Saw this comic posted on a porn site. I expected weird cartoon porn, only saw some tits in one panel. However I didn’t give a shit in the end.
I got to reading it, eventually around page 7 or 8 I was glued. Then I come to find out it’s long and that was good, then I started to wonder if this guy was another bleedman with freakishly long comics that span years in the making where you only saw one strip a month and I would die old and grey before seeing the end.
But you have me glued to it. Kind of reminds me of that one movie “Little Monsters” from the late 1980s. 89? Except cute love interest and nothing gross.
In one of the very first comics here, there is a comment by Brandon that this story will be “rated” somewhere between PG13 and R. We can expect nudity occasionally. But same as you, I appreciate the story even more.
This comic is pure magic, i was so exited yo read the contnuation today, and if you need to take a week to continue, we wait a week to read it, just do the way you find is the best
Is it possible that Terminus – wherever he got the kissing from – is doing this to scare Nightmare and boost her Aegis’s fear ratio? Because new things are often scary at first…
I am going to be blunt, this feels forced and out of left field. Yes, it has been hinted at, but neither of these two have had any real development or any reason to be attracted to the other.
It’s not like it takes much for a pair of hormonal teenagers to get all up on each other. Especially when one of them loves getting attention and the other is using that to get what he wants (in more ways than one). Besides, it’s pretty clear that we’re on an accelerated time-scale so it’s probably been awhile since they met, and these two have been seen together coiling tails and making doe-eyes at each other before. Maybe not an official couple, but definitely excessively cuddly.
Lovely comic can’t wait to see the next piece. Also have Humans been able to get t to where the monsters live??? What are the monsters called??? And what is the place they live in called??? If anyone including the creater can help me figure these questions out that would be very helpful.
Saw this comic posted on a porn site. I expected weird cartoon porn, only saw some tits in one panel. However I didn’t give a shit in the end.
I got to reading it, eventually around page 7 or 8 I was glued. Then I come to find out it’s long and that was good, then I started to wonder if this guy was another bleedman with freakishly long comics that span years in the making where you only saw one strip a month and I would die old and grey before seeing the end.
But you have me glued to it. Kind of reminds me of that one movie “Little Monsters” from the late 1980s. 89? Except cute love interest and nothing gross.
he uploads (mostly) weekly, you’re in good hands.
In one of the very first comics here, there is a comment by Brandon that this story will be “rated” somewhere between PG13 and R. We can expect nudity occasionally. But same as you, I appreciate the story even more.
Thank you, Brandon!
Is there going to be more?? I wanna know what happens next!
Of course!
When are you updating today?? I really want to read more <3
@Sierra – You have to be very patient with this story.
See, that’s a problem. I’m a very impatient woman. Especially, if I am hooked on it, or anxious to read more. I love the story.
Sadly, I won’t be making the deadline today, it’ll have to wait until next week I’m afraid.
Next week? Youve already got the raws up, why push it out an entire week? Its your comic, nothing saying you arent allowed a midweek update
This comic is pure magic, i was so exited yo read the contnuation today, and if you need to take a week to continue, we wait a week to read it, just do the way you find is the best
Deja vu,friend
I am glued to this, I can’t wait for more, it is impressive… I love it so much
I read from page 1 to 125 without stopping.
But I mean, you only post 4 pages each month, that makes 48 each year, so… have you been near 3 years doing this? Wow.
Please don’t stop or I will kill you, thanks.
That’s what she said.
Probably closer to four since, since it isn’t always on a weekly basis. It’s more of a side-hobby for Brandon.
Is it possible that Terminus – wherever he got the kissing from – is doing this to scare Nightmare and boost her Aegis’s fear ratio? Because new things are often scary at first…
maybe he’s testing, or have other “interests” in mind.
Either way, most efficient to shut the girls up IMO =)
She looks more surprised than scared.
For now.
Woah. That took a fast 180 turn.
You should transform this story into an incredible book
man, I must admit, nightmare is adorable.
I am going to be blunt, this feels forced and out of left field. Yes, it has been hinted at, but neither of these two have had any real development or any reason to be attracted to the other.
And why do you think that attraction is the only reason that Terminus is kissing Nightmare?
Truth be told, this seems to me to a a distraction more than a admission of love.
Who says it’s out of attraction? Nightmare likes Terminus, and Terminus needs her Aegis. He’s probably just playing with her hormones.
It’s not like it takes much for a pair of hormonal teenagers to get all up on each other. Especially when one of them loves getting attention and the other is using that to get what he wants (in more ways than one). Besides, it’s pretty clear that we’re on an accelerated time-scale so it’s probably been awhile since they met, and these two have been seen together coiling tails and making doe-eyes at each other before. Maybe not an official couple, but definitely excessively cuddly.
Wow….. My girlfriend and I are completely hooked on this story, we are at the edge of ours couch waiting to see what happens next!!!!
Lovely comic can’t wait to see the next piece. Also have Humans been able to get t to where the monsters live??? What are the monsters called??? And what is the place they live in called??? If anyone including the creater can help me figure these questions out that would be very helpful.
Well… the place the monsters live is called Nox and the monsters are Noxians. as for if any human has ever been there we do not know
Hey Brandon, would you ever consider selling t-shirts, sweat pants, and or sweat shirts? If you are, I’d totally buy one for my girl.
Out of Curiosity is it to early to make an OC based on what we currently have and update it as the comic continue or just wait a while.
Well I should probably say is it too early to have an OC based on what we currently have seen.
Happy Father’s Day, Brandon!
I thought it was a porn comic but… no matter, i love it