#121 “Overwhelmed”
*Phew*… finally done!
Thank you everyone for being understanding of my current situation. It’s still ongoing, but so shall it be for a long time yet. Just be aware that the update schedule may be a bit erratic for a time.
PATREON Support the comic?
Well worth the wait. Thanks
Great comic, loved the wobble knee effect as she was losing the disguise.
Now that Shadow’s found how to set off Tim’s fear, will she ruin their relationship by taking advantage of it? (Welcome back.)
Hola compadre. Teniaz un buen cinco de mayo? Well enjoy the rest of the halloween then
You just take all the time you need, and we will appreciate the comics as they come.
Can’t help but wonder will the excessive fear reading cause any trouble later.
you mean like pegging he fun(fear) meter.!!??? .? the “Agis” , does it record X amount per,, or over all ,? and does it have a set limit??
and IF it does have a set limit.. i think she just set her quota.!!!
In #119 a comment by Brandon had the word “BOOM!” in it, referring to the fear-level recorded….
Methinks that Shadow knows something that Tim doesn’t, yet. (And Brandon isn’t saying.)
yesss, “Fear”
Glad to see you’re back man! Love the comic, already can’t wait for next Sunday!
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it finished. I know it certainly won’t have 8 panels! XD Phew!
Mom and I are sending seeds to our sponsored children so they can grow food.
We’re not just giving a fish we’re teaching them to fish.The food seeds we’re sending them are for renewable food corps
that have seeds they can plant and grow more.
I’m pretty sure we said this a long time ago as well, but this reminds me of Monster’s Inc. Laughter is more potent than screams, hornyness/affection/embarrassment/ is more potent than fear.
I see it more like this:
Normal primal fear is like a glass of water, uninteresting and weak.
Strong fear is more like vodka – strong, but distasteful.
But when you season your fear with different emotions, embarrassment/affection/anxiety/lust… you get something like a fine vine – sweet and strong, tasty even for those, who normally don’t drink and sometimes surprisingly… addictive.
welcome back.! hope all is well,, as can be.!
you got us hooked.! we love this comic.! .. i think even if update once a month we wood still come back..!! 
an said before,, We will wait.!!
Learn how to relax! Maybe autogenic training. It helped me, at least.
Ok. Not to be a pervert or anything but does fear act like an aphrodesiac to monsters? That could make sex awkward if Shadow gets off to his fear, he won’t enjoy the sex as much as she does. And the opposite if he’s not scared during sex.
But that’ only if fear does make monsters horny
Haha, maybe a little. It makes them feel good, but perhaps in some cases it could get some reaction.
Fear can also be an aphrodisiac to humans as well. Horror movies are notorious necking inspirations, to cite one example. It comes down to general arousal. Think of arousal as a reservoir. Emotional stimulation fills it, but the water can be used for anything.