or language. Whoa! wait that could have lore implications, like they started out not knowing about the human race and had their own language and when they discovered the human world they learned their languages as to trick humans into thinking they were speaking with a family member if they woke up, they’d probably have study sleep patterns and see how it affects them and use that tot their advantage.
Well she kind of already has with the tail thing. But ya, food makes the most sense, something she could easily sneak up to him? Maybe some small knickknacks, or one of their lights? Gotta be careful to hide them from the momster though! Books? Not THAT book of course, but assuming assuming english and noxxious have different written forms, maybe a kids book to help him learn? For that matter, can Shadow read english?
I like this version of the dynamic between Nightmare and Terminus, and Nightmare herself, a lot better in this version of the story than the orignal text version.
She obviously still fancies him this time around, but isn’t just putty in his hands like she was before. She’s got some backbone.
Wait a minute, I just noticed that Nightmare has the same tail design as Moonlight and Blackheart. We know that Moonlight and Blackheart are sisters, does this mean Nightmare is related?
Nightmare’s tail design is similar to, but different from ( /?comic=108-my-darkest-angel ), Moonlight’s and Blackheart’s tail design, in roughly the same way that Shadow’s tail design is similar to Lord Mortis’ tail design ( /?comic=103-boy-trouble ).
Currently I’m guessing that when the designs are the same, the Nox are closely related (like sisters), but when the designs only similar, they might be less-related (like a son only has half the DNA of the father). That guessing lets me tentatively conclude that Nightmare could be Moonlight’s daughter (or the daughter of some brother or other sister of Moonlight), and Shadow could be Mortis’ daughter (or the daughter of some brother or sister of Mortis).
Nox adults almost certainly know if tail-designs indicate biological relationships, and the uncertainty expressed by Mortis when he met Shadow could be a consequence of him wondering about a possible relationship between them.
I’m not sure If I’d rather see an MMA fight, a cat fight, or a disoriented tribute to Jack Sparrow. Actually, how about the girls cat fight while Terminus pulls out some boxing and Tim channels his inner Jack. That’d be fun to watch.
If Tim ever takes some unarmed-combat classes (often outside of regular schooling), Shadow could join the lessons in disguise. I don’t see how they could possibly win a “brawl” against older teens without relevant training.
Straight up brawl would not be in our main couples favor. But smaller usually means more agile and Tim is in pretty good shape. Now depending on the battlefield, I could see him going not so much Jack Sparrow as Macaulay Culkin
I have to wonder: Is Nightmare even making any sort of connection between a kiss and romance? On one hand, she seems to be following the logical thought process (for her, at least) of thinking Terminus just did something super gross and unsanitary. But on the other, she seems to like it, because…She’s into weird shit? I imagine she’s pretty confused right now, at least as much as I am as I overthink the thought process of a teenage monster girl.
I’m wondering when he acquired it, and are those required to move from realm to realm, or is it more of a lock. As Shadow stopped Tim from following her under the bed.
This has been brought up before. The general consensus is that it’s his Mother’s. It is after all in the form of the ones from the Sisterhood. So unless he’s gotten one from Shadow, it would make sense that his Mother a.k.a Lady Blackheart.
We’ll find out if we’re right when Brandon decides to let us in on this.
Wait, if Termi over here does know about kissing, but Nightmare doesn’t, how dies he know? And if he got that from his experience in the Human World, first how did he know it was a romantic gesture, and second why woumd he ever think to try?
Terminus seems like the kind of guy who would say f* the rules and actually study human culture while nightmare seems more like someone who wants to get her job done quickly and move on to the next one so that she can stay on top
Since Terminus is a “later” teen, creeping around human houses, it stands to reason that he’s lurked unseen behind certain sofas to watch late-night TV or even OTHER videos*.
I’d bet there’s not much human behaviour that’s still a mystery to him.
* When did YOU last check behind the sofa while the “late-night double feature creature show” was on your screen? He could have seen it with you (and maybe even brought friends).
Terminus shows signs of being a sociopath. He’s obviously using her for his own means. He quickly deflected. He really only cares about himself and what he can get. https://youtu.be/sv3VqM2fj0M
Well late to the party as usual, but what I took away from this is that Nightmare found kissing not so much disgusting as surprisingly intimate. Note the blushing and the way she threatens to bite his tongue next time. She doesn’t tell him never to do it again, but rather acknowledges that there will be another kiss in the future.
This is funny as AFAWK monsters do not kiss, but touch tails instead. So it seems Terminus has been doing some exploration of human traditions. I, just like it seems a lot of others, are getting a bad vibe from him. It seems he’s a manipulative ass, and that the kiss was a way to distract Nightmare.
Apparently, a 5 second frencher wasn’t a good idea, Mayor Giuliani.
And once again human culture is infectious. Wonder if any monster culture will be for Tim.
Hmmm… perhaps! An interesting notion.
My guess would be food, simplest thing for Shad own to share.
or language. Whoa! wait that could have lore implications, like they started out not knowing about the human race and had their own language and when they discovered the human world they learned their languages as to trick humans into thinking they were speaking with a family member if they woke up, they’d probably have study sleep patterns and see how it affects them and use that tot their advantage.
Well she kind of already has with the tail thing. But ya, food makes the most sense, something she could easily sneak up to him? Maybe some small knickknacks, or one of their lights? Gotta be careful to hide them from the momster though! Books? Not THAT book of course, but assuming assuming english and noxxious have different written forms, maybe a kids book to help him learn? For that matter, can Shadow read english?
Of course, (Wonder what those tail-tips taste like?)
I like this version of the dynamic between Nightmare and Terminus, and Nightmare herself, a lot better in this version of the story than the orignal text version.
She obviously still fancies him this time around, but isn’t just putty in his hands like she was before. She’s got some backbone.
Me too!
Wait a minute, I just noticed that Nightmare has the same tail design as Moonlight and Blackheart. We know that Moonlight and Blackheart are sisters, does this mean Nightmare is related?
It’s not exactly the same, more shovel shaped than diamond.
Nightmare’s tail design is similar to, but different from ( /?comic=108-my-darkest-angel ), Moonlight’s and Blackheart’s tail design, in roughly the same way that Shadow’s tail design is similar to Lord Mortis’ tail design ( /?comic=103-boy-trouble ).
Currently I’m guessing that when the designs are the same, the Nox are closely related (like sisters), but when the designs only similar, they might be less-related (like a son only has half the DNA of the father). That guessing lets me tentatively conclude that Nightmare could be Moonlight’s daughter (or the daughter of some brother or other sister of Moonlight), and Shadow could be Mortis’ daughter (or the daughter of some brother or sister of Mortis).
Nox adults almost certainly know if tail-designs indicate biological relationships, and the uncertainty expressed by Mortis when he met Shadow could be a consequence of him wondering about a possible relationship between them.
Whatever their biological relationship (or not). I notice that in Panel 3 there’s some mutual tail-stroking , or at least tail-touching. going on.
I kind of want to see an all out fight, Shadow vs. Nightmare, Terminus vs. Tim. And seeing how both their names start with T was that intentional?
Unintentional double T’s And eventually there’s going to be a brawl.
I’m not sure If I’d rather see an MMA fight, a cat fight, or a disoriented tribute to Jack Sparrow. Actually, how about the girls cat fight while Terminus pulls out some boxing and Tim channels his inner Jack. That’d be fun to watch.
Umm… yeah?
Do you like anime just wanna know if you like
Some, but I haven’t watched a ridiculous amount of it or anything.
If Tim ever takes some unarmed-combat classes (often outside of regular schooling), Shadow could join the lessons in disguise. I don’t see how they could possibly win a “brawl” against older teens without relevant training.
Who says they win? Maybe they suck at fighting!
Straight up brawl would not be in our main couples favor. But smaller usually means more agile and Tim is in pretty good shape. Now depending on the battlefield, I could see him going not so much Jack Sparrow as Macaulay Culkin
If he gets into any serious fight he’ll probably manage to just bumble around enough to keep whomever at bay for a while.
That second panel……. A ”Pirates of the Caribbean” reference? Been long since I saw one of those….
Would you please get a favicon? it’s annoying not knowing which of the blank icons on my bookmark’s bar is this comic.
If there’s one advantage of having red skin, it’s that no one can see you blush.
Brandon i wanna ask something
I have to wonder: Is Nightmare even making any sort of connection between a kiss and romance? On one hand, she seems to be following the logical thought process (for her, at least) of thinking Terminus just did something super gross and unsanitary. But on the other, she seems to like it, because…She’s into weird shit? I imagine she’s pretty confused right now, at least as much as I am as I overthink the thought process of a teenage monster girl.
I bet that slap echoed thoughout the catacombs and HURT LIKE HELL!
Good job Termi for still being able to talk aftwards without having to spit out any teeth!
And bravo to Nightmare for that open palm slap-pow!
I do have a suggestion though. Is there any way to animate Term’s tail a bit? Its surprising calm for just suffering a jarring affliction of pain.
Reading back from the beginning, I noticed page #31 Tim had an interesting “Belt Buckle.”
I’m wondering when he acquired it, and are those required to move from realm to realm, or is it more of a lock. As Shadow stopped Tim from following her under the bed.
This has been brought up before. The general consensus is that it’s his Mother’s. It is after all in the form of the ones from the Sisterhood. So unless he’s gotten one from Shadow, it would make sense that his Mother a.k.a Lady Blackheart.
We’ll find out if we’re right when Brandon decides to let us in on this.
Wait, if Termi over here does know about kissing, but Nightmare doesn’t, how dies he know? And if he got that from his experience in the Human World, first how did he know it was a romantic gesture, and second why woumd he ever think to try?
Terminus seems like the kind of guy who would say f* the rules and actually study human culture while nightmare seems more like someone who wants to get her job done quickly and move on to the next one so that she can stay on top
Since Terminus is a “later” teen, creeping around human houses, it stands to reason that he’s lurked unseen behind certain sofas to watch late-night TV or even OTHER videos*.
I’d bet there’s not much human behaviour that’s still a mystery to him.
* When did YOU last check behind the sofa while the “late-night double feature creature show” was on your screen? He could have seen it with you (and maybe even brought friends).
Terminus shows signs of being a sociopath. He’s obviously using her for his own means. He quickly deflected. He really only cares about himself and what he can get. https://youtu.be/sv3VqM2fj0M
And when he’s all done with Nightmare, he’ll eather toss her aside or finish her off.
Dunno, he seems a little too calculating to go that far into cheap villian stereotype and discard a perfectly fine tool with so many… uses
Well late to the party as usual, but what I took away from this is that Nightmare found kissing not so much disgusting as surprisingly intimate. Note the blushing and the way she threatens to bite his tongue next time. She doesn’t tell him never to do it again, but rather acknowledges that there will be another kiss in the future.
This is funny as AFAWK monsters do not kiss, but touch tails instead. So it seems Terminus has been doing some exploration of human traditions. I, just like it seems a lot of others, are getting a bad vibe from him. It seems he’s a manipulative ass, and that the kiss was a way to distract Nightmare.