And now, the most brutal thing for the most brutal duo (aside from Tim and whatever her name was, my memory’s off): NOTHING!!! (Blame Metalocalypse for that scene).
But… this ISN’T a cliff-hanger! It’s just another page. Next page continues this thread. Now, if I switched back to other characters and never resolved this bit… that’d be a cliff-hanger!
The symbols are a stylised representation of crab claws.
It then becomes obvious that they’re a warning sign to adventures that “Beyond these doors lies Grhratz, the Elder God and YOUR DOOM”
at this point, I assume them to be the symbol of the Makers. Which is why they ahve thus far been unremarked upon by the characters. Its probably as ubiquitous in Nox as the cross is for us.
A small boob hammock. Also, that grey bit is not a shirt, it’s more like a cravat.
The interesting bit is that Midnight ISN’T wearing anything under hers, and will continue to not wear anything under it after she grows up. She’s sort of a free-spirit in that regard. So… Under-boob, ahoy!
“That grey bit…” is usually called a jabot.
The word is taken from French and as an article of clothing is often “a lace jabot” (for females, anyway).
You probably alredy knew that, being Canadian, but many of your readers are only American and it’s a global goodness to try to educate the ignorant.
Regarding the first panel, sorry to disappoint you, Nightmare, but guys are rude and crude and seldom gentlemanly. The real reason guys let gals go first is so they can watch butts wiggle.
Ha ha ha ha !! Many doors indeed Another slap in the face, huh Term ??
And that door looks really good. The red-glowing lines – conductor lines ?? It seems like it will need a serious fear portion and an extra key to open.
The lines on the dooor are a symbolic warning about the occupant of the room. Six legs – insectoid, enhanced nodules on the first pair of claws may indicate unknown capabilities – spitting sticky threads or webbing? maybe a sonic weapon? The head is represented by the symbol in the centre and the bloated thorax is where it digests its prey
Would you REALLY open it? Considering Halloween and all.
Now that you meantion it… I’m now thinking of all the different monsters portrayed in the Halloween-themed zones on one of my online games (DoTD)…. namely Jack….
I hate it when this happens.
So close yet so far. irony is bitch, only it can say nope denied motherfucker. Also goes with the chapter name
Chapter 03 – Many Doors
Exactly! This plus Halloween, I thought it was a fitting title.
Although admittedly it took awhile to pay off.
And now, the most brutal thing for the most brutal duo (aside from Tim and whatever her name was, my memory’s off): NOTHING!!! (Blame Metalocalypse for that scene).
life has many doors ed boy
Did Terminus really expect that they just could waltz right into the Core?
Such a place must have lots of magical protection and based on the door, a very intricate lock.
Everytime Brandon leaves us on a cliffhanger i’m just like
But… this ISN’T a cliff-hanger! It’s just another page. Next page continues this thread. Now, if I switched back to other characters and never resolved this bit… that’d be a cliff-hanger!
Uh oh…
I just mean in general when you leave us on cliffhangers, trust me you do it a lot.
It’s a literary convention (when it’s not just the page end). Get used to it.
Contain your impatience. Learn to anticipate.
Adults can exercise “deferred gratification”.
That’s part of growing up.
Try that for a while.
I can’t be the only one to notice the 2 symbols on the door look like Lunala.
Anyone? No? Ok…
You damm right I see it too
To me, they look more like (the new) Cylon fighters…
Not so.
The symbols are a stylised representation of crab claws.
It then becomes obvious that they’re a warning sign to adventures that “Beyond these doors lies Grhratz, the Elder God and YOUR DOOM”
or maybe it’s a good seafood restaurant.
You mean the same symbol thats on the cover of Shadows magic freakin spell book?
No, did not at all notice those
at this point, I assume them to be the symbol of the Makers. Which is why they ahve thus far been unremarked upon by the characters. Its probably as ubiquitous in Nox as the cross is for us.
My vote goes for Cylons…
Seafood reastorant
XD dude as idubbz would say…”I Have Crippling Depression”
Wait a second…
They don’t wear underthings right? Coz of the whole “She doesn’t know what Underwear are!” thing…
So then what the blazes is Nightmare wearing under that top???
A small boob hammock. Also, that grey bit is not a shirt, it’s more like a cravat.
The interesting bit is that Midnight ISN’T wearing anything under hers, and will continue to not wear anything under it after she grows up. She’s sort of a free-spirit in that regard. So… Under-boob, ahoy!
“That grey bit…” is usually called a jabot.
The word is taken from French and as an article of clothing is often “a lace jabot” (for females, anyway).
You probably alredy knew that, being Canadian, but many of your readers are only American and it’s a global goodness to try to educate the ignorant.
Don’t forget us Aussies
Lifetime Rabbittohs fan. Lived in Redfern for 25 years, now on upper North Shore.
You were saying?
Sorry, Terminus, your core is behind another door.
dude pls do this in spanish
Already done, just Google it.
Regarding the first panel, sorry to disappoint you, Nightmare, but guys are rude and crude and seldom gentlemanly. The real reason guys let gals go first is so they can watch butts wiggle.
Shush you! Never would *I* do such a thing. °w°
Nightmare knows that and doesn’t reallly mind.
Brandon can’t show us tone of voice, but the smirk on her face is, shall we say, “knowing”.
Nightmare is hot and she knows it. She could string him along forever.
Is the monster’s land also known as MORDOR?
No, wrong franchise!
Ha ha ha ha !! Many doors indeed
Another slap in the face, huh Term ??
And that door looks really good. The red-glowing lines – conductor lines ?? It seems like it will need a serious fear portion and an extra key to open.
The lines on the dooor are a symbolic warning about the occupant of the room. Six legs – insectoid, enhanced nodules on the first pair of claws may indicate unknown capabilities – spitting sticky threads or webbing? maybe a sonic weapon? The head is represented by the symbol in the centre and the bloated thorax is where it digests its prey
Would you REALLY open it? Considering Halloween and all.
Now that you meantion it… I’m now thinking of all the different monsters portrayed in the Halloween-themed zones on one of my online games (DoTD)…. namely Jack….