Alright. I move we nickname the current arc “The proper way of setting up a complete douche for a well-deserved beating we’re all gonna enjoy watching.”
Its been bi-weekly for a while now, so I think until further notice expect comic pages every fortnight.
I think something’s been going on in the background for a while now, I hope everything is okay though with Brandon.
I just hope that the chapter ends at some point with Shadow his mum having a conversation. I think at this point we all know it’s not Fear she absorbs from him. Also I miss her true form. She’s cuter in that shape!
“Craig was kind of a douchebag and a bully, but he still didn’t deserve to die this horribly. Face and rest of the body scratched badly by an animal of some kind… My god.” -Tim’s speech at Craig’s funeral
So, Brandon, I have had this question for some time now, but I haven’t asked until now. Do you live in the US, or in Europe? The comments talk about how you might post by tonight (as in Sunday night), but at the time that I’m typing this, it is 2:30am Monday morning. I’d like to know, and I’m sure that all of your other ‘murican readers would as well.
Brandon lives in Canada. I think he might have mentioned the Eastern Time Zone (same zone as New York City). Comic #132 that we are waiting for has apparently been experiencing a technical difficulty of some sort, and is delayed (but probably not for a whole week).
I live in Canada in the EST time zone. There’s no technical difficulty or anything, just life stuff and a sore back preventing me from working too much. Usually not a problem, but I slept on it wrong the previous night (Saturday night) and it’s been bothersome ever since. Can’t seem to get comfortable. It sucks because I was making pretty good progress before I did that. It still hurts now on Monday morning and I’ve gotta go to work in about 20 minutes… gaaaah.
I’ve been there. Hurt mine this past March, shoveling a particularly heavy snowfall. Sore for weeks after, and then hurt it again trying to work it out. Eventually I swallowed my pride and started doing this yoga program that was online. I’m sure I was quite the site trying to copy the instructor, but man, three sessions. Three. My back was cured.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Broke both legs in a fall late ’09, had a stroke 12 months ago. now just past 71st birthday.
Enjoy it while it still works because, soon enough, it won’t.
So, their relationship is based on fear, and Tim sets her up to scare the pants off another guy while he is on top of Tim. Does this make them polyterrorous?
Never picked it up…not sure that I’d want to, now, but I’m down on multi-volume works that never seem to reach an end, and George Railroad Martin produced the leading example.
Tsk tsk. Don’t get ahead of the curve. Nothing has been confirmed yet. Brandon can do whatever he wants with it, and that means messing with our heads whenever he wants.
Ha ha, you realize, I’m not actually messing with you guys right? It’s just how stories are told. It’s not *my* fault patience is no longer a virtue in this digital now, now, now world. If you’re waiting for something, it’ll come at it’s rightful time and not before.
Even if the assumption is right, the conclusion is not correct, because Brandon has specifically stated (in a comment to a fairly recent comic) that humans and Nox folk cannot interbreed. But there are still two possibilities.
1. Tim was born to a previous marriage, but that mom is not part of this story. Any second marriage while Tim was young enough would make Tim’s mom actually a step-mom (but simply called “mom”, the only one he ever knew).
2. Since magic is involved, it could be possible for a Nox person to FULLY transform to human, a much more thorough spell than Shadow is currently using (basically a kind of illusion). In this mode Tim’s mom is fully human and is Tim’s real mom –and Tim is fully human, too. (Appearances of Lady Blackheart in this story could be a result of the illusion spell; she has not actually needed to do a full reverse-transformation).
Folks, it occurs to me that complete mastery of that illusion spell could yield an equivalent of invisibility, explaining how L.B. disappeared so quickly while visiting Nox.
In comic #130 (/?comic=130-standing-tall ), comment page 3, Xenomorph2000 wrote: “Brandon has confirmed to me,in a previous page when I asked,that monsters and humans can’t breed.”
Looking for that “confirmation” I found this, in comic #123 ( /?comic=123-blind-leading-the-blind ) comment page 1, that supports Brandon:
vinzenz226: “Would a hybrid possible between human and lets just say bed monster”
Brandon: “Not telling.”
So, still looking (and hoping it wasn’t actually a private message). … OK, I found the PROBLEM.
In #122 ( /?comic=122-the-night-is-young ) comment page 3, Xenomorph2000 asked a similar question and Brandon replied: “I’m disinclined to acquiester your request. It means; ‘No.’ ” –and after that Xenomorph2000 seemed to think the “No” was the answer to the question, and apparently still thought so in his comment (above) to comic #130.
I apologize for not remembering that incident, and thus am sorry for thinking that the comment in #130 was accurate.
Alright. I move we nickname the current arc “The proper way of setting up a complete douche for a well-deserved beating we’re all gonna enjoy watching.”
I second your motion.
How long till the next 1?
I think it’s out in a couple of hours
Its been bi-weekly for a while now, so I think until further notice expect comic pages every fortnight.
I think something’s been going on in the background for a while now, I hope everything is okay though with Brandon.
I like your proper use of the word “fortnight”.
Brandon made an announcement that it may or may not be tonight. Technical difficulties with coloring.
He’s a busy guy believe it or not :3
Here lies Connor Mc Craiger.
(He talked shit before he got it kicked out of him)
I bet his shorts are wet and brown now.
I just hope that the chapter ends at some point with Shadow his mum having a conversation. I think at this point we all know it’s not Fear she absorbs from him. Also I miss her true form. She’s cuter in that shape!
“Craig was kind of a douchebag and a bully, but he still didn’t deserve to die this horribly. Face and rest of the body scratched badly by an animal of some kind… My god.” -Tim’s speech at Craig’s funeral
So, Brandon, I have had this question for some time now, but I haven’t asked until now. Do you live in the US, or in Europe? The comments talk about how you might post by tonight (as in Sunday night), but at the time that I’m typing this, it is 2:30am Monday morning. I’d like to know, and I’m sure that all of your other ‘murican readers would as well.
Brandon lives in Canada. I think he might have mentioned the Eastern Time Zone (same zone as New York City). Comic #132 that we are waiting for has apparently been experiencing a technical difficulty of some sort, and is delayed (but probably not for a whole week).
I live in Canada in the EST time zone. There’s no technical difficulty or anything, just life stuff and a sore back preventing me from working too much. Usually not a problem, but I slept on it wrong the previous night (Saturday night) and it’s been bothersome ever since. Can’t seem to get comfortable. It sucks because I was making pretty good progress before I did that. It still hurts now on Monday morning and I’ve gotta go to work in about 20 minutes… gaaaah.
Getting old sucks.
I’ve been there. Hurt mine this past March, shoveling a particularly heavy snowfall. Sore for weeks after, and then hurt it again trying to work it out. Eventually I swallowed my pride and started doing this yoga program that was online. I’m sure I was quite the site trying to copy the instructor, but man, three sessions. Three. My back was cured.
By the way, how old are you Brandon?
Brandon realised
“… Getting old sucks…’
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Broke both legs in a fall late ’09, had a stroke 12 months ago. now just past 71st birthday.
Enjoy it while it still works because, soon enough, it won’t.
Where I’ve seen Tim in a similar situation?.. Hmm… “Give it to me” “You asked for it!” Ah, yes, here:
hey, but let’s we not forget about the claws xD it would be very fun Tim trying to ticlke him not realising he has those on xD
Thanks for the trip to Nostalgia City, I didn’t even buy the ticket.
Ah, but is Craig ticklish? Some folks just aren’t.
So, their relationship is based on fear, and Tim sets her up to scare the pants off another guy while he is on top of Tim. Does this make them polyterrorous?
…ok, now I’m running.
.. and you can outrun FEAR INCARNATE? Optimist!
Joke’s on this asshole, it’s two on one and she isn’t human.
I’m bored so imma ty and roast you.
These comic pages are coming out slower than George Martins next book
Nobody can be as slow as that guy! XD I’ve been waiting like 5 years now… and it was 11 between the last 2.
Ever heard of a little strip called “Pawn”?
Uhhhh… Nope! I don’t really read too many web comics, surprisingly.
Never picked it up…not sure that I’d want to, now, but I’m down on multi-volume works that never seem to reach an end, and George Railroad Martin produced the leading example.
Waiting for some old guy to appear in the comments like “Go outside and do somethin productive before you break your dalm hip!”
Get well soon, regarding your back, btw you should fix your Patreon link by removing the .net at at the end.
It looks like he really did not even try to really hit him. I bet Shadow told Tim to distract him so she could get even.
Even with her as backup, I doubt she would put him into the path of a punch like that.
I think this was a spontaneous idea on Tims part.
when is the next page
At this point I’m probably going to keep it until next Sunday’s update, and use that time to work on the next page. Gotta build a buffer somehow.
thanks i just had to know
I found this comic yesterday and fell in love thank you for all the hard work
by the way if Tim’s mom is lady blackheart then is Tim part monster
Tsk tsk. Don’t get ahead of the curve. Nothing has been confirmed yet. Brandon can do whatever he wants with it, and that means messing with our heads whenever he wants.
And it seems “whenever he wants” means “all the time”.
Ha ha, you realize, I’m not actually messing with you guys right? It’s just how stories are told. It’s not *my* fault patience is no longer a virtue in this digital now, now, now world. If you’re waiting for something, it’ll come at it’s rightful time and not before.
i know im just saying
Even if the assumption is right, the conclusion is not correct, because Brandon has specifically stated (in a comment to a fairly recent comic) that humans and Nox folk cannot interbreed. But there are still two possibilities.
1. Tim was born to a previous marriage, but that mom is not part of this story. Any second marriage while Tim was young enough would make Tim’s mom actually a step-mom (but simply called “mom”, the only one he ever knew).
2. Since magic is involved, it could be possible for a Nox person to FULLY transform to human, a much more thorough spell than Shadow is currently using (basically a kind of illusion). In this mode Tim’s mom is fully human and is Tim’s real mom –and Tim is fully human, too. (Appearances of Lady Blackheart in this story could be a result of the illusion spell; she has not actually needed to do a full reverse-transformation).
Folks, it occurs to me that complete mastery of that illusion spell could yield an equivalent of invisibility, explaining how L.B. disappeared so quickly while visiting Nox.
I’ve never said that they can’t inter-breed. I don’t know where your getting that information from. I’ve confirmed nothing either way.
In comic #130 (/?comic=130-standing-tall ), comment page 3, Xenomorph2000 wrote: “Brandon has confirmed to me,in a previous page when I asked,that monsters and humans can’t breed.”
Looking for that “confirmation” I found this, in comic #123 ( /?comic=123-blind-leading-the-blind ) comment page 1, that supports Brandon:
vinzenz226: “Would a hybrid possible between human and lets just say bed monster”
Brandon: “Not telling.”
So, still looking (and hoping it wasn’t actually a private message). … OK, I found the PROBLEM.
In #122 ( /?comic=122-the-night-is-young ) comment page 3, Xenomorph2000 asked a similar question and Brandon replied: “I’m disinclined to acquiester your request. It means; ‘No.’ ” –and after that Xenomorph2000 seemed to think the “No” was the answer to the question, and apparently still thought so in his comment (above) to comic #130.
I apologize for not remembering that incident, and thus am sorry for thinking that the comment in #130 was accurate.