#129 “Wasting Time”
Well now, it seems like there’s a storm-a-brewin’ for our young protagonists, and it’s name is CRAIG!
Sorry guys, my site is being weird right now and won’t let me post… you can see this now, right?
Okay, it worked. Finally. Yay.
Heh, he even kinda looks like Terminus. Give him the claws, Shadow, give him the claws!
Ohoh…he touched the candy bag! Duck!!
Advice for Craig (and anyone else): NEVER come between a girl and candy. Even a human one. The results aren’t pretty…
It has been scientifically proven that women live longer than men who tell them they’re fat.
Stealing candy from Shadow?!! Extremely bad idea there, never get between a girl and her sweets.
One way or another this does not end well…
For Craig, that is!
Shadow should drop her glamour for just a second or two. Craig’s fear would be almost as…delicious…as the candy!
Ohh I don’t like him at all… I hope Shadow claws his butt off.
Even Worse if it Chocolate :O0
:oooo like that face
The book is in the bag…
Important point. Shady’s going to be VERY protective of that.
I just went back over that panel after reading this. What would happen to her glamour if she lost possession of ‘The Book’, even for a minute?
Probably no effect.
Most (all) books are “How to..” manuals, rather than actual effectors.
You don’t have to have personal posession of “A Numbskull’s Guide to Plumbing” in order to change that tap (USA=”faucet”) washer.
Well, we shall certainly see!
The book glows when opened. It could just be an enchantment to make it easy to read, but this could also be one of those cases where the book serves as a conduit for the power maintaining the spell.
Oh, just one guy ? I was imagining like, 3 bullies (2 guys and 1 girl).
Anyway, did you write your last will, Craig ? Cause ain’t nobody touch Shadow’s candies.
She’s gonna scare the shit out of you. ^_^ huhu
” Cause ain’t nobody touch Shadow’s candies.”
Except Tim (but that’s a year or two in the future yet)
I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Craig.
Awwww. Poor Shadows going to ruin those gloves.
and its so hard to get blood out of cloth anyway
Good thing her clock is already red
Heh, out pop the claws, you mean?
Yup. Not sure which she would be protecting more, the candy or the book, but him grabbing both I’d say he just earned himself some pain.
Just found this comic- Hoo boy, this is gonna be good.
Nice! Welcome to the fold!
I thought it was “Welcome to the cult”?
Shadow … count to ten, take a diep breath, and walk trough .. later tonight you can take your revenge, when chraig does not expect it.
That could be worse, give her time to plot an extensive revenge instead of a drive him off and call it even bit. If she does step back now I don’t expect Craig to ever sleep again.
Two shadows ooze silently from beneath Craig’s bed, the first leaps atop him, restraining him as he jolts awake. His first panicked sight is a maw of shiny, silvery white teeth, sharp like a bear trap smiling down upon him, ‘Hello, Craig.” The creature hisses an almost joyful salutation. He attempts to move, but the creature, blue skinned, with golden flecks across it’s surface twinkles spectacularly in the moon light from out his window against his thrashes. It digs it’s claws into his wrists, drawing a bead of blood at each tip. “None of that now, human. It’s time for your… lesson.”
From the side of the bed, the second creature comes closer, in the light, a flash of recognition. “You!” Craig gasps.
“Awww, you remember me! How sweet…” the dusky-skinned girl whispers sweetly through a venomous grin. “You’ll wish you didn’t.” She says as she produces something from the depths of her billowing cloak, stretching it from claw to claw, Craig realizes what it is; a sock. “You’re wondering what this is for? Don’t worry, it’s just for our benefit, my colleague and I. It’s just a precaution, you see… to muffle your screams!” She screeches at the last jamming the length of fabric across his mouth. He yells, but alas, only a muffled whimper escapes his dry lips.
“Well sister, shall we begin?”
No one ever saw Craig again.
All wrong there, Brandon.
1 Middy should secure his wrists to the bedhead. Either using cable-ties or Nox-specific equivalents.
2 The sock goes INTO (not across) the mouth – especially if its used and a bit crusty and should be secured either with a strip of duct tape or tied in place behind the neck.
3 Craig IS “seen again” but is found wandering without clothes incoherently muttering about “demons” “claws” “the FANGS!” and “tails” drenched in funk sweat . A bottle of “cheap” booze has been poured over him (keep the expensive stuff for a party later) so he has NO CREDIBILITY when the police release him from the drunk tank (where he meets a very friendly young body-builder called Tarquin “Buns” Wentworth – but that’s a tale to be told AFTER the kiddies have gone to sleep.)
4 Craig returns to school walking on tiptoes and shortly afterwards is asked to resign from the school Graeco-Roman wrestling squad.
5 He drowns his sorrows in the first bottle of Evercleer or Thunderbird wine or methylated spirits (with boot polish for flavour) and somehow his life never seems to get back on track because he often sees blue or grey freckled “demons’ in the dark corners of alleys and insists on pointing his visions out to random passers by.
6 He sinks so low that he becomes political advisor to a mayoral candidate and is swept up with the rest of the trash when his candidate’s corruption becomes public.
7 He lives on, but nobody cares.
Now THAT’S a suitable punishment for a bully!
Haha, somehow this is MUCH darker than the girls simply disappearing him.
.. and I toned it down for a G readership, too.
geez…don’t say such thinks Brandon,people(like me…) might think this WILL happen…
plus,I don’t like threesomes…but thanks to the internet I’m set to think of it whenever I get a scenario as 2 girls and one dude…*shaking*
Hi Brandon, Tomokatu, you are pranky, lol. But thats what i had some what in mind. altrough i was just going for a simple boeeeehhhh and telling craig to stay away from the two of them after giving back the sweets he did stollen. A little bit like scrootch but then with devil’s.
But your ideas works as well.
Bully picks fight with girl, not guy. What a coward! And Shadow most certainly is not cowardly. Meanwhile, Tim now has an excuse to defend the girl. I wonder how well-constructed is that clawed glove he’s wearing….
Not as well as hers. Although, I could see that being a nice christmas gift from her to him “Here, a set of your own claws, we know how helpless you are without them…”