I think you two refer to dfferent punches.
Also, bonus points for Tim to have the thumb OUTSIDE the fist, while the buly has it INTO the fist.
(Maybe that’s why Tim is saying him that he’s asking for it? And smiling because he knows it’s gonna hurt the bully more than it’s gonna hurt him? I’ve got the feeling that Shadow’s intervention is gonna actually HELP the bully in the long run…)
… or if Shadow performs as expected, what WAS between his legs will be forcibly detached and he’ll be carrying them in his hands, bleating for a doctor to re-attach them.
Maybe he can join a church choir, to sing counter-tenor. There’s a long tradition for that.
Tim’s off-balance to start with and Craig has a grip (left hand) on his jersey to direct his body-mass even further. Craig’s in control of that throw.
Tim had a chance for an outer ankle sweep but missed placing his ankle lower to capture Craig’s and didn’t have a firm grip on either Craiig’s body or clothing to control the direction of his movement.
A couple of years Judo training would improve Tim’s knowledge and practique.
If we harken back to Page #107 Panel 3, you can clearly see Shadow getting up and snarking at Midnight after the physically larger Midnight had shoved her down. That was because Lady Moonlight was nearby but out of Midnight’s field of view and did indeed interfere.
What we see here in the last panel is Tim snarking at Craig while seeming to look at a point above and behind him. I conjecture that Shadow is back there and has dropped the glamour.
I do believe that Craig is about to meet what goes bump in the night.
Most people forget that in Craig’s position, Tim could hit a very painful place below the belt… Or he could let Shadow bring the fear of the night into the bully, both works ^^
When you try punch someone, you should be a bit wary by your move is a good idea, if you see your target still smiling calmly…
Also, you shouldn’t close your eyes.
I think you two refer to dfferent punches.
Also, bonus points for Tim to have the thumb OUTSIDE the fist, while the buly has it INTO the fist.
(Maybe that’s why Tim is saying him that he’s asking for it? And smiling because he knows it’s gonna hurt the bully more than it’s gonna hurt him? I’ve got the feeling that Shadow’s intervention is gonna actually HELP the bully in the long run…)
Why does this scene looks more romantic awaiting a kiss than a fight scene?…
Cliffe Steele was bullied as a boy before he grew up and became Robotman who’s a member of every single Doom Patrol incarnation.
…tickle tickle tickle?
Craig is really going to regret messing with Shadow.
Ok, what’s Tim’s secret move?
Shadow, most likely.
Never mess with a man, when his woman is stood right next to you. The results could be…..unfavourable
awww so it is only 1 now i have to deal with another cliff hanger
bet ya craig is gonna be running away with his **** between his legs
… or if Shadow performs as expected, what WAS between his legs will be forcibly detached and he’ll be carrying them in his hands, bleating for a doctor to re-attach them.
Maybe he can join a church choir, to sing counter-tenor. There’s a long tradition for that.
this will end well…
wait, who was tripping whom there? Looked to me like our man Tim is the one who got his leg hooked around Biff Tannen’s
Tim’s off-balance to start with and Craig has a grip (left hand) on his jersey to direct his body-mass even further. Craig’s in control of that throw.
Tim had a chance for an outer ankle sweep but missed placing his ankle lower to capture Craig’s and didn’t have a firm grip on either Craiig’s body or clothing to control the direction of his movement.
A couple of years Judo training would improve Tim’s knowledge and practique.
You sound like you know your shit
Well, I recognise it when I see it (if that counts)?
If we harken back to Page #107 Panel 3, you can clearly see Shadow getting up and snarking at Midnight after the physically larger Midnight had shoved her down. That was because Lady Moonlight was nearby but out of Midnight’s field of view and did indeed interfere.
What we see here in the last panel is Tim snarking at Craig while seeming to look at a point above and behind him. I conjecture that Shadow is back there and has dropped the glamour.
I do believe that Craig is about to meet what goes bump in the night.
I’m sure you were talking about Nightmare, not Midnight (who is Shadow’s best friend).
Yes, please forgive my error. I was tired and was trying to type in the dark.
Never mess with the boyfriend of a girl with talons lol.
Most people forget that in Craig’s position, Tim could hit a very painful place below the belt… Or he could let Shadow bring the fear of the night into the bully, both works ^^