#138 “Transition”
And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.
EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.
I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.
Stay tuned, stay cool.
Wonder if Terminus will invite Nightmare to come on his scare Patrol,
I wonder who is Moonlight having sex with? Judging by the shape of the tail, that is Lord Mortis who Lady Moonlight is having sex with. For fun, maybe or something else?
Diplomatic sex the best kind of diplomacy
I promised myself not to get too involved with story lines in this juncture, but I’ll say this and try to be done with it. I do believe this hurts Lady Moonlight’s character to stoop this low to have sex with Mortis of who’s ever in charge with the brotherhood. I wouldn’t take her seriously as a strong political figure if she would do anything like that. For my sake, this is just fun and not “work.” But, this is my option so please everyone don’t attack me. I don’t want to go through that again…
Could be both.
Could be they’re a romantic couple, but politics don’t allow them to actually BE a couple. So they’re able to get private time together on the premise of ‘negotiations’, while getting to brag to their constituents about ‘conquering’ the other.
Who knows, it could be like Anakin and Padme from the prequel trilogy. Minus the whole “turning to the dark side and killing all of your comrades in a desperate plan to save her when that itself was what killed her”
Holy Molly ! I didn’t expecto to see Lady Moonlight having fun like that in the webcomic.
Fanservice ?
It’s been a while since we’ve had some fanservice like that on the comic.
Considering how Moonlight ended up in the original story, that fanservice is just mean. Unless you want to change a few things, of course.
I’m guessing Lord Mortis as well. The tail shape, color and highlighting is the same.
Well…. I was not expecting that…
Exactly what were you (in a NSFW adult comic) actually expecting? The Spanish Inquisition?
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition.
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
By the 2nd reply, I expected the Spanish Inquisition.
I expected a comfy chair and maybe some surprise.
Well, someone’s night is going well!
*sees topof the page* Ok, so far so good
*scrols down slightly* Jesus h. Christ! That transition was as subtle as jackghammer to the brain! (not minding it though)
Not minding the jackhammer to the brain? Or that transition. I would definitely mind the jackhammer. Having a jackhammer lobotomy does not sound like fun lol
I don’t mind what it transitioned into. A.k.a Sex.
The transition on the other hand and the jackhammerlobotomy I do and would mind.
A bit late to the party but DAYUM thats what we call a “full moon”!
wrong side
Oh my god, sex and titties in my “monster under the bed” ? how scandalous !
Not unpleasant though, just sudden and it’s been a while since we saw a nipple in this comic.
this was…um….uuummmmmm
Well, that’s certainly one way to come to a diplomatic agreement.
Is there a reason Moonlight wears two Aegis’s?
One is a real functioning Aegis, the other is merely decorative. I’ll let you decide which is which.
I was thinking one is a general purpose, same as given to the girls, and the other unlocks certain rooms that are either adult only, or either adult only or highmother only.
So I just read the first 2 chapters of your story and I want to know why did you not add the wings.
Several reasons!
1. They’re pointless. They can’t actually fly or glide with them.
2. Too much like a Gargoyle, honestly.
3. I didn’t feel like drawing them on every page, forever.
4. I regretted adding them in the first place and decided to get rid of them on my own when I rebooted the concept.
5. The only thing I miss about them is the ‘wing hugs’, which admittedly were cute.
6. Profit.
You cut off their wings and sold them for profit!!?? To whom–umbrella makers?
Well… Team Rocket cut off the tails of Slowpoke in the original Pokemon games and sold them for cash….
Yea but those grew back I don’t think their wings do
tail hugs are cuter