#138 “Transition”
And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.
EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.
I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.
Stay tuned, stay cool.
Well this was a surprise lol
Believe me, that’s not a look of surprise.
Too bad the bottom panel isn’t animated!
Wow that feels like so long ago
Same xD
So Mother and Lord Mortis? Hmmm…
Your comment makes me think, they said shadow just showed up one day on moonlight’s doorstep, so how do the other girls join the sisterhood? Clearly they don’t give birth asexually, so are the children just donated/volunteered by their parents?
I think Brandon said before that all the other girls in the Bed Bugs still live with their families.
They choose to join, coming to the guild from their families. Shadow was left on the doorstep and raised under their care, having no real choice in the matter. The guild is her home.
So what do other Noxians do? What is the society outside of the guilds like? Wait don’t tell me, make it a point in the comic to show their world.
They walk around… aimlessly. Like NPC’s in an RPG.
What voice actors would you cast for which character in your ideal animated version, Brandon?
I hear a (sultry) Angelina Jolie for Captain Ruthless.Possibly America Ferrucia for Shadow.
Not sure! I haven’t really thought about it that hard.
Shadow, I imagine having what I might call a ‘syrup-y’ voice. Middle-ranged, sweet but not obnoxious, with a hint of a gravelly/husky undertone she can play around with when she’s being scary, or seductive.
Hey brandon this page makes me have to wonder, what type of voices do you imagine the characters have?
Something about that scene where she was meeting with the reps from the brotherhood makes me think she would have a modified version of the stereotypical evil female villan laugh they have in anime
These characters are so much better than they were in the original story, and I honestly wonder if any or all of the three on this page will see different fates than they did in the original. It seems possible given how different they seem to be!
The original two stories I made up as I went along, with no real far-reaching plan in place. Luckily, everything seemed to fall into place as it went along.
The comic has a lot more thought put into it, using the original as merely a frame. Sometimes I debate with myself over the merits of certain directional choices for an entire week before I finalize them into a page plan. Sometimes, this is why pages get delayed without notice.
Over 135 pages in the comic and it has finally reached NSFW territory and what a transition, this is gonna get good.
Did you miss page 11? How about 29 and 30?
… That moment when the newest page loads and a family member walks behind you. (◯Δ◯∥)
Now for what every one is wondering
Brandon il accept mayby
It doesn’t have to be anime specifically, but an animated adaptation I would be all in for! Any studios interested?!
Well that’s one way to renew people’s attention, certainly.
Happy Thanksgiving.!
Happy Turkey Day right back at ya!
You would think that there would be some protections against this kind of crap happening. Like who just leaves an “Artefact of Doom” unattended
What happened to the intervention page
It was just a placeholder. If I’m going to miss an update for whatever reason I’ll put it up instead to let people know. Probably best to avoid serious conversations on those pages.
Aaawww…..All the very BEST conspiracy theorie showed up there.
Wow.. that just.. is happening.. lol
moon getting some.. haha from whom though?
And rofl did you just “meanwhile” a sex scene?! hahahahahahaha
Oh and great job.. pretty hot already.. I like where this is going.. always ‘liked’ moon.