So, 6 pages of comments and everyone’s speculating about the look on Ruths face.
No ones made the connection to the end of page #109? Go look, I’ll wait…
I hope you are doing better because we would miss you if you weren’t, I know that everyone enjoys your comic and looks forward to seeing each post each week. I personally think you have a great comic and can’t wait to see each post, because it keeps me guessing what the next post is going to be likle, so keep up the good work.
The update will be up later today, but first I’ll probably grab a few hours sleep, since my eyes are crossing every few minutes. It’s kind hard to focus when they get that way. I can’t keep doing these all-nighters anymore, getting too old or something something… only 34… blah. Okay, now I’m just rambling.
Has anyone noticed in the last panel that Shadow was saying the exact thing that Lady Blackheart was saying in the last panel of #114? And that it might explain Ruthie’s expression in that panel?
My preferred justification is Tim saying “Shadow,” in his sleep when Ruth gave him a goodnight kiss on his cheek in page #109. It could be both, but that looks like a mother who knows what her son wants to me.
so…. does anyone else feel that maybe just maybe its not FEAR that gets her all those points in the aegis? perhaps it fills up more on more… positive emotions?
Like most Moms, she is checking out the girl who appears to have her sons interest.
This sniffing with this look XD Priceless !!
with really good page.
Let’s hope Tim’s hat will imbibe all this “moisture”
Glad you’re back
So, 6 pages of comments and everyone’s speculating about the look on Ruths face.
No ones made the connection to the end of page #109? Go look, I’ll wait…
She is finally getting a good look at the girl that is in her precious sons dreams. All Mothers do that.
I had forgotten that happened. Was actually worth going back 10 pages to realize Ruth knows a kiss brings Shadow to her son’s mind.
I hope you are doing better because we would miss you if you weren’t, I know that everyone enjoys your comic and looks forward to seeing each post each week. I personally think you have a great comic and can’t wait to see each post, because it keeps me guessing what the next post is going to be likle, so keep up the good work.
Don’t worry, I’m fine!
The update will be up later today, but first I’ll probably grab a few hours sleep, since my eyes are crossing every few minutes. It’s kind hard to focus when they get that way. I can’t keep doing these all-nighters anymore, getting too old or something something… only 34… blah. Okay, now I’m just rambling.
Rest well Brandon! Looking forward to the update!
You have a Nox, Brandon, who is casting a confusion and sleep spell upon you (in order to perform indignities on you unconscious body)
Check yourself for previously unknown piercings or tattoos!
Has anyone noticed in the last panel that Shadow was saying the exact thing that Lady Blackheart was saying in the last panel of #114? And that it might explain Ruthie’s expression in that panel?
My preferred justification is Tim saying “Shadow,” in his sleep when Ruth gave him a goodnight kiss on his cheek in page #109. It could be both, but that looks like a mother who knows what her son wants to me.
Does Nox have poverty like the human world does?
Genius. even if her face makeup looks a little off, it can be explained away as… makeup.
so…. does anyone else feel that maybe just maybe its not FEAR that gets her all those points in the aegis? perhaps it fills up more on more… positive emotions?
Hang on a second…
Is that a Zone-Tan Skull on the Witch outfit!?
Nicely done.
No, it’s just a skull. Zone doesn’t own the market on cartoon skulls. XD