#129 “Wasting Time”
Well now, it seems like there’s a storm-a-brewin’ for our young protagonists, and it’s name is CRAIG!
Sorry guys, my site is being weird right now and won’t let me post… you can see this now, right?
Okay, it worked. Finally. Yay.
Hm. Just discovered this about two hours ago. Already caught up. *feelsbadman*
Welcome, fellow GU fan!
but weren’t those the best 2 hours of your life?
Same here man, and I’ve loved every minute of it so far.
OK, this better be going to evil dead, paranormal activity parody territory with this story’s necronomicon being stolen.
I can just imagine Craig trying to read from the book followed by Shadow appearing in his house late at night to scare him into returning it and apologize to those (Tim) he has bulleid. Tormenting him with things like door banging, scratching sounds, ominous whispers, faulty electronics, raided cookie jars, and missing socks (or even sock puppets designed to look like him. [boy would that be hilariously creepy]). All this culminating into her dramatically appearing in front of him in a terrifying display and saying something along the lines of a Freddy Krueger one liner.
Cliché I know, but well worth it in my opinion. It be nice to see Shadow’s scare tactics work on someone more susceptible to monsters.
This was the best (( and still is )) one of the best comics ever please add more
I think I remember someone commenting how the “Biff” character was about to show up in the story, but he’s even dressed like him, was this intentional?
Yes, very much so.
Wait his name is Tim, and his last name is Newton, Timmy Newton Timmy Newtron..
Holy shit.
No no, that’s Jimmy Neutron. Not even close.
It may be Jimmy Newtron, but Timmy is only 1 letter off
Oh and Neutron was only one letter off as well so it’s pretty close
Timothy Newton
Jimmy Neutron
Similar, but not really the same thing at all.
I agree with Brandon; Timmy doesn’t present himself as having the same level of smarts as Jimmy. This is just a case where “any similarity to some other person is purely coincidental”.
Besides, I’m more surprised nobody points out the fact that Daddy Newton Thomas literally has the same name as the protagonist from the book/movie “The Man Who Fell To Earth”.
Totally unintentional, but it’s true.
Wait, when was his name revealed? I missed something here…
Touché Brandon, Touché…
First of all, hello
I have so many questions about how tim got an artifact that I think only those in the world of shadow have and if you already answered this sorry. I’m new and I really like the story you created and I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
Noooo the only downside to finding a really good online comic is when you catch up to the current story and you can no longer keep going you have to wait but I love it it’s great
That is how us Hermits who sit in our room all day live.
I can’t be the only one who saw his name was Craig and immediately think of Craigslist…
His organs may be showing up there at some point…
Dude Craig is fucked. We’ve already seen that shadow loves sweets. Shadow is going to end Craig. You don’t mess with a monsters love interest or sweets. Brandon I hope you delve into a fight scein with shadow shoving a broom stick up his ass. Or some humiliating way of beating him
Ok so i didn’t read through all the comments so i don’t know if someone mentioned it already but why does it look like someone gave Shadow a book instead of candy?
If someone actually did give her one WTF who gives someone a book on Halloween instead of candy!? I don’t even celebrate it and i wouldn’t candy block someone that hard.
You should read the whole story. But particularly relevant are comics #87 ( /?comic=87-encounter –append that to the website name), #88 ( /?comic=88-the-missing-mother ), #94 ( /?comic=94-a-helping-hand ), #111 ( /?comic=111=a-little-too-real ), #114 ( /?comic=114-someday ), and #116 ( /?comic=116-the-long-way ).
a couple of typos: /?comic=111-a-little-too-real –and– /?comic=114-sometime
My favorite story is how i met the devil in a woman I work with, cause of something I said. I think Craig is about to see the devil in shadow as well…….but something tells me it won’t be near as funny of story for him…
I see a bloody nose and a black eye coming.
Along with a couple scratch marks
i swear to god craig looks like he could be mortis….
He’s definitely not.
Got to say, anyone who has a belt and suspenders has some trust issues.
At work, we go with belt + suspender solutions frequently. Your belt may work 99.999% of the time to keep your pants up. And that seems pretty good. But when you scale up to a million potential depantsing incidents per day, your belt fails 10 times a day. And we deal with hundreds of millions… The suspenders only work 99.9% of the time, but 2-3 a day we can handle.
Craig may not deal on an industrial scale, but I’m guessing his belt + suspenders is not going to be a match for what he’s going to experience on page 130.
“You mean this candy?”
Famous last words