The running theory is that his mom is a female monster who also used the book there to take on a human form cause she fell in love with his dad wich is why she is so eager to help shadow and tim
Have you viewed the whole comic story? One of the characters in Shadow’s homeland is called “Lady Blackheart”, and she has several things in common with Tim’s mom (same color hair, a mole in the same place near her mouth, and more). And Lady Blackheart gave Shadow the means to transform her appearance to human….
I guess he is big into 80’s look? But everyone here in MUtB world seems to pay attention to their attire. Take Tim’s mom for instance. She looks GREAT even when she has just gotten out of bed.
ya know what i wudda done if i were in tim’s situation? i wudda shanked an’ take an AK-47 to the blonde asshole-shitface with the shitty suspenders and the peice-a-shit belt’s balls! *P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-POW*
When i read the last comic in the chapter i though the series was dead but it still alive!!!!!!!!! This the second best anime/??? I have ever seen just after “spice and wolf” animated serisez anime thingy <3
Has Shadow seen Zorro? One swipe across the suspenders then carve her name in plaid.
And remember Shade, whistle while you work. No, not hiss… ah close enough.
In a comment to a prior comic I mentioned that Shadow might be able to cast a spell that makes her stronger. It didn’t occur to me that her current spell, since it greatly affects appearance, might be a suitable substitute. Because if she used that spell to look like a 7-foot-tall Nox person, might obtaining some extra strength be part of the “monster” result?
‘L’il Timmy Terror.’ Yeah, I think you’re about to find out how true that nickname is.
Especially if you hold with the theory about who his mother is.
I figured Tim was gonna raise his left leg and knee the guy in the nads
Someone’s about to find out that it’s not Timmy who’s the Terror….
@Bob I have not been reading the comments, could you please explain the theory to me.
The running theory is that his mom is a female monster who also used the book there to take on a human form cause she fell in love with his dad wich is why she is so eager to help shadow and tim
check the TVtropes link to the left of the comic
Never link to TV Tropes.
I’m proud of my clichés! They won’t hurt me by pointing them out.
Have you viewed the whole comic story? One of the characters in Shadow’s homeland is called “Lady Blackheart”, and she has several things in common with Tim’s mom (same color hair, a mole in the same place near her mouth, and more). And Lady Blackheart gave Shadow the means to transform her appearance to human….
Transcendance… shit…
Oh damn he bout to get his ass popped into the next century. Can’t wait for more dude keep up the good work
He calls other folks nerds, but he’s wearing a belt AND suspenders?
I guess he is big into 80’s look? But everyone here in MUtB world seems to pay attention to their attire. Take Tim’s mom for instance. She looks GREAT even when she has just gotten out of bed.
ya know what i wudda done if i were in tim’s situation? i wudda shanked an’ take an AK-47 to the blonde asshole-shitface with the shitty suspenders and the peice-a-shit belt’s balls! *P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-POW*
When i read the last comic in the chapter i though the series was dead but it still alive!!!!!!!!! This the second best anime/??? I have ever seen just after “spice and wolf” animated serisez anime thingy <3
Has Shadow seen Zorro? One swipe across the suspenders then carve her name in plaid.
And remember Shade, whistle while you work. No, not hiss… ah close enough.
Just found this quiz on Buzzfeed; “What Type Of Monster Do You Attract.” Laughing too hard. Really want Brandon to take this.
See my TAIL ?
I bit it off by accident.
Just wait until you see what I’ll do to Craig ON PURPOSE !.
(though I sure hope Shadow saves me the trouble, ’cause nap time is coming up)
The first thought that got into my mind after reading this page is the famous Sgt. James Doakes’s (Dexter) quote (the scene at the docks)
The solution to fighting any bully: Kick ’em in the dick.
and run faster then him after
If you continue to upload a page a week for the next 2 weeks we should get 2 more pages before school starts back up
i hope so im going to grade 9 soon and i gotta get this at least a bit more done before im dead from bored school
Just noticed the symbol on the book looks like lunala XD
Please select your vote for the cause of death.
Dragged to hell/nox
Eaten alive
Forced to watch dragon ball z (live action)
Hope this comment makes it through, I’m probably on like 20 watch lists now
By live action DBZ, do you mean Dragonball Evolution?
I don’t know of any other live action versions of DBZ.
It was called Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins
Shadow: its morphin time
In a comment to a prior comic I mentioned that Shadow might be able to cast a spell that makes her stronger. It didn’t occur to me that her current spell, since it greatly affects appearance, might be a suitable substitute. Because if she used that spell to look like a 7-foot-tall Nox person, might obtaining some extra strength be part of the “monster” result?
(One consequence: Nightmare won’t be winning any more shoving matches, because Nightmare doesn’t have access to the spells in that grimoire!)
Even if it didnt, suddenly becoming 7 foot tall would probably carry enough intimidation factor that strength would not be an issue.