Thats gotta mess with her balance, along with being flat footed in human form. She tries to toe walk like a noxxian her hamstrings are gonna be guitar strings the next morning.
Given how the disguise winks in and out when Shadow loses her focus on it, I sort of imagine it being like a ‘glamour’; real to all senses, but nonetheless an illusion. Like what fairies use to play tricks on humans in some of Shakespeare’s works.
I remember reading a book where they implied that Glamor was an illusion so powerful it could fool reality itself to a degree… I think. Something about it being why in their world a 400 pound Troll could drive a Miata and wear high-heels while human-shaped.
I doubt if we will ever find out for sure, but it sounds like the magic of this world is not that strong. Just appearance, kind of like a female impersonator. They might look the part, but her height and exact shape seems to remain the same.
Having said that, assuming Tim’s Mom is Ruthless, how would she handle the tail and claws in human form. Perhaps a stronger spell is available, but non trivial to cast.
So, if Tim wanted Shadow to be his date at the Jr. High prom, he just has to unroll a sleeping bag behind the shrubs near the entrance of the gym? Back packer’s cot behind the garbage bin at the back of the prom?
There’s always finding the door in the old tunnels that corresponds to the bed. Portable beds would surely be complicated to locate. How LONG would those tunnels be anyway.
Going to go out on a limb and throw a theory out there;
What if Blackheart is Tim’s Mom, Tim has an Aegis later, not because of Shadow’s Spell book, but because he finds out that he is half Nox (because of dear old mum).
Blackheart (like Shadow) grew at an unrealistic rate. Tim’s mom is a Dominatrix with his dad. (Fear of pain being the thrill for him and it feeds her Noxxian side.) Aside from the obvious similarities (blonde, huge knockers, meddling habits) The story for Blackheart might even tie in deeper than that considering she “vanished” for quite some time, during which a certain Tim might have been born / raised since time works differently in Nox as also was previously stated. Also it is pretty convenient that Darkheart just happens to have a magic book with a spell in it to make her look human, that she can afford to simply give to Shadow. There is a little more that also supports the theory, but this just seems to be the direction it is going in for me.
but if your theory(which trust me,has been written before many times) has some truth in it,then…doesn’t that assume that noxians can…you know….multiply…with humans?
Brandon,you must tell us if that’s possible.
*pirates of the carribean music in backround* *using an epic voice*
*music stops* *voice goes back to normal*
So Brandon,is it possible that noxians can…you know….multiply…with humans?
I don’t remember a confirmation from you,but I remember asking before
P.S:AHA!I knew my plan would work!(also this is more the the theorisers,rather than Brandon)
(short and straight to the point,in the process not using popular ideas/speculations about said theory)
If Noxians can’t…you know(with humans)….then THAT MEANS that Blackheart ISN’T Tim’s mom!Muahahahhahah!
I mean,if she’s transforming back and forth into human/noxian,and not changing her body’s functions somehow,then it’s not possible for that theory to be true,and no one can tell me that she’s fully human now BECAUUUSE we saw her in the noxian form a few pages ago.And we can apply the same logic of her disguise with Shadow’s disguise,which also got confirmed by Brandon:
May 19, 2017, 2:51 pm
“Given how the disguise winks in and out when Shadow loses her focus on it, I sort of imagine it being like a ‘glamour’; real to all senses, but nonetheless an illusion. Like what fairies use to play tricks on humans in some of Shakespeare’s works.”
May 19, 2017, 3:35 pm
“Precisely, it is a glamour.”
It’s not 100% confirmed,it just says it’s a glamour,but the whole “real to emotions” thing is shown within the page,so it’s enough for me to work with,maybe BlackHeart uses a more evolved “glamour”,spell etc. to counter-attack the side-effects of the spell/glamour etc.(the whole transofrming back and forth)
Thus,these two remarkably interesting characters cannot be one and the same person(“To be…or not to be?That is the question…”[couldn’t help myself…too much poetry at one time ] ) as it would break the rules we have tried to establish so far.So,my dear sir,Brandon,I highly appreciate you input in my discovery,we shall drink for this *sips wine made from the fruit “I told you so people” *.Ahhh,delightful.
P.S.(2):I didn’t really have a plan,Ms/sir Brandon,it just hit me a few minutes ago …or DID IT?!
I’m interpreting Brandon’s reply as a refusal to answer your question. Besides, even if Nox and humans can’t interbreed when both have the same form (after a magical transformation), there is still the possibility that Tim is adopted, or that Tim is Tom’s son from a previous marriage (other wife died in childbirth, perhaps).
I know that there is the adopted possibility,I thought about it long ago,it’s sad.Plus,you people would reaaaaaaly accept any other reality where Ruth is BlackH(or BlackH is somehow Tim’s mom/mother-in-law) but not the one where she isn’t.Don’t you think it’s a little too sad,the idea of Tim being adopted?I personally think that Brandon wouldn’t go that far,plus Tim and he’s father look alike,a little,and his mom…a little.
I’m starting to get exhausted with you “Ruth is BlackH” theorisers (hm…now I know how Brandon feels…).I shall quote myself from the past:”I don’t deny the possibility,but it seems as it would be to easy of a guess,it’s common for these type of stories to try and lead you to a dead path so you’ll circle around a point,not making progress thus keeping you interested.But it’s just to easy.It’s literally the first thought that came in my head when I saw BlackH,nothing else.”
So yeah,that’s it for know…I guess…unless you don’t have something else to talk about…
I have not personally formally concluded that Tim’s mom is Lady Blackheart. I think of it as a reasonable likelihood, based on a number of relevant data-items. See my comment about that a little farther down on this page, referring to a comment in #118.
I don’t think that Brandon has verified it, but most posters seem to think that Ruth is Tim’s mom. Eg yes. Whether a spell from the book was used or not is an open, and possibly unasked question.
As the author, I suspect that fake displays of impatience probably isn’t funny by now, at least to him.
Regarding Tim’s mom possibly being Lady Blackheart, I posted a list of items related to that in the comments to #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door&cpage=9#comments <—append that to the website name). The list could possibly be updated because of something Tim's mom did in the second panel of #121, which isn't a typical human thing to do.
oh man…I’m tired again…we’ll just have to wait and see…it’s exhausting to “fight” that theory…too….much…research…my…brain…overloaded…*breakdance on the floor*(if you know what I mean)
I might have to update that list. It has occurred to me to link the fact that Lady Blackheart has an aegis that looks a bit different from the aegis that every other Nox female appears to have, to the fact that she has been able to appear in, or disappear from, almost any place in the female section of Nox. Maybe her aegis has been modified so that she can connect the portal under a particular bed (Ruth’s bed, of course!) to any place in (at least the female section of) Nox.
Another notion I’ve thought about is the fact that if bed portals can be associated with any bed, but only children can be scared by monsters under the bed, then how do Nox folk determine in advance that some bed-portal won’t be associated with human adults? And how do Nox folk determine if a portal is blocked –lots of humans keep boxes of stuff under their beds, because it is a convenient storage space. Hmmmmm….
I forgot to mention something about Shadow knowing about the hammock in the back yard –how did she find out about that portal? Did Lady Blackheart tell her? If the back yard has an adequate privacy fence, it could be a good place for doing transformations. Now add in the fact that Nox folk are awake while it is night-time at Tim’s section of Planet Earth. If Ruth is also L.B., then Tim’s dad could be asleep while she transfers from Earth to Nox, but will he still be asleep when she returns? An alternate portal would be very useful!
interesting.The major points which you have brought have their answers in the mist of mystery surroundin L.B.
Everything,from the Aegis to the bed detection,maybe there isn’t a bed detection and they just check by looking who’s in the bed,but that’s a little bit besides the point.We’ll see if these questions will get an answer,depending on Brandon’s point of interest,if it’s ever worth trying to explain,or maybe a explanation is already planned,we’ll see.
Started first year of college today. Found this comic when it was on page 80, Ben a fan since. Can’t wait for the next update. Brandon congratulations for not stoping this comic when some of the fans were being like those assholes who rave about YouTubers not updating more. Can’t remember the technical name for them. A good friend who did comics and YouTube vids quite cause he got so many complaints and had a breakdown. Your an inspiration. Walk in the shadows brother. Elder scrolls skyrim theives guild reference
Huh. I’m not claiming perfect mastery of the English language, but I wouldn’t say they exclude each other. In fact, I don’t think I ever heard “decent” to mean “low-key”, but I might want to check this. Anyway, I had the “good people” meaining in mind, and those can be loud.
I just read through the archive, and wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed the story and the art. I’ll definitely be following this webcomic from now on. Thanks for making it!
I don’t know if this has been discussed in previous pages but still I would like to get my theory out. Is it just me or does Tim’s mother seem to remind me of Lady Blackheart? Think about it. I some basic dismissal evidence and then one piece that might be ok. For the first 2 pieces of evidence, one if you notice each person seems to have a different color for there voices when it is said a certain way. Only Lady Blackheart and Tim’s mother have the color Yellow in their speech bubbles that I have seen so far. 2nd piece is that from what little we can see from Lady Blackheart’s face and expressions they look very simular to Tim’s mother. Finally the Last piece, in the silhouette from the flashback when Lady Blackheart talked about her rise to power to Shadow. The Silhouette looks like Tim’s Dad. So with this poor evidence You can see my argument. Also sorry but I forgot the name of Tim’s mother’s Sorry.
This comic is “set” less than 4 months after they met. Tim’s 12th birthday was a week ago, and that birthday was mentioned in comic #36, shortly after they met, as 3 months from that time.
Shadow has been learning about the human world from books and TV shows and VCR movies. Since in this comic she indicates she arrived at Tim’s house via the hammock in the back yard, she doesn’t yet have any actual personal experience with, say automobiles speeding down a residential street. Her theoretical knowledge might or might not be enough to keep her from significant harm, although of course Tim is there to help –provided he can keep up with her!
The hammock? Did she came out under the hammock’s shadow? Or was it used for something else? I wonder.
Is shadow’s tail invisible or is it like a gross human tail or something?
It’s just not there for all intents and purposes… magically!
Thats gotta mess with her balance, along with being flat footed in human form. She tries to toe walk like a noxxian her hamstrings are gonna be guitar strings the next morning.
But… she is flat-footed in her Noxian form! Well, usually.
Given how the disguise winks in and out when Shadow loses her focus on it, I sort of imagine it being like a ‘glamour’; real to all senses, but nonetheless an illusion. Like what fairies use to play tricks on humans in some of Shakespeare’s works.
Precisely, it is a glamour.
I remember reading a book where they implied that Glamor was an illusion so powerful it could fool reality itself to a degree… I think. Something about it being why in their world a 400 pound Troll could drive a Miata and wear high-heels while human-shaped.
I wonder if that means she’s related to the Fae…
I doubt if we will ever find out for sure, but it sounds like the magic of this world is not that strong. Just appearance, kind of like a female impersonator. They might look the part, but her height and exact shape seems to remain the same.
Having said that, assuming Tim’s Mom is Ruthless, how would she handle the tail and claws in human form. Perhaps a stronger spell is available, but non trivial to cast.
Hey by the way, the text for the vote button could not be more missable. I was trying to vote just now and couldn’t find it at first.
Hi Brandon,how are you?
I don’t have any jokes or theories to write so….how are ya?
So, if Tim wanted Shadow to be his date at the Jr. High prom, he just has to unroll a sleeping bag behind the shrubs near the entrance of the gym? Back packer’s cot behind the garbage bin at the back of the prom?
Hehe, it could make life a lot easier!
There’s always finding the door in the old tunnels that corresponds to the bed. Portable beds would surely be complicated to locate. How LONG would those tunnels be anyway.
A portable door to go with a portable bed maybe? O.o
*Imagines Shadow unfolding an Wile-e-coyote style Acme Folding door…*
No, not really. The “door”, for lack of a better term, must have two sides. A hallway would be the most logical arrangement. Eg, a tunnel.
Just read all of these and was surprised at how hooked I was! Can’t wait to see the rest!
Same for me as well
I take it that the web comic will never complete the story. At this rate, that would be what – 2117?
Very enjoyable.
<3 <3 <3
I'm an articulate fellow, I know.
Going to go out on a limb and throw a theory out there;
What if Blackheart is Tim’s Mom, Tim has an Aegis later, not because of Shadow’s Spell book, but because he finds out that he is half Nox (because of dear old mum).
Blackheart (like Shadow) grew at an unrealistic rate. Tim’s mom is a Dominatrix with his dad. (Fear of pain being the thrill for him and it feeds her Noxxian side.) Aside from the obvious similarities (blonde, huge knockers, meddling habits) The story for Blackheart might even tie in deeper than that considering she “vanished” for quite some time, during which a certain Tim might have been born / raised since time works differently in Nox as also was previously stated. Also it is pretty convenient that Darkheart just happens to have a magic book with a spell in it to make her look human, that she can afford to simply give to Shadow. There is a little more that also supports the theory, but this just seems to be the direction it is going in for me.
Ha… you guys really have to read the comment section. I hear this same story every week.
Even more frequent than every week, I think.
Methinks the part where he does her is coming soon. (Yeah, that part)
but if your theory(which trust me,has been written before many times) has some truth in it,then…doesn’t that assume that noxians can…you know….multiply…with humans?
Brandon,you must tell us if that’s possible.
*pirates of the carribean music in backround* *using an epic voice*
*music stops* *voice goes back to normal*
So Brandon,is it possible that noxians can…you know….multiply…with humans?
I don’t remember a confirmation from you,but I remember asking before
I’m disinclined to acquiester your request.
It means; ‘No.’
my,my,someone went to poetry class.Nice
I think that just means he’s watched Pirates of the Caribbean.
Indeed. I’ve confirmed nothing as of yet.
P.S:AHA!I knew my plan would work!(also this is more the the theorisers,rather than Brandon)
] ) as it would break the rules we have tried to establish so far.So,my dear sir,Brandon,I highly appreciate you input in my discovery,we shall drink for this *sips wine made from the fruit “I told you so people” *.Ahhh,delightful.
…or DID IT?!
(short and straight to the point,in the process not using popular ideas/speculations about said theory)
If Noxians can’t…you know(with humans)….then THAT MEANS that Blackheart ISN’T Tim’s mom!Muahahahhahah!
I mean,if she’s transforming back and forth into human/noxian,and not changing her body’s functions somehow,then it’s not possible for that theory to be true,and no one can tell me that she’s fully human now BECAUUUSE we saw her in the noxian form a few pages ago.And we can apply the same logic of her disguise with Shadow’s disguise,which also got confirmed by Brandon:
May 19, 2017, 2:51 pm
“Given how the disguise winks in and out when Shadow loses her focus on it, I sort of imagine it being like a ‘glamour’; real to all senses, but nonetheless an illusion. Like what fairies use to play tricks on humans in some of Shakespeare’s works.”
May 19, 2017, 3:35 pm
“Precisely, it is a glamour.”
It’s not 100% confirmed,it just says it’s a glamour,but the whole “real to emotions” thing is shown within the page,so it’s enough for me to work with,maybe BlackHeart uses a more evolved “glamour”,spell etc. to counter-attack the side-effects of the spell/glamour etc.(the whole transofrming back and forth)
Thus,these two remarkably interesting characters cannot be one and the same person(“To be…or not to be?That is the question…”[couldn’t help myself…too much poetry at one time
P.S.(2):I didn’t really have a plan,Ms/sir Brandon,it just hit me a few minutes ago
I’m interpreting Brandon’s reply as a refusal to answer your question. Besides, even if Nox and humans can’t interbreed when both have the same form (after a magical transformation), there is still the possibility that Tim is adopted, or that Tim is Tom’s son from a previous marriage (other wife died in childbirth, perhaps).
I know that there is the adopted possibility,I thought about it long ago,it’s sad.Plus,you people would reaaaaaaly accept any other reality where Ruth is BlackH(or BlackH is somehow Tim’s mom/mother-in-law) but not the one where she isn’t.Don’t you think it’s a little too sad,the idea of Tim being adopted?I personally think that Brandon wouldn’t go that far,plus Tim and he’s father look alike,a little,and his mom…a little.
I’m starting to get exhausted with you “Ruth is BlackH” theorisers (hm…now I know how Brandon feels…).I shall quote myself from the past:”I don’t deny the possibility,but it seems as it would be to easy of a guess,it’s common for these type of stories to try and lead you to a dead path so you’ll circle around a point,not making progress thus keeping you interested.But it’s just to easy.It’s literally the first thought that came in my head when I saw BlackH,nothing else.”
So yeah,that’s it for know…I guess…unless you don’t have something else to talk about…
I have not personally formally concluded that Tim’s mom is Lady Blackheart. I think of it as a reasonable likelihood, based on a number of relevant data-items. See my comment about that a little farther down on this page, referring to a comment in #118.
damn…a lot of fancy talking people here…out of all over this world the internet is the last place I could have a serious conversation
And with extra-corporal?
I don’t understand what that means
I don’t think that Brandon has verified it, but most posters seem to think that Ruth is Tim’s mom. Eg yes. Whether a spell from the book was used or not is an open, and possibly unasked question.
As the author, I suspect that fake displays of impatience probably isn’t funny by now, at least to him.
Regarding Tim’s mom possibly being Lady Blackheart, I posted a list of items related to that in the comments to #118 ( /?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door&cpage=9#comments <—append that to the website name). The list could possibly be updated because of something Tim's mom did in the second panel of #121, which isn't a typical human thing to do.
oh man…I’m tired again…we’ll just have to wait and see…it’s exhausting to “fight” that theory…too….much…research…my…brain…overloaded…*breakdance on the floor*(if you know what I mean)
I might have to update that list. It has occurred to me to link the fact that Lady Blackheart has an aegis that looks a bit different from the aegis that every other Nox female appears to have, to the fact that she has been able to appear in, or disappear from, almost any place in the female section of Nox. Maybe her aegis has been modified so that she can connect the portal under a particular bed (Ruth’s bed, of course!) to any place in (at least the female section of) Nox.
Another notion I’ve thought about is the fact that if bed portals can be associated with any bed, but only children can be scared by monsters under the bed, then how do Nox folk determine in advance that some bed-portal won’t be associated with human adults? And how do Nox folk determine if a portal is blocked –lots of humans keep boxes of stuff under their beds, because it is a convenient storage space. Hmmmmm….
I forgot to mention something about Shadow knowing about the hammock in the back yard –how did she find out about that portal? Did Lady Blackheart tell her? If the back yard has an adequate privacy fence, it could be a good place for doing transformations. Now add in the fact that Nox folk are awake while it is night-time at Tim’s section of Planet Earth. If Ruth is also L.B., then Tim’s dad could be asleep while she transfers from Earth to Nox, but will he still be asleep when she returns? An alternate portal would be very useful!
interesting.The major points which you have brought have their answers in the mist of mystery surroundin L.B.
Everything,from the Aegis to the bed detection,maybe there isn’t a bed detection and they just check by looking who’s in the bed,but that’s a little bit besides the point.We’ll see if these questions will get an answer,depending on Brandon’s point of interest,if it’s ever worth trying to explain,or maybe a explanation is already planned,we’ll see.
Started first year of college today. Found this comic when it was on page 80, Ben a fan since. Can’t wait for the next update. Brandon congratulations for not stoping this comic when some of the fans were being like those assholes who rave about YouTubers not updating more. Can’t remember the technical name for them
. A good friend who did comics and YouTube vids quite cause he got so many complaints and had a breakdown. Your an inspiration. Walk in the shadows brother. Elder scrolls skyrim theives guild reference
Bah, that stuff doesn’t phase me much. They’ll get the next update when they get it.
Speaking of which, I’ve got a few things to do this weekend, so it may be a bit late again, but, I will work at it still!
Yes. And it’s not like we’re raving – just being annoying with numbers.
it’s totally worth the wait anyway
Also, I gather that (most of) the community first of all wished Brandon well – some even out of sympathy rather than the selfish wish for more comic
Nah, seriously, there also are decent people around the internet. Maybe they should try to be louder…
Well, being “loud” and “decent” are diametrically opposed.
Huh. I’m not claiming perfect mastery of the English language, but I wouldn’t say they exclude each other. In fact, I don’t think I ever heard “decent” to mean “low-key”, but I might want to check this. Anyway, I had the “good people” meaining in mind, and those can be loud.
What Tomokatu was talking about is, decent folks generally don’t make loud noises that bother others.
I just read through the archive, and wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed the story and the art. I’ll definitely be following this webcomic from now on. Thanks for making it!
I don’t know if this has been discussed in previous pages but still I would like to get my theory out. Is it just me or does Tim’s mother seem to remind me of Lady Blackheart? Think about it. I some basic dismissal evidence and then one piece that might be ok. For the first 2 pieces of evidence, one if you notice each person seems to have a different color for there voices when it is said a certain way. Only Lady Blackheart and Tim’s mother have the color Yellow in their speech bubbles that I have seen so far. 2nd piece is that from what little we can see from Lady Blackheart’s face and expressions they look very simular to Tim’s mother. Finally the Last piece, in the silhouette from the flashback when Lady Blackheart talked about her rise to power to Shadow. The Silhouette looks like Tim’s Dad. So with this poor evidence You can see my argument. Also sorry but I forgot the name of Tim’s mother’s Sorry.
“… I forgot the name of Tim’s mother’s Sorry.”
Her name is Ruth (but she roleplays as Admiral Ruthless-sometimes).
Love the detail of how he’s holding the bag funny so as to not mess up the claw glove.
Obviously, Shadow had learned quite a bit about Tim in the years that they’ve known each other. LOLl
This comic is “set” less than 4 months after they met. Tim’s 12th birthday was a week ago, and that birthday was mentioned in comic #36, shortly after they met, as 3 months from that time.
Shadow has been learning about the human world from books and TV shows and VCR movies. Since in this comic she indicates she arrived at Tim’s house via the hammock in the back yard, she doesn’t yet have any actual personal experience with, say automobiles speeding down a residential street. Her theoretical knowledge might or might not be enough to keep her from significant harm, although of course Tim is there to help –provided he can keep up with her!
Their relationship sure developed quickly.
But the “present day” where they do have a deep relationship is set seven years later.
So brandon, im new here will the comic updade today?
It technically should have under normal circumstances, but it won’t this week. Sorry. Next week it’ll be up for sure!
Well darn ok then
“Well, uh, technically, naah.”
… Did you just quote Robbie Rotten at me?! NOW LISTEN CLOSELY!
Here’s a little lesson in crossbreeding,
This is going down in comic