My mother Doreen and I are World Vision sponsors of 3 needy children. A boy in Mauritania a girl in Sri Lanka and a boy in Democratic Republic of Congo.There’s many needy countries in the world a large number of which happen to be in Africa.
Please donate to one of my following charity funds:
a) I need a new Tesla roadster
b) I need to earn more money so I can afford a better lawyer and pay no taxes
c) My private island need a new bridge over the mote
d) 0.0001% of all donations will (eventually) make it to some poor people…, somewhere…… maybe…
of course some of it will make it to poor people, it’s not like rich people are going to be doing the manual labor of building that new bridge to your private island! see, charitable giving accomplished! A+
you are practically a candidate for sainthood already!
Hola brandon lei tu webcomic y tengo que decirlo wow amigo esta historia es increible me quede diciendo noooo lo termine de leer? Amigo con el mayor respeto te pido que lo termines please
Brandon has indicated he doesn’t do non-English languages well. (me too, except I can do a number of computer languages pretty well) I took the liberty of plugging the above into Google Translate:
“Hello brandon lei your webcomic and I have to say wow friend this story is incredible I kept saying noooo I finished reading? Friend with the greatest respect I ask you to finish it please”
Here’s hoping that translation is more correct than incorrect!
Anon Y Mous, thats somewhat racist dont you think…. and btw darkkiller comment translated is:
hi brandon i have read your webcomic and i gotta say wow buddy this story is amazing and i said, nooo i finished reading, dude with all the respect i ask you to finish it please –
Kindly quote the part which offends, insults, threatens, humiliates or demeans ANY person because of their race.
That’s what it takes to be “racist”. *I* couldn’t see any but your offence detetection sensors may be on more of a hair-trigger setting than mine are. (But then, ammonia tomcat.)
Owwww… This gonna be the cutest picture ever !! Tim looks manly on the last panel – that pose
Brandon, I was thinking. Between “now” and the time on first pages is a huge gap in a timeline. And probably there is a story after. It makes me curious:
Can you specify how many more pages you are going to post ??
+100 ?? +200 ??
(Sorry if you answer this question “100th” time :))
Some artists use red for draft, some use violet.
1) personal preference
2) colour sensitivity of copying equipment (red=shorter wavelengths, violet=longer)
3) that’s the pencil he could afford on the day
4) he wears Polaroid lenses
I wonder how does she feel about her new fifth finger.
>how does she feel
How usual human does feel about little finger of foot ?
Can you move little finger of foot without move of another fingers?
Toes, vlad, theyre called toes.
My mother Doreen and I are World Vision sponsors of 3 needy children. A boy in Mauritania a girl in Sri Lanka and a boy in Democratic Republic of Congo.There’s many needy countries in the world a large number of which happen to be in Africa.
Many world countries are needy and a great many of them are in Africa.
Nom-nom-nom… What cheese?
My long time theory is basically confirmed btw but I won’t say shite yet
When I see someone asking for donations to an Africa Charity in the comments of a Webcomic, no matter how popular, I immediately call bullshit.
wanna donate to my charity for giving the less fortunate some buttplugs
Please donate to one of my following charity funds:
a) I need a new Tesla roadster
b) I need to earn more money so I can afford a better lawyer and pay no taxes
c) My private island need a new bridge over the mote
d) 0.0001% of all donations will (eventually) make it to some poor people…, somewhere…… maybe…
of course some of it will make it to poor people, it’s not like rich people are going to be doing the manual labor of building that new bridge to your private island! see, charitable giving accomplished! A+
you are practically a candidate for sainthood already!
Africa is where the shadowmen created the 1st slayer 1000’s of years ago.
Hola brandon lei tu webcomic y tengo que decirlo wow amigo esta historia es increible me quede diciendo noooo lo termine de leer? Amigo con el mayor respeto te pido que lo termines please
Brandon has indicated he doesn’t do non-English languages well. (me too, except I can do a number of computer languages pretty well) I took the liberty of plugging the above into Google Translate:
“Hello brandon lei your webcomic and I have to say wow friend this story is incredible I kept saying noooo I finished reading? Friend with the greatest respect I ask you to finish it please”
Here’s hoping that translation is more correct than incorrect!
Anon Y Mous, thats somewhat racist dont you think…. and btw darkkiller comment translated is:
hi brandon i have read your webcomic and i gotta say wow buddy this story is amazing and i said, nooo i finished reading, dude with all the respect i ask you to finish it please –
“Anon Y Mous, thats somewhat racist…”
Kindly quote the part which offends, insults, threatens, humiliates or demeans ANY person because of their race.
That’s what it takes to be “racist”. *I* couldn’t see any but your offence detetection sensors may be on more of a hair-trigger setting than mine are. (But then, ammonia tomcat.)
You know that when they both reach legal age, Brandon will need to rename the comic, right?
If there were upvotes, I’d be smacking it so hard right now

In a completely unrelated topic:
So with wabbit season right around the corner are we going to get any of the girls in bunny outfits as an incentive pic?
I’m actually making an Easter pin-up right now! (With possible incentive variant)
No page though; it’s more complex than usual, and I won’t have time to work on it with the holiday.
Sweet. I was gonna nominate Middy. She hasnt gotten any attention in a while.
Owwww… This gonna be the cutest picture ever !! Tim looks manly on the last panel – that pose
Brandon, I was thinking. Between “now” and the time on first pages is a huge gap in a timeline. And probably there is a story after. It makes me curious:
Can you specify how many more pages you are going to post ??
+100 ?? +200 ??
(Sorry if you answer this question “100th” time :))
Can’t (won’t) support a comic that isn’t at least weekly (this one skips too often). It’s a shame, as the comic is quite nice when it does come out.
That’s up to the author of course.
Okay then, that’s fine.
Brandon, why are your rough drafts violet and white instead of black and white? This for example:
Some artists use red for draft, some use violet.
1) personal preference
2) colour sensitivity of copying equipment (red=shorter wavelengths, violet=longer)
3) that’s the pencil he could afford on the day
4) he wears Polaroid lenses
I use a different colour so I can see the black better when I ‘ink’ over the rough lines with the final lines.
Thats a really nice picture right there.
Wonder if this new look is based on some kind of magic or a suit of some kind. If it is magic, will she show the same on a photo?
My David Jones character plans to become a
World Vision sponsor of a needy child in Ethiopia because he feels he can do the most good there.