I love these two so much. They are adorable and I’m very excited to see them grow and develop as people in this comic. That’s why I like this comic so much!
Based on the assumption that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart, and that Tim’s dad has been taking photos of his wife for a long time, I’d say the answer to that question is “NO”. (In #119: /?comic=119-a-cue-for-embarrassment <–append that to the website name, 3rd panel, there's a picture on the wall that looks a lot like Tim's mom.) Now, if Tim's mom is not actually Lady Blackheart, then there exists a chance that photography might expose Shadow's true form, because we have no data about Lady Blackheart ever having had her picture taken while using a human-disguise spell.
I can’t shake the feeling that Lady Blackheart would have told her what she could and couldn’t do so I think the photo would look normal. What I am afraid of is that Tim would put both photos together.
Well, at the moment it looks like Tim’s dad is using a film camera, which means the pictures have to be developed before copies get distributed. If Tim is right in believing no one goes into that drawer where he put the first picture of Shadow, I don’t see a problem with him putting the new picture there, too –Shadow’s name is not associated with that first picture, after all, except in Tim’s memory. However, imagine Shadow having a copy, that Midnight happens to see!
Also, I mentioned in a comment to #119 that there should be a family photo album, into which a copy of this new picture will be added. If Shadow ever sees that album, and sees a picture of Tim’s mom in the “golden lion suit” mentioned in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), that could also be an interesting situation!
Likely, that’s one of the things in the encyclopedia book that Lady Blackheart gave to Shadow. Remember her surprise at one of the things she saw in it.
>Likely, that’s one of the things in the encyclopedia book that Lady Blackheart gave to Shadow. Remember her surprise at one of the things she saw in it.
Maybe she was surprised by “you can (temporarily ?) become a human”. Don’t LOOK like one, but truly BE a human. By the way, if it’s possible then, maybe Tim is full-blown human even if his mom is Blackheart, because if she were human during conception and pregnancy, then he is 100% human.
>Based on the assumption that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart, and that Tim’s dad has been taking photos of his wife for a long time, I’d say the answer to that question is “NO”.
But if we assume that his Dad found his Mom BECAUSE as a photographer he could see her true nature on photos, then said pictures are fakes (for example, maybe in order to look human on them she used makeup and contact lenses instead of magic). Otherwise, it would be suspicious, “Why don’t you have photos of your wife?”.
At the moment we have no real data indicating that Tim’s dad knows anything more unusual about his wife than the fact she claims her name is not “Ruth” but is “Ruthless”. If she is Lady Blackheart and keeping her Nox origin a secret from him then she has done far more than use makeup to disguise the fact. Remember we’ve seen her naked or nearly naked enough (#11, /?comic=11-above-board and #42, /?comic=42-parents ) to be sure Tim’s mom has 5 fingers and toes, and no tail.
Also, keep in mind that Shadow originally liked Tim because of his smell, and she stated in #42 that Tim’s dad smells like Tim. Lady Blackheart would have the same keen sense of smell as Shadow, so she could have found Tim’s dad instead of vice-versa –and Shadow became revealed to Tim because of a mistake she made (stole too many socks), while Lady Blackheart’s mistakes (#95 /?comic=95-the-same-mistakes ) were possibly of a rather different nature (leading to rumors in Nox about her).
So far I choose to prefer to think that Tim’s dad doesn’t know anything more about Lady Blackheart than, possibly, what his wife’s “golden lion suit” Halloween costume looks like.
The only time he ever called her Ruthless was during kinky roleplay, and it had a title attached. It may well be that Ruth is her real name and Vice Admiral Ruthless is the name of her bedroom play persona.
While that is technically correct, there is another factor. In #65 ( /?comic=65-blackheart ) we learn that “Lady Blackheart” is not that person’s real name, and in #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we learn that Lady Blackheart’s real name begins with “R”…. And of course “Ruthless” sounds like a perfectly good Nox name.
That one’s definitely going in the scrapbook.
Kinda like they were made for each other!
Now that’s what I call a Hallmark Moment! X3
Dammit Takei!!!
This moment brought to you by every parent ever.
I love these two so much. They are adorable and I’m very excited to see them grow and develop as people in this comic. That’s why I like this comic so much!
It’s strange, but I absolutely adore the way you make the eyelashes on Shadow. And honestly, human Shadow in general is well made.
I just exploded from adorableness overload!
The question is, will Shadow appear in her monster form in the photo ?
Also, it’s funny to see Tim’s eyebrows through his hat. XD
Based on the assumption that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart, and that Tim’s dad has been taking photos of his wife for a long time, I’d say the answer to that question is “NO”. (In #119: /?comic=119-a-cue-for-embarrassment <–append that to the website name, 3rd panel, there's a picture on the wall that looks a lot like Tim's mom.) Now, if Tim's mom is not actually Lady Blackheart, then there exists a chance that photography might expose Shadow's true form, because we have no data about Lady Blackheart ever having had her picture taken while using a human-disguise spell.
I can’t shake the feeling that Lady Blackheart would have told her what she could and couldn’t do so I think the photo would look normal. What I am afraid of is that Tim would put both photos together.
Well, at the moment it looks like Tim’s dad is using a film camera, which means the pictures have to be developed before copies get distributed. If Tim is right in believing no one goes into that drawer where he put the first picture of Shadow, I don’t see a problem with him putting the new picture there, too –Shadow’s name is not associated with that first picture, after all, except in Tim’s memory. However, imagine Shadow having a copy, that Midnight happens to see!
Also, I mentioned in a comment to #119 that there should be a family photo album, into which a copy of this new picture will be added. If Shadow ever sees that album, and sees a picture of Tim’s mom in the “golden lion suit” mentioned in #115 ( /?comic=115-costumes ), that could also be an interesting situation!
Likely, that’s one of the things in the encyclopedia book that Lady Blackheart gave to Shadow. Remember her surprise at one of the things she saw in it.
>Likely, that’s one of the things in the encyclopedia book that Lady Blackheart gave to Shadow. Remember her surprise at one of the things she saw in it.
Maybe she was surprised by “you can (temporarily ?) become a human”. Don’t LOOK like one, but truly BE a human. By the way, if it’s possible then, maybe Tim is full-blown human even if his mom is Blackheart, because if she were human during conception and pregnancy, then he is 100% human.
>Based on the assumption that Tim’s mom is also Lady Blackheart, and that Tim’s dad has been taking photos of his wife for a long time, I’d say the answer to that question is “NO”.
But if we assume that his Dad found his Mom BECAUSE as a photographer he could see her true nature on photos, then said pictures are fakes (for example, maybe in order to look human on them she used makeup and contact lenses instead of magic). Otherwise, it would be suspicious, “Why don’t you have photos of your wife?”.
At the moment we have no real data indicating that Tim’s dad knows anything more unusual about his wife than the fact she claims her name is not “Ruth” but is “Ruthless”. If she is Lady Blackheart and keeping her Nox origin a secret from him then she has done far more than use makeup to disguise the fact. Remember we’ve seen her naked or nearly naked enough (#11, /?comic=11-above-board and #42, /?comic=42-parents ) to be sure Tim’s mom has 5 fingers and toes, and no tail.
Also, keep in mind that Shadow originally liked Tim because of his smell, and she stated in #42 that Tim’s dad smells like Tim. Lady Blackheart would have the same keen sense of smell as Shadow, so she could have found Tim’s dad instead of vice-versa –and Shadow became revealed to Tim because of a mistake she made (stole too many socks), while Lady Blackheart’s mistakes (#95 /?comic=95-the-same-mistakes ) were possibly of a rather different nature (leading to rumors in Nox about her).
So far I choose to prefer to think that Tim’s dad doesn’t know anything more about Lady Blackheart than, possibly, what his wife’s “golden lion suit” Halloween costume looks like.
The only time he ever called her Ruthless was during kinky roleplay, and it had a title attached. It may well be that Ruth is her real name and Vice Admiral Ruthless is the name of her bedroom play persona.
While that is technically correct, there is another factor. In #65 ( /?comic=65-blackheart ) we learn that “Lady Blackheart” is not that person’s real name, and in #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil ) we learn that Lady Blackheart’s real name begins with “R”…. And of course “Ruthless” sounds like a perfectly good Nox name.
So cute
But what if Tim affraid that mom and dad will see Shadow’s real appearance?
Brandon, you’re cool!
Careful there little lady; you’re liable to get FAT scaring the boy so much! >:3
You went a little crazy with the sweatdrops in this one.
We bombed syria and all I see are memes about pepsi bombing them…………………I mean……I don’t get it….