This is going to be sweet! Get him Shadow! Give ’em one a these, and a couple a these! And if you really wanna hurt him, throw in a few of these! Or just flail your arms in random directions, I’ve found both work equally well. I personally prefer the latter.
LOL reminds me of a D&D campaign I was in one time. There was of course the big burly warrior tank, and his favored weapon was a dire flail. There was also a cute little, well, lets call her the team mascot, who was rather smitten with said tank.
Well during a certain large scale battle, the enemy got a lucky shot in on the warrior who went down for the count. Cue protective ragemode on the mascot who immediately tried to pick up the flail. Keep in mind the main handle on this thing is about as tall as she was and thicker than her leg.
She rolled a natural 20, and somehow found the perfect balance point on what for her would be a siege weapon. What followed can only be described as carnage on ice. Her battlecry became “oh my god I cant stop this thing!”
…When the warrior woke up and saw both sides of the battle clinging to one another in mortal terror, she was forbidden to ever touch the thing again. Then given a cookie.
From the “I’m just a diversion” thing that is directly associated with this comic, we can be pretty sure Tim expects Shadow to do something significant. If she put her real teeth into play, she might be able to bite through Craig’s neck. I tend to think what she does won’t be quite that significant, though. We’ll see next week, hopefully!
What if Shadow can’t bring herself to get involved? Like, being frightening and scary in a controlled environment is not the same when you’re out in the open, with numerous witnesses, and a person who might actually fight back.
Dang, Timmy. You should have at least grabbed him by the shirt as you fell, put your foot into his gut and kicked up as you hit the ground. That’s called a monkey roll in judo. (At least, I think it’s called a monkey roll.) Mr. Bully would have been so scared of hurting himself he would have let go of you. But, you’re probably like me, a lover and not a fighter. (And I ain’t much of a lover. LOL.)
It occurs to me that because Tim knows that Shadow was able to use the hammock in the back yard as a portal from Nox, and since Tim is now “bed-like” relative to Craig, Shadow might be able to open a portal and let all three of them fall to Nox. Once there, Shadow could put a glamor on Tim, disguising him as Nox, while letting Craig suffer the fate of any human in Nox….
The point of my 3:52pm post is that I’m sure Tim expects Shadow to do something, but what she actually does might be very different from whatever particular thing Tim thinks Shadow might do. He’s simply given her full freedom to act without Craig interfering.
And now …
Oh shit… I think Shadow is gonna show him her true form and use it to scare the living shit outta this dumb bitch boy
This is going to be sweet! Get him Shadow! Give ’em one a these, and a couple a these! And if you really wanna hurt him, throw in a few of these! Or just flail your arms in random directions, I’ve found both work equally well. I personally prefer the latter.
Haha just towards him spinning your fists around in circles!
Haha just towards him spinning your fists around in circles!
LOL reminds me of a D&D campaign I was in one time. There was of course the big burly warrior tank, and his favored weapon was a dire flail. There was also a cute little, well, lets call her the team mascot, who was rather smitten with said tank.
Well during a certain large scale battle, the enemy got a lucky shot in on the warrior who went down for the count. Cue protective ragemode on the mascot who immediately tried to pick up the flail. Keep in mind the main handle on this thing is about as tall as she was and thicker than her leg.
She rolled a natural 20, and somehow found the perfect balance point on what for her would be a siege weapon. What followed can only be described as carnage on ice. Her battlecry became “oh my god I cant stop this thing!”
…When the warrior woke up and saw both sides of the battle clinging to one another in mortal terror, she was forbidden to ever touch the thing again. Then given a cookie.
Mmmmm cookies.
Haha sounds like a good time was had!
From the “I’m just a diversion” thing that is directly associated with this comic, we can be pretty sure Tim expects Shadow to do something significant. If she put her real teeth into play, she might be able to bite through Craig’s neck. I tend to think what she does won’t be quite that significant, though. We’ll see next week, hopefully!
I hope he found his testicles to be precious before Shadow castrates him.
And now the real fun begins!
As Joker would say “and here we go”
What if Shadow can’t bring herself to get involved? Like, being frightening and scary in a controlled environment is not the same when you’re out in the open, with numerous witnesses, and a person who might actually fight back.
It is a possibility that she won’t do anything but a slim one based on how confident Tim is.
Truer words were never spoken, he just does not realize He is not going to start the Fun.
Dang, Timmy. You should have at least grabbed him by the shirt as you fell, put your foot into his gut and kicked up as you hit the ground. That’s called a monkey roll in judo. (At least, I think it’s called a monkey roll.) Mr. Bully would have been so scared of hurting himself he would have let go of you. But, you’re probably like me, a lover and not a fighter. (And I ain’t much of a lover. LOL.)
Why not use the claws? He can kill with that XD (If they are real)
Because he’s a nice guy who doesn’t actually want to severely mutilate another guy. Plus, they aren’t real blades.
I think it’s called Tami-otoshi (but it’s been forty years ago).
I get the distinct feeling Shadow is about to get her nightly fear quota out of this guy…
Soon shadow will have some lovely human hide boots to make up for her torn stockings. And maybe a new cover for her book.
I hope this guy’s wearing a diaper.
I sure hope there’s a diversion.
Tim is the diversion. Craig has been paying no attention to Shadow while he focused on Tim.
That would depend on whether Shadow does what Tim expects her to do.
It occurs to me that because Tim knows that Shadow was able to use the hammock in the back yard as a portal from Nox, and since Tim is now “bed-like” relative to Craig, Shadow might be able to open a portal and let all three of them fall to Nox. Once there, Shadow could put a glamor on Tim, disguising him as Nox, while letting Craig suffer the fate of any human in Nox….
OMG if something like that really happens i’ll have a brainsplosion so extreme my brains will get to the moon xD
That would be AMAZING!
The point of my 3:52pm post is that I’m sure Tim expects Shadow to do something, but what she actually does might be very different from whatever particular thing Tim thinks Shadow might do. He’s simply given her full freedom to act without Craig interfering.