It’s not the fear. It never was. But love that is almost the same feeling because the same hormone is causing both of them and Shadow confus one with the outher.
Maybe that is the same senario. But I think Monster’s inc enery thingy (man it’s strange to call it that way) is more about the sound of the scream and laughter. Because a good laught is can be more intensive than a scream. But fear and love are indeed strong emotions and share the same hormone. It’s funny if you think about it.
Brandon has said, on multiple occasions, that it is not love.
Honestly I think people are over thinking it/ being influenced by monsters Inc and other stories like that. Think of you when you were that age, or even when you were a teenager. How did it feel when you were with someone you had a crush on? You were nervous as hell, stumbled over words, the whole shebang. You liked them and because you liked them you were afraid. Being love was new and unfamiliar and exciting and most of all uncertain and that makes it terrifying. A thrilling sort of fear, like the kind you get form a roller coaster, but still fear. That’s what we are seeing here.
And not only is this fear more powerful than what most other monsters are able to generate, but because of the amount of time they spend together there are literal hours of it being absorbed constantly. With most monsters it’s a “Rawr!” and they get a quick bit of fear before running to mommy and daddy to save them from the monster. They don’t get to stick around. Shadow does so she gets a constant source of very potent fear. That’s why she’s doing so well.
Actually as I said, the feeling of love and fear are caused by the same hormone. It’s called oxytocin. And unlike actual emotions, hormones can be sensed by semelling for exaple. Think about bees. They communicate with smelling hormones released by each other.
But you don’t have to go that far. Humans can sense the hormones of each other. When your choosing a partner you don’t actualy choose her/him. But your brain dose it for you. You smell there hormones and when you get to talk to them your brain alredy decided whether you like them or not.
So why noxians can’t do the same? It is most likely to me that they smell and absorbe oxytocin from humans around them. And oxytocin can produced by so many ways that we can’t say for sure that Shadow don’t confuse one source with another.
ok, fine i read all of this in one simple our, i fell in love and now i want more, good work need more like this in my life soo, im going to get a shadow in my life
I think it’s because her nose is more prominent, her face is rounder as opposed to long and narrow and her eyes/nose/mouth are moved a little closer together making her overall more attractive.
The John Candy movie Canadian Bacon
is in this time frame having come out in 1995 why not have it
on TV while Shadow and Tim are doing something together.
Oi m8t, everything cool now? Should we expect more delays or not? I don’t mind, but just knowing would make things easier… somehow. Settling the mind I guess?
It occurs to me that it has been 3 months or so since the event in #55 ( /?comic=55-quid-pro-quo ), in which Shadow promised to help Tim conquer his fear. From the looks of this comic, he hasn’t progressed very far!
And you just know that his mom is the one responsible for the look on his face cause of the fact that she has the look of “you can thank me later for this” on her face.
Just look at shadow’s face “Oh man, that tasty tasty fear is just overflowing right now”
It’s not the fear. It never was. But love that is almost the same feeling because the same hormone is causing both of them and Shadow confus one with the outher.
At least that’s my theory. What do you say Brandon?
Sounds a bit like Monster’s Inc with Fear vs Laughter.
Maybe that is the same senario. But I think Monster’s inc enery thingy (man it’s strange to call it that way) is more about the sound of the scream and laughter. Because a good laught is can be more intensive than a scream. But fear and love are indeed strong emotions and share the same hormone. It’s funny if you think about it.
Brandon has said, on multiple occasions, that it is not love.
Honestly I think people are over thinking it/ being influenced by monsters Inc and other stories like that. Think of you when you were that age, or even when you were a teenager. How did it feel when you were with someone you had a crush on? You were nervous as hell, stumbled over words, the whole shebang. You liked them and because you liked them you were afraid. Being love was new and unfamiliar and exciting and most of all uncertain and that makes it terrifying. A thrilling sort of fear, like the kind you get form a roller coaster, but still fear. That’s what we are seeing here.
And not only is this fear more powerful than what most other monsters are able to generate, but because of the amount of time they spend together there are literal hours of it being absorbed constantly. With most monsters it’s a “Rawr!” and they get a quick bit of fear before running to mommy and daddy to save them from the monster. They don’t get to stick around. Shadow does so she gets a constant source of very potent fear. That’s why she’s doing so well.
Actually as I said, the feeling of love and fear are caused by the same hormone. It’s called oxytocin. And unlike actual emotions, hormones can be sensed by semelling for exaple. Think about bees. They communicate with smelling hormones released by each other.
But you don’t have to go that far. Humans can sense the hormones of each other. When your choosing a partner you don’t actualy choose her/him. But your brain dose it for you. You smell there hormones and when you get to talk to them your brain alredy decided whether you like them or not.
So why noxians can’t do the same? It is most likely to me that they smell and absorbe oxytocin from humans around them. And oxytocin can produced by so many ways that we can’t say for sure that Shadow don’t confuse one source with another.
The power of boners is strong!
Well, It’s a pretty good theory for me!
Thank you
A roast that self-bastes
First off, welcome, back, Brandon.
Second, I smell disaster around the corner.
Welcome Back !
she looks alot better in this page. keep up the good work!
Is it raining over him?
Anime/manga representation of nervousness, IE “cold sweat”. The boy’s shaking in his boots!
ok, fine i read all of this in one simple our, i fell in love and now i want more, good work need more like this in my life soo, im going to get a shadow in my life
Have you looked under your bed at night, when all the lights are off? REALLY looked?
of course i do, but there it is… nothing except those old boots and the dust rabbit, no shadow or midnight even not dreams ome true yet
First page in costume, she looked a little off. Here, she looks awesome!
Not sure why. *shrug*
I think it’s because her nose is more prominent, her face is rounder as opposed to long and narrow and her eyes/nose/mouth are moved a little closer together making her overall more attractive.
The John Candy movie Canadian Bacon
is in this time frame having come out in 1995 why not have it
on TV while Shadow and Tim are doing something together.
It doesn’t matter what timeframe they are in currently; after Halloween is over everything is going to change anyway.
Oi m8t, everything cool now? Should we expect more delays or not? I don’t mind, but just knowing would make things easier… somehow. Settling the mind I guess?
Hopefully, there’ll be no more delays for a while. I want to get back on schedule! *fingers and toes crossed*
U did tease us with 2x this week m8
Well, the 2nd one never materialized, so sorry about that. :-\
i’ve been waiting this for long time ago but it took me 20 seconds reddit, lamentably i want more now.
i know, i know, i’ve to wait.
It occurs to me that it has been 3 months or so since the event in #55 ( /?comic=55-quid-pro-quo ), in which Shadow promised to help Tim conquer his fear. From the looks of this comic, he hasn’t progressed very far!
I just watched a yogurt comercial and it made me very uncomfortable.
Because it was about pooping regularly, right?
There’s just something creepy about yogurt…
That depends on just WHERE one spreads it.
And you just know that his mom is the one responsible for the look on his face cause of the fact that she has the look of “you can thank me later for this” on her face.
*sniff* ahh anxiety, way better than hanes comfort socks
Haha, yeah! XD