Love the comic. I came at first because I like hentai-ish Comics but then this story kind of got me and now I wanna know how it ends Keep up the great work
Basically same for me, I was looking for more of a sex manga and instead found an amazing web comic that I’m hooked on, the fact that it didn’t update last Sunday made me die a little bit inside, not like there’s much left to kill though, that happened in high school.
Soooo.. Where did the book disappear to? It just disappears in the last two panels and next 2 comic pages, making me, a bit unfairly, unsure whether Craig took it or dropped it
Nooooo!!!!!! I just started reading this today and have already reached the current end! I suppose I can wait a couple more days for the next.
“Brandon. August 31, 2017, 5:46 pm
I’ve never said that they can’t inter-breed. I don’t know where your getting that information from. I’ve confirmed nothing either way”
So this means Tim and Shadow can have little Shades?
Well, I’m not confirming that either. It’s totally up in the air until it happens either way.
Whether or not they can reproduce, only time will tell.
Be certain though, they’ll have to practice hard — a lot.
Well, you may not have meant for it to be canon, but one of your Easter pinups certainly had the hint that they were trying.
Little Shades? Aww I’m melting from even picturing them… :3
Ha, running around with their dull little rounded teeth gnawing on people’s legs for fun. XD
:3 Cuteness overload!
And stealing socks. Can’t forget that
Love the comic. I came at first because I like hentai-ish Comics but then this story kind of got me and now I wanna know how it ends Keep up the great work
Basically same for me, I was looking for more of a sex manga and instead found an amazing web comic that I’m hooked on, the fact that it didn’t update last Sunday made me die a little bit inside, not like there’s much left to kill though, that happened in high school.
yea i hear he’s nly releasig panels twice a year now
I’ve found this comic in luscious
Awesome comic, Kinda obvious at this point (to me at least) that Tim’s mother has a secret.
…And I’m pretty sure I know where “Lady Blackheart” has been staying. >:)
Ya its a popular fan theory. So popular it ended up in the fanart section, a piece by Michael Cooper. Nicely done too.
Well Tim did warn him. He’s gonna need a fresh pair of undies in the next page.
Ha! He’s going to need more than undies when Shadow’s done with him. He’ll also need a new belt and suspenders.
Soooo.. Where did the book disappear to? It just disappears in the last two panels and next 2 comic pages, making me, a bit unfairly, unsure whether Craig took it or dropped it
It fell on the ground on the last page when Shadow grabbed him, you can see it by Craig’s feet. Tim just picked it up.
Got’cha, cheers
very nice