#130 “Standing Tall”
Here comes trouble…
Oh, and I’m on vacation for a week, so no comic next week. I’m just telling you guys now! Spread the word!
Here comes trouble…
Oh, and I’m on vacation for a week, so no comic next week. I’m just telling you guys now! Spread the word!
I wonder if Tim is gonna show some of his inner monster?
You mean his dick??
I think they meant residual powers from being (potentially) half monster.
But sure, just whip it out instead! Lol
His monster dick?
wow,crazy theories come out every time,now I know,I mean,Tim half monster?Brandon has confirmed to me,in a previous page when I asked,that monsters and humans can’t breed.So that theory is out of the question.
It’s best if you rip this plastaid fast.
You should go back and review that, and search for double talk and misleading language.
Nox and humans are certainly different-looking enough to qualify (at first glance) as different species –and one of the definitions of “different species” is, they can’t interbreed. However, when magic gets involved, all bets are off. We have no idea how thoroughly a Nox person could, via magic, transform to human (or vice-versa). All we know about the particular spell Shadow is using is that it thoroughly affects her *appearance*. Lady Blackheart, if she is also Ruth, might be using a much more powerful transformation spell.
I forgot to say that if LB had totally transformed to human, she might merely be using the simple glamour spell to appear to look like Nox, when visiting that place. No need to do heavy-duty spells when a light-duty spell could suffice!
at that moment he knew he f**k up
Well, we are fixing to find out if Momma is really Lady Blackheart (Shadows “…something strange in the neighborhood…” remark about Tim’s mom) and if so, is Tim going to draw courage and strength from his Noxian ancestry? Or has he finally reached his limit seeing Shadow being physically abused by a dick like Craig?
I knew an asshole like Craig when Tim’s age. A bully in and out of school, he mistook my dislike of physical confrontation as cowardness. When he punched my little sister, my Scot-Irish-Souix ancestry put him in the ER with a broken nose and dislocated shoulder. The Air Police were called in and an investigation and report filed about the incident. My father, an Air Force Tech Sergeant and the bully’s father, a Major, were called in front of the Base Commander, a Brigader General. When the facts were brought out, the kid was expelled from school, his father relived of duty and sent to Offut AFB, NE, SAC HQ for punishment. Back then (1960s) the service member, regardless of rank, were responsible for the actions of their family members and could be discharged/released from service if the actions were severe enough. Funny thing, I never had anymore trouble for the remainder of our time there.
“Get offa’ me!”
-Craig’s last words
You done goofed!
Haha, I actually say this all the time.
*starts the pawsome music theme*
It’s time to kick some ass! >:3
Craig thinks the book is blank, he wants the book so he can start a list. He will call it…
i see what you did there, but no :p
I don’t really get the reference…
me either….
I think hurokun is making a reference to Craigslist. Kind of a shaky, out of nowhere reference, but yeah…
Or.. it could be Gilbert & Sullivan’s Mikado.
“I’ve got a little list,
Of society’s offenders
Who will none of them be missed”
There’s lots more, look up the lyrics.
Craig called it a textbook, when he first pulled it out of the bag. He won’t expect it to be blank. It might, however, be in a language he can’t read. Latin, maybe. I’ve heard that Latin is a classic language for casting magical spells….
Hmmm… Latin is oldschool, even fantasy authors have picked up that casting needs (should be done) in a genuinely OBSCURE language.
Try Gaelic, Erse or a dialect of Serbo-Croat.
Enjoy your vacation.
Annnnnnd Mom walks up, GG Craig…
She’s handing out candy and getting ogled by all the dads on the block! She can’t just show up here…
I think they mean Sunny. Though to be fair, I am not certain if her bad side is any worse than the Vice Admirals.
You pushed Tim’s Shadow Button. Ya shouldn’ta did that
“Oooh,profanity” -Piemations
Enjoy the vacation. Kick back and relax.
and laugh til you collapse…
i wont but still best comic ever only comic that has some boobs and more story line but is still super interesting to read and i really enjoy it