I guess I’d be as surprised as Tim in his situation ! Also, Mr Father, be the better man and do not follow the tradition, Tim’s already feeling awkward enough
Something I’m curious about now : what is Shadow sniffing ? I’m guessing she getting drunk on his fear because of the photo !
As for the father, remember that he runs a small photography shop. There is no way he is going to miss an opportunity like this to take a picture.
One thing that could be absolutely hilarious is if the camera sees through the magic spell on Shadow, and the photograph shows her true form. However, if Ruth is also Lady Blackheart, such a thing would have happened long ago with Tim’s dad taking pictures of her, such that here, if Ruth wanted Shadow’s nature to stay hidden from Tim’s dad, she would have spoken up about it in this comic.
Regarding “sniff” there are a couple options. One is that she is enjoying the smell of Tim’s nervousness. Another could be a simple emotional response to the announcement Tim’s dad made in the previous panel. A third option is “both”.
The photography thing reminds me that there should be at least one and likely several family photo albums. That means when we think about #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), with Tim’s mom indicating that she has indeed worn a “golden lion suit”, there should be pictures of that somewhere….
Hey, I’m expecting *this* photo to end up in an album! And once Shadow learns about the existence of photo albums, she might be interested in seeing all the pictures contained. Which could lead to some rather interesting discoveries, depending on what that golden lion suit actually looks like….
Had a thought that might be interesting to explore later: What would Shadow think of Disney’s Gargoyles? It would have been airing around the time of the current arc.
imagine a page with them watching the first episode like they did Nightmare on Elm Street, with the following quote from the Gromble: “Of all the nauseating, puke-spouting slime! Toejam eating, foul smelling, worm ridden, wart covered, pus oozing, pimples on the butt of creation I have ever seen! This class is the grungiest! And I’m darn proud of you! But good grooming, isn’t enough, no, no, no! Our job is to scare the pants off everything that moves, and that takes….GUTS…!”
IF (note that, IF) Shadow used the book that Lady Blackheart gave her, this may be a true transformation and Shadow is temporarily exactly what she appears to be: a human girl.
With way differently built eyes than she is used to using, I can imagine that camera flash causing other kinds of problems and maybe Shadow feeding the aegis for a bit.
For a moment, I thought I was the only one who noticed the ( kinda creepy) sniff that Shadow took. I agree, probably Tim’s overwhelming fear, but that doesn’t make it less weird. Control yourself, girl!
It is a standard comic-symbol for nervousness. Tim’s mom had one in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes <–append that to the website name). Multiple drops indicate a greater degree of nervousness (even fear).
Apparently you were able to sort out your family business.
Glad to see you back.
Nice page, i like Ruthie´s smug face in the last pic. I wonder what she knows…
‘Bout that. Brandon, I was wondering about Tim’s parents’ parenting style, specifically are they “helicopter” parents who intend to accompamt Shadow & Time as they trawl for lollies, or “free-range” who allow the kids private time?
I can see a scenario where bullies try to take the colected loot, but Shadow drops her disguise for an instant, shows claws. bares fangs and growls, causing the bullies to depart (without loot) but needing to run their trousers through a washing machine.
More seriously it looks like a pretty generic neighborhood so it could be anywhere with a pretty temperate Halloween. After all no one seems to be dressed like its particularly cool outside.
I guess I’d be as surprised as Tim in his situation ! Also, Mr Father, be the better man and do not follow the tradition, Tim’s already feeling awkward enough
Something I’m curious about now : what is Shadow sniffing ? I’m guessing she getting drunk on his fear because of the photo !
As for the father, remember that he runs a small photography shop. There is no way he is going to miss an opportunity like this to take a picture.
One thing that could be absolutely hilarious is if the camera sees through the magic spell on Shadow, and the photograph shows her true form. However, if Ruth is also Lady Blackheart, such a thing would have happened long ago with Tim’s dad taking pictures of her, such that here, if Ruth wanted Shadow’s nature to stay hidden from Tim’s dad, she would have spoken up about it in this comic.
Regarding “sniff” there are a couple options. One is that she is enjoying the smell of Tim’s nervousness. Another could be a simple emotional response to the announcement Tim’s dad made in the previous panel. A third option is “both”.
The photography thing reminds me that there should be at least one and likely several family photo albums. That means when we think about #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), with Tim’s mom indicating that she has indeed worn a “golden lion suit”, there should be pictures of that somewhere….
I’m sure there probably is.
Hey, I’m expecting *this* photo to end up in an album! And once Shadow learns about the existence of photo albums, she might be interested in seeing all the pictures contained. Which could lead to some rather interesting discoveries, depending on what that golden lion suit actually looks like….
Probably in the back of the sock drawer to make sure Tim doesn’t see anything NSFW.
the photo will be nice for them in the future, their first date!!
Yup! Better make it a good one!
She is either smelling socks or… another Noxian xD
Had a thought that might be interesting to explore later: What would Shadow think of Disney’s Gargoyles? It would have been airing around the time of the current arc.
I second this question. Plus I think Shadow could pull off a decent Angela or Demona costume when a bit older.
Hehe, oh, just some ragged loin cloths, then?
Another show would be Aaahhh! Real Monsters!, which also aired during this period.
imagine a page with them watching the first episode like they did Nightmare on Elm Street, with the following quote from the Gromble: “Of all the nauseating, puke-spouting slime! Toejam eating, foul smelling, worm ridden, wart covered, pus oozing, pimples on the butt of creation I have ever seen! This class is the grungiest! And I’m darn proud of you! But good grooming, isn’t enough, no, no, no! Our job is to scare the pants off everything that moves, and that takes….GUTS…!”
I could see Midnight or Nightmare as more fitting for Demona
I really like this look for Shadow
Glad to see an update and hope you’re doing better and look forward to seeing more of your work.
Oh,wow. I can just hear him now; “I have the negatives! I’ll always have something to embarrass you with!”
wouldn’t that be hard to explain xD
IF (note that, IF) Shadow used the book that Lady Blackheart gave her, this may be a true transformation and Shadow is temporarily exactly what she appears to be: a human girl.
But ONLY temporarily.
With way differently built eyes than she is used to using, I can imagine that camera flash causing other kinds of problems and maybe Shadow feeding the aegis for a bit.
For a moment, I thought I was the only one who noticed the ( kinda creepy) sniff that Shadow took. I agree, probably Tim’s overwhelming fear, but that doesn’t make it less weird. Control yourself, girl!
Floating raindrops! Is Tim magic too? I thought Tims were fire magic!
It is a standard comic-symbol for nervousness. Tim’s mom had one in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes <–append that to the website name). Multiple drops indicate a greater degree of nervousness (even fear).
Apparently you were able to sort out your family business.
Glad to see you back.
Nice page, i like Ruthie´s smug face in the last pic. I wonder what she knows…
Well, she knows something, that’s for sure.
Monster or not, every mother loves the smell of that particular fear from their son!
Hell yeah, it’s great! Man, you’re awesome!
I’m sad…. Shadow isn’t the same as a human – I hope she drops the illusion once they leave the houseness.
It’s only temporary, don’t you worry!
‘Bout that. Brandon, I was wondering about Tim’s parents’ parenting style, specifically are they “helicopter” parents who intend to accompamt Shadow & Time as they trawl for lollies, or “free-range” who allow the kids private time?
I can see a scenario where bullies try to take the colected loot, but Shadow drops her disguise for an instant, shows claws. bares fangs and growls, causing the bullies to depart (without loot) but needing to run their trousers through a washing machine.
It’s a community service, after all!
First Photo is most of the time a keeper. And this one will be no exception! X3
Indeed, it will pair nicely with that other one Tim’s got in his drawer-o-mystery…
Where does Tim live in the human world?
I’ll have to get back to you on that.
At home with his parents, of course. He’s not even a teenager yet!
I’m betting that they’re probably in upstate Arizona (around Flagstaff?) or south western Nevada. (Near Reno maybe?)
Either location does get snow, and often have weird stuff happening not too far away…
From the comic, I would guess in a house.
Gah. Preemptively hit enter.
More seriously it looks like a pretty generic neighborhood so it could be anywhere with a pretty temperate Halloween. After all no one seems to be dressed like its particularly cool outside.
Great to see another chapter after a while! Was Shadow “sniffing” out of embarrassment due to Tim’s reaction to her ‘getup’?
She’s reacting to Tim’s fear vibes.