Don’t tell him what to do, if he’s gonna turn it into pornography then let him be. It’s his own story to create.
Brandon, the comic has some good balance with the story and nudeness that I thought I’d be tired of reading an another “boring” cartoon comic, but turns out I got myself glued into this. I was only in a search of Doujinshis until I ran into this actually great story. Keep up the good work and don’t let others tell you what to do!
Sorry, I do not want to say that I do what I want,
It’s just that I would be sad if Brandon puts morbid things into this comic, but if Brandon wants it, I respect it and I can not force it.
I am very sorry for my opinion.
And you’re right Brandon no one tells you what to do with your comic
Sorry, I do not want to say that I do what I want,
It’s just that I would be sad if Brandon puts morbid things into this comic, but if Brandon wants it, I respect it and I can not force it.
I’m very sorry for my opinion.
You, of course, have the right to do whatever you want with your story and, also of course, sex sells. However, if great stories (and great authors), do not need the crutch of porn. It’s your choice as to what type of readership you want to attract and keep.
I’m only writing the story that I want to see, porn and cheese and everything in between. If anyone else happens to like it, or think it’s brilliant or dumb, then who am I to argue with them.
If this is all set 7 years in the past and we’ve presumably only come several months, how do you plan to get all the way to the present? Will you go up to the important points and then give us snapshots of the years in between or will it all be important? And once we get to present day, then what? I’m not looking for an answer, I just want to know if you’ve been considering all of this. Happy 4th!
Why do I always find awesome unfinished comics and then suffer waiting for the creator to release new pages? ugh. Well atleast I found this comic on #126 and not years ago.
Really awesome work.
Lucky you, i found it roughly around the 25 or something like that, but now i return every week excited to see what’s next and i couldn’t be more grateful for this amazing comic
Brandon please do not convert this comic into pornography
Do not ruin a story so beautiful
Don’t tell him what to do, if he’s gonna turn it into pornography then let him be. It’s his own story to create.
Brandon, the comic has some good balance with the story and nudeness that I thought I’d be tired of reading an another “boring” cartoon comic, but turns out I got myself glued into this. I was only in a search of Doujinshis until I ran into this actually great story. Keep up the good work and don’t let others tell you what to do!
Sorry, I do not want to say that I do what I want,
It’s just that I would be sad if Brandon puts morbid things into this comic, but if Brandon wants it, I respect it and I can not force it.
I am very sorry for my opinion.
And you’re right Brandon no one tells you what to do with your comic
Sorry, I do not want to say that I do what I want,
It’s just that I would be sad if Brandon puts morbid things into this comic, but if Brandon wants it, I respect it and I can not force it.
I’m very sorry for my opinion.
On the other hand Brandon, please do turn it into porn.
Well, their outfits’ll be getting skimpier once they are all of consenting age.
Expect sooooo much more teasing on that end.
You, of course, have the right to do whatever you want with your story and, also of course, sex sells. However, if great stories (and great authors), do not need the crutch of porn. It’s your choice as to what type of readership you want to attract and keep.
I’m only writing the story that I want to see, porn and cheese and everything in between. If anyone else happens to like it, or think it’s brilliant or dumb, then who am I to argue with them.
Addendum – I have nothing against porn, I just think it is unnecessary and actually lessens a good story.
Also nudity IMNOHO, by itself, is not porn.
Everytime when I “read” the first panel I feel like I hear this slap
Can’t wait for next !! I mean page, comic; not violent… of course ^^
The chapter 127 be completed in the next week?
That’ll be next weekend, I’m enjoying my holiday not completely tied to a computer!
We’ll be joining Tim and Shadow again when 127 drops.
Jeje ok, thanks for respond and happy holiday Brandon!
Happy newye o wait a little early anyways
Have a beautifull holiday brandon
If this is all set 7 years in the past and we’ve presumably only come several months, how do you plan to get all the way to the present? Will you go up to the important points and then give us snapshots of the years in between or will it all be important? And once we get to present day, then what? I’m not looking for an answer, I just want to know if you’ve been considering all of this. Happy 4th!
There’ll be a roughly 7 year time skip coming up when Chapter 4 starts. So…. soon!
So, the chapter 3 it will be very short or it long? I dont know this.
We’re already in Chapter 3, and it’s the longest one yet. But it’s ending ‘fairly soon’.
Why do I always find awesome unfinished comics and then suffer waiting for the creator to release new pages? ugh. Well atleast I found this comic on #126 and not years ago.
Really awesome work.
Lucky you, i found it roughly around the 25 or something like that, but now i return every week excited to see what’s next and i couldn’t be more grateful for this amazing comic
He’s definitely been fooling around with humans.