And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.


EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.

I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.

Stay tuned, stay cool.
