#121 “Overwhelmed”
*Phew*… finally done!
Thank you everyone for being understanding of my current situation. It’s still ongoing, but so shall it be for a long time yet. Just be aware that the update schedule may be a bit erratic for a time.
PATREON Support the comic?
Glad your back. With an excellent page to boot.
Now did she mean to change back and can she reassert the human disguise? If not this just got a whole lot more complicated. Even more so than dealing with the powerful presence of a trolling mother.
That second-to-last panel strongly reminds me of Lady Blackheart –part of her face is blanked-out in the same way. If we are talking about a transformation spell that takes concentration to maintain, I’d say that intermediate blurry state is also something that could be deliberately maintained.
Shadow is drunk off of Tim’s fear lol
Well she could use make up and contacts to look like human …
Awesome update… I really hope we stay on the Halloween event for some pages to come. Cause ifs so much fun.
Well written (and drawn) Brandon !!
Thank you very much!
Yes Halloween will be with us for the foreseeable future, but also there’s some other Nox business afoot to keep track of as well. It’s going to be a looooong night!
That goes for me to – Welcome back Brandon
So, is fear some type of aphrodisiac for them?
I thought she looked more drunk than arroused. I’m thinking that must be why the higher ups want it. The adults in Nox use child labor to collect and make all their alcohol. The drunken kids is just a by-product of said production
Hahaha !! That Shadow’s look XD Gorgeous !!

The first panel was quite pain, wasn’t it ?? It’s very pretty and detailed
I’m glad you managed to post a next page. Don’t worry about grumblers. Haters gonna hate and kids gonna k… Great job !!
PS – What is “amirite” ??
“Am I Right?” except spoken quickly.
Genius me… Great thank you.
Ohoooo, it’s a glaaamour. Well that explains that.
I know I won’t get a straight answer for this, but… Is Tim’s mom… Lady Blackheart?
Also, I think Shadow is drunk on his “fear”.
Fans say yes. Magic 8 ball says “reply hazy, ask again”
Brandon doesnt answer, he just goes and makes popcorn
I’d love to see Shadow have some kind of reaction to the sky, since she’s never been outside before.
Waidaminnut… Somn wrong here.
She had it one when she showed up at their door, it was clipped to her waist. Now its gone.
She hasnt had it since the picture was taken, and Ruthie seems to have some rather quick hands in panel 1 here.
Haha whoops! You’re right! I forgot to draw it here.
My bad. XD
..jus kidding… it went poof, from all the “Fear”,,, an nobody noticed..
It may be a safety feature for the Spell/mechanism/whatever.
When the upload reservoir is filled it disappears as a visual signal “No capacity ! Digesting !!”
I’d like to formally request you adjust the comic to include the missing Aegis. Here, everyone can read the comments and find out that it is missing because of an error, but if you ever assemble all the comic pages into a book for sale, the lack will confuse readers. I’ve mentioned the importance of consistency before (like changing the solid black mole on Ruth’s face in the early comics, to match the lighter color of later comics) –and here you have lots of “helpers” ready to point out fixable flaws!
I wasnt pointing out a flaw. I honestly thought the Admiral had snagged it at some point.
Could be a nice plot thickener
Brandon, Thank You!!!
Heh. If Shadow got high on Tim’s ‘fear’ she’s gonna OD on Tim going into full blown panic mode now that her human glamour is broken.
That might not actually scare him any since its how he is used to her looking, and now its just the two of them again.
God to have you back, hope you are doing well and that things stay relatively steady for the foreseeable future.
Question. I’m new to this comic… Why does it go from 115 to 121? am I missing out on exclusives?
Huh? It shouldn’t. Everything seems to be there for me.
In the archive it’s been skipping. went from #115 “costumes”, #116 “The Long Way” and now to this one (which isn’t archived yet) #121 “Overwhelmed” am I missing things? lol
nevermind! they’re just not all archived. Time to go back and reread! LOLit’s well worth it though
Huh? It shouldn’t. Everything seems to be there for me.
Took me a moment to realize her face changed in the last panel. XD I still believe Ruthy is the yellow sister lady, especially after that look she gives shadow in the second panel. :p
That aside, good luck with your IRL problems. I hope everything works out for ya. This is one of my favorite comics and I can’t wait to see it get back on schedule.
Thought just wanting to see the comic continue isn’t the reason I hope things work out for you…I legitimately hope things work out for you so you can be happy again. x3
And that theory being?
:’) you’re the only person that’s ever asked me thank you kind sir. My theory is that tim’s mom is the blonde moster lady that’s giving Shadow all the cool stuff
In the second panel, there is an oscilloscope tracing in the background. Artistic license or not, it means something. I think it means that Shadow’s “radar” has just picked up something and I think that something might be a monster vibe coming from Ruth (Ruthless?) In the fourth panel, Shadow seems distracted, her attention focused on Ruth instead of Tim, even though Tim is emitting some heavy fear. If Ruth is really Ruthless, Shadow’s surprise at unexpectedly seeing a monster, especially a monster she knows would account for her being distracted. Also, since Ruthless taught Shadow the human disguise trick, she would certainly know it herself and the Ruth/Ruthless connection would be possible if not likely.
If Potdad and I are correct, we may soon see how well Shadow is at keeping secrets from Tim.
We have seen that signal symbol before when someone messed with the Admirals cake. Its her momster sense going off. My read here is that the only thing it has to do with Shadow here is that she is picking up on a girls interest in her son, and giving her blessing with a bit of warning to it.
In #41 (/?comic=41-instant-karma <–append that to the web-site name) we see Tim's mom and that "oscilloscope tracing" while she detects her husband stealing a cookie. Here, instead of detecting/receiving, it looks like she is "sending" –but exactly what, I'm not sure. I half-suspect she was doing something to encourage the breakdown of Shadow's disguise spell –it was really only needed to keep her husband in the dark about things Nox, but it is OK for Shadow to look like a monster while doing Halloween trick-or-treating.