help Tim recognize her. (Her eyes would need to be dark brown or black, too, but we already know eye color can be changed, so I’m not seeing a problem there.)
Brandon, I hope that you and your family are alright, and also take your time. No need to rush through things. We’ll wait for you when you are ready to come back from helping out with your family.
I wonder if Shadow and Tim have ever watched Gilligan’s Island together.
I highly doubt it.
I have a feeling that lady blackheart is Tim’s mom
I have a feeling there can be no doubt of that now.
Notes regarding the probability that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart:
1. From #116 ( /?comic=116-the-long-way ) and #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ), we know it is possible for Nox to transform to Human, and per #1 ( /?comic=test-post ), we know it is possible for the tranformation to be reversed (Shadow is 12 years old and Nox in #116, 12 years old and Human in #118, but 18 years old and Nox in #1)
2. From #65 ( /?comic=65-blackheart ) we know that “Lady Blackheart” is not the real name of that person;
it is probably a title. From #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we learn that Lady Blackheart’s real name probably begins with “R”. From #7 ( /?comic=7-rats ) we learn that Tim’s mom is at least sometimes called “Ruthie”. From #42 ( /?comic=42-parents ) we learn that Tim’s mom says that “Ruthie” is not actually her name, but she accepts the name of “Ruthless” (with title of “vice admiral”, although that could be part of some role-play presented in that particular comic). The key point here is that based on numerous comics offering us names of various Nox persons, such as “Mortis” ( /?comic=68-second ), “Terminus” ( /?comic=69-first-reaver ),
and “Nightmare” ( ?comic=61-nightmare ), it is easy to conclude that “Ruthless” is much more of a Nox-type of name, than a normal Human name.
3. When Shadow transforms between Nox and Human, her hair style changes, but her hair color does not. Tim’s mom ( /?comic=117-witchy-woman ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=96-take-care ) have different hair styles but the same color hair.
4. Tim’s mom ( /?comic=99-wish-come-true ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=87-encounter ) both have a mole in the same place on the left cheeks of their faces.
5. Each character in the story appears to have a unique “special effects” color, most often used when someone says a non-word like “Hmmmm” or “GRRRRR”. Shadow’s special-effects color can be seen in #106 ( /?comic=106-boiling-point ), and after she transforms to human she still has the same special-effects color ( /?comic=117-witchy-woman ). Tim’s mom ( /?comic=115-costumes ) and Lady Blackheart ( /?comic=87-encounter ) have the same special-effects color.
6. In #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we find out that Lady Blackheart has a special way of knowing various things, possibly related to a magical book. In #42 ( /?comic=42-parents ) we find out that Tim’s mom “has a weird way of knowing things”, and in #41 ( /?comic=41-instant-karma ) we are presented with a comic-panel showing Tim’s mom doing something like using psychic power –and in #42 she calls Tim’s dad a thief, because in #41 he had taken something from her private edible-goodie stash, and somehow she knows it. Later on, in #111 ( /?comic=111-a-little-too-real ) Tim and Shadow discuss how Shadow might participate in Halloween, and neither mentions any details to anyone else, yet in #114 ( /?comic=114-sometime ) Lady Blackheart knows significant details, most easily explained by Tim’s mom remotely keeping tabs on Tim’s relationship with Shadow, and her also being Lady Blackheart.
If I’ve missed something, I invite anyone to add to that list.
Here are two HINTS from two other comics.
In #99 ( /?comic=99-wish-come-true ) Tim’s mom asks Tim if he thinks she is some kind of monster. One of the most effective ways to lie is to say something true in such a way that no-one believes it –Tim certainly knows about Nox folk like Shadow considering themselves to be monsters, and here is an opportunity for his mom to give him some information that he is very unlikely to connect.
In #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ) Tim asks his mom about a “golden lion suit” she wore a number of years earlier during Halloween. Considering that Lady Blackheart has golden skin, nonhuman ears, carnivore teeth, a tail, and sharply clawed fingers and toes, a child’s interpretation of that form as a “golden lion” is quite sensible. Also, Tim’s mom appears somewhat nervous about that question, but basically admits such a “suit” did exist….
7. In #95 ( /?comic=95-the-same-mistakes ) Lady Blackheart tells Shadow a little about what it was like to rise to the top ALONE, and that she found something really mattered to her more than being at the top alone. While nothing specific was stated outright, the imagery of the comic’s last panel shows some silhouettes that look remarkably like Tim’s mom and dad, as if something about that was better than being at the top alone.
I think this qualifies as another HINT.
In #114 ( /?comic=114-sometime ) Lady Blackheart tells Shadow that more than leg-coverings will be needed to fool the humans, and “let’s see what we can put together” and “Let’s do this!” –all of which implies L.B. offers significant help that allows Shadow to appear quite human in #118 (/?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ). Logically, this means L.B. quite thoroughly knows how to make herself look human, if she wished (so see item 7 of the list of “probability notes”, added in this comment).
One more HINT is that Tim’s mom so far doesn’t seem to be at all curious about a human girl having the name “Shadow”. From #109 ( /?comic=109-sweet-dreams ) she certainly knows Tim knows someone named “Shadow”, yet a week went by (between then and the night before Halloween) without her asking Tim about that person. In #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door ) Shadow introduces herself in the last panel, so we don’t get to see how Tim’s mom reacts to that information, but the upcoming #119 ( /?comic=118-a-cue-for-embarrassment ) preview on the Facebook page doesn’t show Tim’s mom reacting at all. Obviously if she is also Lady Blackheart she knows all about Shadow and hence doesn’t need to react….
Wow. That’s either some kind of magic or just a LOT of face paint.
Heh, I don’t think face paint can alter ears and eyes like that.
Which explains the five fingers as well…
(Reads update)
Once again we have met a terrible fate…haven’t we?
*writing poetry intensifies*
Sorry, there’s been a death in the family. Perhaps next week things will be back to a sort of semi-regularity. :-\
Don’t worry mate. We’re understand and don’t rush you. Waiting patiently is the least that we can do for you for your great work. Keep it up man. I love your comic, such an emotional story, realy tuched me in the heart. Hope your family matters get better soon and we can all enjoy this realy great stroy again.
Seriously. I have no problem waiting longer. I’d wait a month for each new page if that was your plan. You need to take of you and your family first, though. I’m praying for you and your family, Brandon.
It’s ok Brandon.It happened to me 2 times so far.i understand,I’ll be pacient
just saw hope all ok with you and family prayers and gl
so this week no story so next week you going give us 2 stories to make it up to us no story this week lol
just kidding comics great keep up great job
Haha, no, probably not.
I’m sorry for your loss.Your deceased loved 1 is in a good place.
now let’s think positive m8,maybe it’s just a passing sickness
Just read the update. I feel for ya Brandon. I’ve got an author on a story site who’s got some trouble with family and health, and believe me when I say, we’re all keeping you in mind and heart (those of the crowd with hearts) and hope for the best. I want to wish you and those around you good luck and godspeed. And may the gods be with you (obviously we are all of different religions).
#Bansh E. Howl +1 from me for those words. We all wish the best for you and those around you Brand. Me and my buds can’t wait for the next comic. Keep up the terrific work!!!!!

I am truly sorry for your loss Brandon. I recently had one myself.
Take all the time you need man, your art has built a solid fanbase. We will still be here when you are ready and able to come back.
There’s cases of people being discovered long after their deaths.
Tutankhamun comes to mind as one of them
I have a question about the transformation spell. Shadow’s normal skin color is dark enough that that was likely the reason she was named “Shadow”. Other Nox folk have a wide range of skin colors, apparently rather wider than the human range –but the human range still stretches from quite dark to quite light. So, wouldn’t it take less magical effort if Shadow’s skin had been transformed from dark Nox to dark Human? I don’t have any reason to think your readers are so prejudiced that they couldn’t handle a dark-skinned Human Shadow. (Not to mention that her name would fit that Human dark skin better!)
Also, if Nox folk (even rarely; because who knows how long that transformation spell has existed) visit the Human world for reasons other than scaring, then sometimes subtlety would be an advantage, which means one’s skin color should not stand out in a crowd, and therefore I think a significant checklist of transformation options is part of the spell. (And *that* could of course explain Shadow’s choice for light skin, since Tim’s family is light-skinned.)
It’s a good point, but I think it comes down to the range of paints that Brandon has in his paintbox and the overall pallette that he chose before starting Page One.
It has since occurred to me that if the hair color doesn’t change during a transformation, then a dark-skinned Shadow with strawberry-blonde hair would look even more unusual than a light-skinned Shadow with strawberry-blonde hair.
Well, I doubt that hair colour would be exempt from a magickal transformation spell anyway but when it comes to women’s hair colours, I reckon I’ve seen everything, green, scarlet, ice-blue (like the blue ice that falls off aeroplanes). I’ve seen patches, stripes and checks, I’ve seen Union Flags.
In short, I don’t believe that any coloured hair one may see on a female’s head is ever totally natural and if it clashes with or does not complement her skin tone, then that’s just her bad taste showing.
I reckon Brandon’s made the right choice.
Okay. On another hand, if hair color could be changed as part of the transformation, then consider Shadow as looking like someone from India, with dark skin and black straight hair –which could have been styled in her normal hair style, to help Tim recognize her. (Her eyes would need to be dark brown or black, too, but we already know eye color can be changed, so I’m not seeing a problem there.)
I rarely post a comment, but I wish you all the best, Brandon!
*sends lots of hugs and best wishes to all your family*
I am sorry you are having Family issues. I hope they are solved quickly. I love your comic by the way!!
You know what made me think of ginger? The freckles. Always the freckles.
Brandon, I hope that you and your family are alright, and also take your time. No need to rush through things. We’ll wait for you when you are ready to come back from helping out with your family.