New reader here, and I agree. Also her mysterious origins are probably that her mother is the stalker helping her and possibly her father is human. Sucubus are probably a direction they can go like sexual orientation, just in their nature. I’d love to know what’s in those books.
Very interesting spin. That would definite make for one hell of a fanfic. But no, Shadow is fullblood Nox. Tim, however, is half and half. which might explain why Shadow is so attracted to him and is so sensitive to his fear….
His fear that never seems to be there. Only times I have seen her even react to any kind of emotion or such coming from him has been when he’s been in a state that causes him to blush, often the same kinda effects as arousal. And we don’t know if she is full blooded Nox, she was found as a baby by those who raised her. Perhaps Nox and Succubi look the same or similar enough to confuse them? And @Faust: the one you speak of is believed to be Tim’s mother, if she was also Shadow’s mother it’d make things very weird.
Aegis starts smoking, Ruth grabs it and chucks it into a close….at hand bed, floor vibrates from the kaboom, all sweatdrop and look at each other and decide explanations are in order, while Shadow pouts over the cancelled candy hunt.
I understand the law of thermonuclear dynamics, Me and my dad sat down and in a hour me and him figured out how you’d time travel, if I can do that WHY IS PRACTICING FOR MY FUCKING DRIVERS TEST SO GODDAMN DIFFICULT, I BLAME INDIA!!!
I feared it was dead and never coming back. Hooray for Brandon!
Once again you have amazed me
Man, I hope the next comic is a one shot pic of the photo.
Hope so!
No problem just keep up the good work
Parents: Welcome to the family. Give him hell. Here, we’ll help!
Hmm is it just me or is anyone else getting the feeling of Shadow possibly being a succubus? It would explain things quite well actually.
New reader here, and I agree. Also her mysterious origins are probably that her mother is the stalker helping her and possibly her father is human. Sucubus are probably a direction they can go like sexual orientation, just in their nature. I’d love to know what’s in those books.
Very interesting spin. That would definite make for one hell of a fanfic. But no, Shadow is fullblood Nox. Tim, however, is half and half. which might explain why Shadow is so attracted to him and is so sensitive to his fear….
His fear that never seems to be there. Only times I have seen her even react to any kind of emotion or such coming from him has been when he’s been in a state that causes him to blush, often the same kinda effects as arousal. And we don’t know if she is full blooded Nox, she was found as a baby by those who raised her. Perhaps Nox and Succubi look the same or similar enough to confuse them? And @Faust: the one you speak of is believed to be Tim’s mother, if she was also Shadow’s mother it’d make things very weird.
Ugh. I can’t believe you’re making me do this.
Are you saying that Tim is an… equinox?
Okay, I gotta ask – do the men in Tim’s family just emit a certain type of pheromone, or what?
Possibly there may be a story there…
It might be diet-based, so if Mum Newton is cooking for them both (likely) and includes a “special ingredient” which attracts Nox women………
That could be a complication for Tim if Nightmare visits!!
..err… that’s Midnight actually
Midnight already has paid him a few visits. She wants to rip him a new one.
*wakes up*
OMG a new page arrived !!
*falling out of the bed*
*grabbing phone*
I notice that mom has her eyes directed at Shadow. Does she know that this is Shadow?
With the amount of fear going on right now, is it possible that Shadows Aegis could be damaged?
Aegis starts smoking, Ruth grabs it and chucks it into a close….at hand bed, floor vibrates from the kaboom, all sweatdrop and look at each other and decide explanations are in order, while Shadow pouts over the cancelled candy hunt.
This is so adorable.
Shadow is smelling Tim’s fear!!! 0.o
I understand the law of thermonuclear dynamics, Me and my dad sat down and in a hour me and him figured out how you’d time travel, if I can do that WHY IS PRACTICING FOR MY FUCKING DRIVERS TEST SO GODDAMN DIFFICULT, I BLAME INDIA!!!
Shadow will return home with a stash of candy and epic level quantity of fear from Tim. Two birds, one cute Red Hooded stone.
… look at the mum, sus look much xD