#129 “Wasting Time”
Well now, it seems like there’s a storm-a-brewin’ for our young protagonists, and it’s name is CRAIG!
Sorry guys, my site is being weird right now and won’t let me post… you can see this now, right?
Okay, it worked. Finally. Yay.
Welp. I know that someone is gonna get their butt handed to them on a silver platter.
And it certainly aint the two lovebirds.
Hm… at first I thought that Craig is human form of Terminus*… but he is not polite like him and i don’t think that Terminus would bully the girl… so he is just the emotional snack for Shadow…
*since I think that he and Nightmare will go to human world throught the door…
She’s going expose her real form isn’t she?
the suspense is killing me….but then again it wouldn’t be the first time
Suspense is my life blood, and despite what people may say, they keep coming back for more. So. Suspense!
And venom !
[Begin David Attenborough]
And here we see the young imbecile in its native habitat! Also known as the “common bully,” the imbecile is renowned for developing physically long before developing the mental capacity to use its strength wisely. Sadly, many common imbeciles rarely make it to adulthood, and this one–whom our cameraman has affectionately named “Craig”–seems hell-bent on antagonizing a vicious wild Bed Bug.
[/end David Attenborough]
ROFLMAO! I’ve watched some of his segments, so I get the reference! So if Shadow is the Bed Bug, then what is Timmy?
Omg. This is way to funny. I was not able to read more then the first two lines and seeing it all for my on the tv.
omg I just read that hearing in his voice in my head
I now wonder what other spells Shadow might have studied, in that grimoire…. The transformation spell would have been of maximal interest, but she must have at least scanned some of the others. If she found one or more of them interesting *enough*, then she would have studied it/them also….
Perhaps … how about a nice cozy fireball, Craig?
Another notion is a double-her-strength spell. In a comment to the previous comic, Brandon stated that Shadow might or might not be deceptively strong. Well, that could be perfectly accurate if she can magically strengthen herself!
This is going to get really bad, really quick. Trying to steal her candy! Tim is about to see a side of Shadow that he may only suspect exists!
Oh, like maybe we’ll get to see Shadow’s “SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” face?
You’re the creator but my mind pictures something more like this – https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/legendsofthemultiuniverse/images/0/05/Bunnicula_skull_trick.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160711054808
Craig just fucked up. But will Shadow actually beat him or just scares the hell out of him by letting her disguise go for a moment? Either would be entertaining.
I’m cheering on both, a nice interspecies ass whooping
That is a really cruddy response to that dig, but I can’t think of a better one. “Not as much as your mom charges” I guess. I’m terrible at thinking of those at the time.
I’d go with “More than the nickel your mom charges”. Gives both an extremely low cost and an “It’s Walky” reference.
It wouldn’t be as offensive, but “Just a few cookies” would still be a nice internal joke, just saying.
Oooh sparkle of doomy doom! Mr. Jerk Jock is going to need some brown pants tonight.
Craig? Craig Penderson?
Well, count me Surprisiiiiieeeiiiioooiesd.
I wonder how many who read this will think of me as a raving lunatic?
Claw his face off, Shadow!
Im pretty sure tims mom is the black heart monster chick
You and almost every other reader (including myself).
* pulls out Trope Checklist *
* Checks off “Mugging The Monster” in pencil *
More accurately, that Trope should be “Attempt Mugging The Monster”….
It was at that moment Craig realized……he fucked up.
Nope not ” at that moment” but later.
“Revenge is a dish best eaten COLD”