#129 “Wasting Time”
Well now, it seems like there’s a storm-a-brewin’ for our young protagonists, and it’s name is CRAIG!
Sorry guys, my site is being weird right now and won’t let me post… you can see this now, right?
Okay, it worked. Finally. Yay.
What recreation is there in Nox?
I’m sure they find ways to keep themselves busy.
Is it just me or does Craig kinda look like Terminus? Maybe he somehow got himself to look human.
While simultaneously trying to open a door in Nox with Nightmare. That’s an especially good trick!
Maybe the door opened and it led them to the human world.
I’m just kidding I’m grasping straws to keep my theory afloat.
Clear something up for me, how old are Tim and Shadow at this point in the timeline? Obviously in Shadow’s case, how many human years, rather than Nox time.
I only ask because this Craig guy looks far too old to be hitting on Shadow.
If I remember correctly, their 12. And Craig does looks like 16-ish so he’s brings creep by trying to steal Shadow from Tim.
He wasn’t exactly being serious when he said ‘cutie’. I don’t believe that necessarily amounts to hitting on somebody, exactly.
It used to be they were about 9, with Shadow a few months older than Tim. But recently Brandon retconned it so they’re 12. Craig’s probably only a few years older than them.
Was it a retcon, or just time passing?
Retcon. Brandon said he was changing it in the description of page 114. Also, if you go back and check all the earlier pages, all the references to them being around 9 have been changed to 12.
It hasn’t been anywhere near that long in-universe. Hey Brandon, how long has it been since Tim and Shadow met at this point? No more than a month or two, I’m pretty sure.
Well, it’s currently October 31st in current comic time, and they met during Tim’s summer vacation from school. In fact, on page 36 Tim mentions his birthday is also in October ‘3 months from now’, so… there you go.
They met at some point in July, and it is now the end of October.
Ah, thanks. A bit longer than I thought, didn’t check my facts carefully enough.
They’re 12, Craig is like a grade or two higher in school. And he probably failed a grade or two as well!
That explains Craig being pathetic enough to think he’s something for bullying a kid so obviously younger.
Tim and Shadow I think are around the age of 12.
Is there gonna be an update today Brandon?
Possibly, if I get my butt in gear… I’m on vacation currently, so I’m in no hurry. I am still working on the new page though, to be sure.
I’m excited to see what Shadow does. In my magical crystal ball I see a fist flying in Craig’s face’s vicinity but it’s very hard to tell whose.
Where is the new page? Isn’t saturday today?
Lol In spain it’s 23:56 Saturday XD
I’m from spain and i just saw the time is on the blog, i mean
Where is 120 fam
I mean 130*
Nvm I forgot to read the other message sorry FAM
I actually AM working on the next page, I’m just doing other stuff too if I happen to feel like it. For instance, I just watched some Rick and Marty while working awhile back.
Is that a “Rick and Morty”/”Back to the Future” crossover or something?
….just joshin’ ya
Man, Rick and Morty is the best.
In any moment. Just breath and relax. It will be uploaded in any second
Nah, I’m still colouring. It’s gonna be a while yet.
I see you’ve posted the outlines of the next comic to your Facebook page, and in it Craig has discovered the book. One thing I sort-of forgot to think about, as the overall story progressed, is the English language that Shadow and Midnight have had no problem using (at least when speaking with humans). I would expect Nox folk to have their own language, and their encyclopedias to be in that language. Which means the book isn’t going to be very useful to Craig (or Tim, either). What can you tell us about Nox and language(s)? Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the spoiler >:(
Actually, they speak human languages, because all our languages came from the same place. Ooooooooooooooooh! Mysterious!
Oh yeah, and don’t spoil things that haven’t happened yet pleeeeease. Not everybody cares about previews and just like the final version.
Sorry; I didn’t think I was spoiling anything significant there. Big books are generally lots heavier than candy; how could Craig possibly not notice that, after grabbing Shadow’s bag?
It’s almost there we just gotta wait a little bit longer……I CAN’T DO IT MAN! I JUST CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!!!
I wonder Noxians have ever heard of Zen.
Does Nox ever makes use of house arrest to punish it’s criminals?
Would that be by confining them to an unlucky human’s room for a set amount of time?
Nope. Only its authors
Kick his ass Tim!
I absolutely love this series and I know that you’re still working on this chapter. I’m just wondering what timezone you’re currently working in and what timezone this website uses.
I’m from Queensland, Australia so when I see something is released on the 6th, I won’t see it until it’s the 7th.
Just trying to set up notifications on my phone to alert me to new chapters.
I’m in Eastern Standard Time currently, and it is currently 9:51am for me.
Nice. 14 hours behind me, same as several close friends of mine.
Well, I hope you have a lovely holiday and I’ll see you in 2 weeks