#130 “Standing Tall”
Here comes trouble…
Oh, and I’m on vacation for a week, so no comic next week. I’m just telling you guys now! Spread the word!
Here comes trouble…
Oh, and I’m on vacation for a week, so no comic next week. I’m just telling you guys now! Spread the word!
Yaknow there hasn’t been any boobage in awhile.
That’s because the story is currently focused on under-age Tim and Shadow (and under-aged Nightmare and Terminus and Midnight), more than any adults. The most recent possibility for boobage was when Tim’s parents were alone together while she put on her Halloween witch costume. Maybe Brandon didn’t think of it. Or maybe boobage there wouldn’t have been consistent with the focus on her butt, in that comic.
On another hand, Brandon has indicated (various comments) that this chapter of the story is going to end pretty soon, after which almost all the story will focus on age18+ characters. In any case, boobage has not been necessary to keep viewers interested in this comic. The story alone is doing that just fine! (I might note that I regularly follow several different on-line comics, some of which have lots of boobage, and more, and this one has by-far the most active fan base in the comments. That’s how good this *story* is!)
I mainly came for plot, rather than sauce.
I’ve got other things to deal with currently, but I can promise that before the chapter is over there will be more boobage.
Next chapter everybody gets boobs anyway, so I suppose there’s something to look forward to!
“Next chapter everybody gets boobs anyway”…..
Tim & Craig both??
I wonder how Shadow & Middy will react to that development (and Tim’s parents too)
“SURPRISE!!! Look what I got!”
OF COURSE! That’s exactly hat I mean! XD
i love booob hats XD nice one brandon
I think I’ll float the GUESS that when 18-year-old Tim visits Nox, he needs to use a transformation spell, and that glamour just happens to make him look female (and could be why he has a Sisterhood Aegis).
God above, you are making it really hard for me not to spill my guts on what I know Brandon.
I like where this is going.
Seriously, I’d vote more often, but the present Voting Incentive bothers me. She’s kinda’ young for this sort of thing.
The earlier one was a bit raw as well. Not quite as bad, though. Captain is an adult.
(yes, I’m likely an aberration)
She’s not a child in that picture. That’s 18 year old Shadow!
Brandon, please read this message, I’m french and also pretty good in english, I wish I could translate The Monster Under The Bed for the french communities, i just want you to allow me
Well, I never said Shadow was underage. What’s underage in Monster-Years, anyhow ?
Still, she’s out Trick-Or-Treating.
I know there are even full-grown adults that do that, but not many, not many.
I’m surprised after the 3rd frame where Craig pushes shadow it didn’t just cut to a gravestone…
I know this is unlikely to happen, but if in the next page having Tim change slightly, letting out his inner monster would be amazing. We all think he is half monster, if he off some pissed off monster look like glowing eyes or something. Might make for a good time for the mother to explain things to him.
Doesnt even have to be him being half monster. He’s been exposed to how much magic? How many times has the fabric of reality been ripped open beneath where he sleeps? Something that big repeatedly going off inches from him might have just left a bit of… residual energy?
So… Timmy is going to open a hole to Nox under the bully and it’ll bring him on top of the girl and guy monster (forgive my terrible memory oh admin Brandon) who had just opened that door and then the three of them plan to attack Timmy and Shadow with the power canon that was behind the door but now, with Timmy’s portal powers he is a formidable foe and in the final battle sends the power canon blast back towards bully and co. then rides off into the sunset with Shadow on a skeleton horse?
I could just see the grin on Termites face as he says “What wonderful timing? How did you know we needed a vi-um, human sacrifice?”
hahahaha not ever im pretty sure
I foresee Tim learning some things about himself VERY soon here. This comic is one of the only things that makes me look forward to the END of a weekend.
In the words of the person who linked me this ,,Came for the lead, stayed for the plot.”
I ment ,,lewd” fucking auto correct.
Welp. Kiss your * what you probably would consider handsome * face goodbye, Craig.
No one will recognize you.
The suspense is killing me, I need to know what happens next! Will Tim beat the ever-loving crap out of Craig!? I MUST KNOW!
Hello Brandon I just recently discovered your comic and I say it intriguing
After the fight.
Shadow: Tim, how did call Craig before getting to him ??
Tim: Em… I was annoyed and I can’t recall now.
S: Was it ‘ashole’ ??
T: (Crap !! She remembered !!) Em… That’s his last name !! ‘:-) Yea, last name.
S: Craig Ashole… Nevermind. For more candies !!
T: (Phew !! Nice me.)
No, no, no! It’s Craig (green & steaming barnsweepings in the wake of a herd of clover-fed cattle) Asshole.
I doubt this would be Shadows first time hearing the word.
If I recall correctly, Freddy is called some rather impolite things in his films, anatomical or otherwise.
And she has been studying human culture after all.
Yeah, she’s heard all the best swear words by now.
Good luck in your endeavours and hopefully you have/had some fun on your vacation!
All work and no play makes Brandon go …. something something ….
Go CraaaAaAazy?!
cant fucking wait till the next comic script your Righteous mate
Thank you kind stranger!
I suppose i am a kind stranger! :3 and thank you
Oh, I dunno how much of a stranger you are, but you are quite kind.
The new page is getting closer, I feel it! Im eager to see what happens
We will not see what happens, it is time to switch back and see what Nightmare and her little friend are up to.
But I need to see Tim beat Craig’s ass!
whens the next one anyway im tired of waiting also idk how it works is it just 1 page or like 2? 3? 4? 5?