For me it’s either a very boring and predictable plot or characters doing very stupid and out of character things. Those are the stuff that make me drop.
Them just drop the comic already so the rest of us can enjoy our without your self-centered complaining. NEWSFLASH – nobody cares if you leave, or what you think. The author already has the story planned out, and nothing you say can change it.
You do know that if the author reads these “stupid theories” comments, it could improve the story of future chapters depending on what the theory/criticism is. Don’t downgrade to “just leave if you don’t like it”.
Repeating bad comeback makes you…
Sometimes, I don’t need to do anything, people will dig their graves themselves.
This is an intellectual level of your fanbase, Brendon, enjoy.
I’m amused by the people getting irked by the ‘cliffhangers’. This isn’t a Dilbert comic. It’s a graphic novel. You cannot expect every strip to wrap up with a neat little conclusion. Waiting a whole week for the next episode is hard? Try being a Game of Thrones purist, waiting 6 years for the next book to come out!
Apropos of nothing particular, it just occured to me that Shadow has a wonderful base to work from if she ever gets a taste for the Goth costume style. Nox Goth – now there’s scary!
But wait – shadows eyes changed colour with her costume change, didn’t they? PLUS, we NEVER ONCE saw Lady Blackheart’s eyes. They were always under the shadow of her hood.
Then again, we’ve seen no monstrous traits on Tim. No tail, fangs, pointed ears, cats eyes, anything that would suggest he has Noxious heritage in him.
Although, I suppose it could explain why Shadow seems to find his scent so fascinating.
Sigh. I’ve discussed this before, but the “rules” for fantasy genetic inheritance run this way.
1) Cross breeding is impossible, so no problem.
2) Cross breeding results in a child with obvious traits from both sides. If Tim is a cross-breed, Brandon is obviously not following this rule.
3) Cross breeding results in a child with all the apparent traits of one side or the other, but there is some hidden, unnoticed trait. Often this is done from the side of the male parent, since males determine the gender of offspring. If Tim is a cross-breed, Brandon MIGHT be following this rule.
4) Cross breeding is possible and results in whatever the bell the author wants. This could also be the case.
Brandon has already made changes from the original story. One unimportant one is that, in the story, Lord Mortis doesn’t appear until the end. Brandon may have made more changes as well, but we’ll see.
Not sure if you’re new to the comic, or if you just haven’t been paying attention to the comments, but it has been confirmed various times, in various ways, that the two are the same person. I mean no disrespect, just wanted to get that conspiracy out of the way.
It hasnt been confirmed. Brandons been enjoying teasing the hell out of the readerbase, but he hasnt given the final word one way or another yet. Though he says on this page that reveal is coming soon.
Never actually thought of that. That would’ve saved me a Hell of a lot of time, rather than speculating on my own until page 120, when I first looked at the comments.
I have a theory Tim’s mom is lady blackheart idk something similar about the two to me I can’t wait to see how this turns out I love this comic its genius.
(Warning this is long sorry)
Ok I have looked through all pages carefully and I noticed you might have been sprinkling hints in it and I come to the conclusion that Ruthie is LADY BLACKHEART and would explain why tomothy is not afraid of monsters if he himself is half monster. And I’ll add up what gave me this conversation.
Ruthie and Ladyblackheart have a mole on the left side of their face in the same spot. Not to mention if you look at a front view of their nose is pretty mush a match and side view are pretty much the same. And when shadow changes her skin color her hair stays the same so if you compare Ruthie and Ladyblackheart hair color is pretty much the same gust the lighting is different. And with some trouble of editing down both of their full pictures I estimated the pixel Height to be around 480p to 500p tall so their around the same Height. Also because Ladyblackheart eyes are never shown so I can’t confirm that their eyes are the same. but I think Ladyblackheart eyes aren’t shown because it would give away ‘something’.
when looking at their text color style I noticed on page 87 ‘a pretty one’ (pretty) text color is orange with a yellow border. that is the same with page 109 !? And Text on page 99 Ta-Daah is the same. not to mention on page 99 she teases with ‘Do you think I’m some kind of MONSTER’ and note the use of “monster” bolded.
on page 41 when Tim’s dad took candy from Ruthie stash of candy she senced it and showed her face with a heart beat line symbol which is also only used by monsters on page 16 and 61 and it shows up again on page 121 with Ruthie. And on page 42 Tim notes how his mom has a weird way KNOWING THINGS.
plus on page 95 it shows Ladyblackheart and some of her story and show her and a guy that looks like Tim’s dad. And on page “114 someday” Ladyblackheart says ‘hokey or not’ which is reference to when tim called shadow hokey and if Tim’s mom is Ladyblackheart it would be easy to listen in on their conversation and when shadow asks how she knows that she replies with (someday I’ll tell you though I promise. When it’s time) as in when everything is safe I would imagine. which with everything else in here it still leads me to believing she is being Tim’s mom
So that’s what I got for the theory. Also i type way too much sorry lol.
There are more coincidences and hints than just those. See the 9th comment page for #118:
themonsterunderthebed (dot) net/?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door&cpage=9#comments
What you did now is either very smart or very stupid. Dropping the comic level of stupid. So I hope it’s the former.
I find myself curious what this ‘drop the comic level of stupid’ thing could be, cause I don’t see it, lol
For me it’s either a very boring and predictable plot or characters doing very stupid and out of character things. Those are the stuff that make me drop.
Them just drop the comic already so the rest of us can enjoy our without your self-centered complaining. NEWSFLASH – nobody cares if you leave, or what you think. The author already has the story planned out, and nothing you say can change it.
So True !
And I don’t care about you and other people with stupid theories. Live with it.
Oooh, real insulting “comeback”. Yeah, we all know you’ve got nothing.
Live with it.
You do know that if the author reads these “stupid theories” comments, it could improve the story of future chapters depending on what the theory/criticism is. Don’t downgrade to “just leave if you don’t like it”.
Repeating bad comeback makes you…
Sometimes, I don’t need to do anything, people will dig their graves themselves.
This is an intellectual level of your fanbase, Brendon, enjoy.
The famous bully phase! yay! I love Tim’s face on the last panel, and the work you put in the eyes with the light reflected in them.
Imagine the face of the bully if Shadow reverts to form! It would give her lots of scare points too.
That bully picked the wrong night to mess with Tim.
I’m amused by the people getting irked by the ‘cliffhangers’. This isn’t a Dilbert comic. It’s a graphic novel. You cannot expect every strip to wrap up with a neat little conclusion. Waiting a whole week for the next episode is hard? Try being a Game of Thrones purist, waiting 6 years for the next book to come out!
Or a dedicated Wheel Of Time fan. That’s Ben going on forever! And the author died before finishing the last book!!
>Game of Thrones purist
It’s “A song of Ice and Fire”, mate, if you want to talk about being purist
Brandon, you can’t keep teasing people like this. They’ll start to doubt you when you deny their theories lol.
It’s my last chance to poke any fun at it, since the reveal (for better or worse) is coming very soon.
A diabolical scheme!
And instantly all those cliffhanger ragequitters are snapped back and silently lurking with baited breath
Welp, gonna hand it to you, keeps me coming back damn near everyday.
Ohhhh damnnn! I hate it when these end in such cliffhangers!
Great comic, keep it up! Really loving it.
Apropos of nothing particular, it just occured to me that Shadow has a wonderful base to work from if she ever gets a taste for the Goth costume style. Nox Goth – now there’s scary!
Tims mum can’t be a monster. Because her blue eyes are real; she passed them on to Tim!
But wait – shadows eyes changed colour with her costume change, didn’t they? PLUS, we NEVER ONCE saw Lady Blackheart’s eyes. They were always under the shadow of her hood.
Then again, we’ve seen no monstrous traits on Tim. No tail, fangs, pointed ears, cats eyes, anything that would suggest he has Noxious heritage in him.
Although, I suppose it could explain why Shadow seems to find his scent so fascinating.
But it could be the reason Tim has no instinctual fear of Shadow let alone the attraction. Just my two cents.
Sigh. I’ve discussed this before, but the “rules” for fantasy genetic inheritance run this way.
1) Cross breeding is impossible, so no problem.
2) Cross breeding results in a child with obvious traits from both sides. If Tim is a cross-breed, Brandon is obviously not following this rule.
3) Cross breeding results in a child with all the apparent traits of one side or the other, but there is some hidden, unnoticed trait. Often this is done from the side of the male parent, since males determine the gender of offspring. If Tim is a cross-breed, Brandon MIGHT be following this rule.
4) Cross breeding is possible and results in whatever the bell the author wants. This could also be the case.
Brandon has already made changes from the original story. One unimportant one is that, in the story, Lord Mortis doesn’t appear until the end. Brandon may have made more changes as well, but we’ll see.
Calling it now – Tim’s mom is Blackheart.
Not sure if you’re new to the comic, or if you just haven’t been paying attention to the comments, but it has been confirmed various times, in various ways, that the two are the same person. I mean no disrespect, just wanted to get that conspiracy out of the way.
It hasnt been confirmed. Brandons been enjoying teasing the hell out of the readerbase, but he hasnt given the final word one way or another yet. Though he says on this page that reveal is coming soon.
Haven’t read the comments at all until this page.
We really need a new readers faq….
FAQ for New Readers
1 Start from Chapter 1 Page 1
2 Read all the comments at each page
3 Make your own comment
Never actually thought of that. That would’ve saved me a Hell of a lot of time, rather than speculating on my own until page 120, when I first looked at the comments.
Ooo, a new bully character, bet Shadow is going to protect Tim.
I simply Love the way the Cartoon goes – So Cute and still so many facets
Keep on this way :O)
This does not bode well.
I have a theory Tim’s mom is lady blackheart idk something similar about the two to me I can’t wait to see how this turns out I love this comic its genius.
trust me,A LOT of people think the same as you
(Warning this is long sorry)
Ok I have looked through all pages carefully and I noticed you might have been sprinkling hints in it and I come to the conclusion that Ruthie is LADY BLACKHEART and would explain why tomothy is not afraid of monsters if he himself is half monster. And I’ll add up what gave me this conversation.
Ruthie and Ladyblackheart have a mole on the left side of their face in the same spot. Not to mention if you look at a front view of their nose is pretty mush a match and side view are pretty much the same. And when shadow changes her skin color her hair stays the same so if you compare Ruthie and Ladyblackheart hair color is pretty much the same gust the lighting is different. And with some trouble of editing down both of their full pictures I estimated the pixel Height to be around 480p to 500p tall so their around the same Height. Also because Ladyblackheart eyes are never shown so I can’t confirm that their eyes are the same. but I think Ladyblackheart eyes aren’t shown because it would give away ‘something’.
when looking at their text color style I noticed on page 87 ‘a pretty one’ (pretty) text color is orange with a yellow border. that is the same with page 109 !? And Text on page 99 Ta-Daah is the same. not to mention on page 99 she teases with ‘Do you think I’m some kind of MONSTER’ and note the use of “monster” bolded.
on page 41 when Tim’s dad took candy from Ruthie stash of candy she senced it and showed her face with a heart beat line symbol which is also only used by monsters on page 16 and 61 and it shows up again on page 121 with Ruthie. And on page 42 Tim notes how his mom has a weird way KNOWING THINGS.
plus on page 95 it shows Ladyblackheart and some of her story and show her and a guy that looks like Tim’s dad. And on page “114 someday” Ladyblackheart says ‘hokey or not’ which is reference to when tim called shadow hokey and if Tim’s mom is Ladyblackheart it would be easy to listen in on their conversation and when shadow asks how she knows that she replies with (someday I’ll tell you though I promise. When it’s time) as in when everything is safe I would imagine. which with everything else in here it still leads me to believing she is being Tim’s mom
So that’s what I got for the theory. Also i type way too much sorry lol.
There are more coincidences and hints than just those. See the 9th comment page for #118:
themonsterunderthebed (dot) net/?comic=118-the-girl-at-the-door&cpage=9#comments