I mean it’s fairly self-explanatory. The Brotherhood is simply the male half of the job that the Sisterhood does, collecting fear. I imagine their job isn’t too different, save that they’re likely the ones who distribute it, for whatever purpose it gets used.
Doesn’t she use her Aegis as a belt buckle? Are her pants safe if she gives him the Aegis?
(Well, in many OTHER comics this’d be a valid concern/question… but I’m pretty sure the answer here is “Yep” with no complications. Still fun to ask, though!)
Well. It depends on whether or not the door will accept their aegis as either worthy, with enough fear in them
or whichever two aegis that is meant to be used to unlock the door,
What could go wrong? It’s no like he chatted you up and flirted with you so he could use you to help him unleash what ever the heck is behind that door.
If I were Nightmare, I’d start asking questions as to what this door is supposed to hide. There must be a reason, either immediate danger or something “good” but that might be used for dangerous purposes in the wrong hands.
Now I’m curious to see wether their Aegises have enough energy stored in them or if, as many people suggested, their search for the door made them neglect their fear collection duties…
What could go wrong? Does he actually knows where the door leads or is he just winging it? Because I could think of a lot of things that could go wrong.
By the way I’ve been wondering, do they have a specific type of target they like to frightened or is nobody safe from them?
Lann wondered: “…do they have a specific type of target they like to frightened or is nobody safe from them?”
Any strategist would tell you that it’s fatal (to your goals) to enter a conflict withOUT a plan, including your target, but any tactician will tell you that you cannot afford to ignore any targets of opportunity.
Example Shadow and Tim are out for a good Halloween time but if they’re confronted ( molested/attacked) by bullies, then Shadow wiil transform and gather their fear. (She may need another aegis to hold the overflow)
I don’t know if this has been asked, but is it possible for a member of one group to hold or touch the Aegis of the other?
By that can Terminus actually touch Nightmare’s Aegis? And if so is there an indication that he’s done so? If so, what’s to prevent a member of the Brotherhood from stealing the Aegis of one of the Sisterhood and using it or vice-versa?
Or is there a genetic link of sorts to them. Which would mean Terminus could take Nightmare’s Aegis but he simply couldn’t use it. However Tim being the son of Lady Blackheart would be able to use hers as he’s got half her DNA.
Brotherhood I’m not likeing the sound of that
I mean it’s fairly self-explanatory. The Brotherhood is simply the male half of the job that the Sisterhood does, collecting fear. I imagine their job isn’t too different, save that they’re likely the ones who distribute it, for whatever purpose it gets used.
However their fear/energy thing works, I gather that the brotherhood and sisterhood do exactly the same.
But as we found out last page (or that before), the sisterhood are the monsters under the bed and the brotherhood are the monsters in the closet.
Hence the different Aegises which grant access to the different passageways into the human world.
Doesn’t she use her Aegis as a belt buckle? Are her pants safe if she gives him the Aegis?
(Well, in many OTHER comics this’d be a valid concern/question… but I’m pretty sure the answer here is “Yep” with no complications. Still fun to ask, though!)
Honestly, do we even want the answer to be a “yep”? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well. It depends on whether or not the door will accept their aegis as either worthy, with enough fear in them
or whichever two aegis that is meant to be used to unlock the door,
What could go wrong? It’s no like he chatted you up and flirted with you so he could use you to help him unleash what ever the heck is behind that door.
Huh. On the last page it looked like there were three slots for aegiss on the door, but now they only need two?
Something seems off.
Nope. Only two on the last page too…
I wonder which one betrays the other first.
Be more cooperative, but do NOT hand over your Aegis! I feel some bad vibrations in that men… Maybe doesn’t wanna give you back!
If I were Nightmare, I’d start asking questions as to what this door is supposed to hide. There must be a reason, either immediate danger or something “good” but that might be used for dangerous purposes in the wrong hands.
Now I’m curious to see wether their Aegises have enough energy stored in them or if, as many people suggested, their search for the door made them neglect their fear collection duties…
Wil it be a door to valhalla and wil vikings tear them apart see it coming monday
(Would be epic though)
Brandon will tim crack open a cold one with the boys
You think he’s looking for that spell book that Shadow has? I feel like when he opens it, he’ll find it empty
What could go wrong? Does he actually knows where the door leads or is he just winging it? Because I could think of a lot of things that could go wrong.
By the way I’ve been wondering, do they have a specific type of target they like to frightened or is nobody safe from them?
He certainly believes he knows.
Lann wondered: “…do they have a specific type of target they like to frightened or is nobody safe from them?”
Any strategist would tell you that it’s fatal (to your goals) to enter a conflict withOUT a plan, including your target, but any tactician will tell you that you cannot afford to ignore any targets of opportunity.
Example Shadow and Tim are out for a good Halloween time but if they’re confronted ( molested/attacked) by bullies, then Shadow wiil transform and gather their fear. (She may need another aegis to hold the overflow)
Terminus is a conniving dog and will do what ever he needs to do to get whatever he wants from her.
I don’t know if this has been asked, but is it possible for a member of one group to hold or touch the Aegis of the other?
By that can Terminus actually touch Nightmare’s Aegis? And if so is there an indication that he’s done so? If so, what’s to prevent a member of the Brotherhood from stealing the Aegis of one of the Sisterhood and using it or vice-versa?
Or is there a genetic link of sorts to them. Which would mean Terminus could take Nightmare’s Aegis but he simply couldn’t use it. However Tim being the son of Lady Blackheart would be able to use hers as he’s got half her DNA.
I’m just thinking out loud as it were.