#138 “Transition”
And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.
EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.
I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.
Stay tuned, stay cool.
Yeah, it’s time to cooldown the emotionS, take onE step back, relaX and analize what we know so far
I’d like to see the second panel on different angle… ITS UPPER HALF !! I mean I want to see Terminus and Nightmare in different pose !! (…) Damn it !!

Haha !!
Brandon admitted:-“….Shadow, I imagine having what I might call a ‘syrup-y’ voice. Middle-ranged, sweet but not obnoxious, with a hint of a gravelly/husky undertone she can play around with when she’s being scary, or seductive….
Sounds to me like a bottle of bourbon a day girl – erm…. Joni Mitchell?
I think Joni could work… but she isn’t exactly what I’m thinking either. I can’t exactly think of a great example off the top of my head right now…
For my opinion (as if THAT matters) any normal female voice actor (America Ferrara?) would work, so long as it’s not one of those extremely high-pitched cutesy-poo accents the Japanese anime industry insists on using for its female characters.
The answer lies at the bottom of that bourbon bottle (or rye? or if you want an Australian accent a dark rum.)
No, she definitely doesn’t sound like one of those obnoxious high-pitched anime girls. Though there probably is the perfect anime voice actress ready to be pointed out.
Hey, can I use this comic in a story I’m writing? I mention you in the Disclaimer
https://www.fanfiction.net/~olatheii “The portal games Remastered”
Use in what way, exactly?
One of the characters in a chapter. If you read the first few chapters you’ll see how.
Ok, so the chapter is basically Terminus jump scaring kids until he lands on a person’s slumber party. That person happens to be the sibling of the Protagonist, who takes the Reaver out of their and goes to a library to learn of his species.
I’m not saying more because I gave away half the chapter already
Also its way more interesting as it sounds.
Also, but someone in the comic saying santa isn’t real.

So can I use the terminos(the green one) or…
Terminus. srry
Rebecca DeMorney for Shadow, Lara Parker for Nightmare. Still thinking about Midnight
Midnight should have a deeper voice than Shadow with more potential to sound threatening (if she puts that act on).
Oooh! I just had a vison of Tim waking up to his naked monster girl but she speaks… and she’s NOT Shadow (she’s on his other side).
The sound of Middy’s voice shoots him vertically while lying in bed (between them)
Tomokatu i like the way you think.
Ok, posted it Brandon If you read the chapter and don’t like it tell me
Chapter 6 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12716679/1/The-Portal-Games-Remastered
Seriously, I might delete it(if you have a good reason why)
Maybe Jane Badler or Jane Seymour for Midnight?
And Serge Gainsborough for Tim?
I really want to see page 139! I know it has been two weeks and I’m getting a bit restless and weary now…
Hold it together man!!! Just a little bit longer and you’re through this!!
Talk about not respecting your fans. Don’t put it updates weekly in the title then take three weeks off. Very disappointing.
Now what if I had died or something? You’d never know it. What kind of attitude is that to have? Disrespect? Have patience, man. I’ve had 2 birthdays, a house move, my real job, and hey, I like to see my friends every once in a while.
Comments like this make me NOT feel like working.
Wait how can you have 2 birthdays in 3 weeks
2 different people’s birthdays, mine and my best friend’s… in fact there was another one today, but I skipped it to work on the new page instead. Like I’ve said, this is a busy time of year for me.
Heh, I figured the blue haired guy and the pale gal had something going on, but I didn’t think you’d reveal it like this.
Ah! Kun fu Tze says: “A Picture is worth 10,000 words” (or the equivalent in Cantonese)
The only problem I see is that that picture probably puts the comic closer to R-rated territory than the author might have preferred (since early on he indicated it would be somewhere between PG13 and R). Despite not being fully portrayed, the blatantly sexual situation is something that can cause an R rating.
R-rating in which legal jurisdiction?
Where I live this would certainly only be an M or MA, at best (Mature or Mature Adult) and be shown on free-to-air TV (after 9:30 pm for MA category).
Brandon would have to depict penetration, with a focussed viewpoint, to qualify for an R (Restricted).
I don’t know where the rating would fall anymore, I’m just doing my thing with no comics code to stop me. Mwahaha!
After that comment I feel like you should change your avatar to that of Shadow in a red devil costume grinning evilly while rubbing her hands together…
This better be the most beautiful picture ever. I want my head to explode to see my two favorite characters (Moonlight and Mortis) get it on. If this live up to everything I ever hoped in waiting three weeks for, I will be a Parton to this comic!
There’s actually a preview up on Patreon already. Rough draft, but hey, it’s something. Work is progressing.
so we’re going 3 for 3 on delayed page?
So long as we’re keeping score. Life happens, you know?
“Updates weekly.”
Weekly – unless personal matters postpone the release, at which it will be posted the following week which is again prone to personal matters
At this point I’m thinking of changing it to ‘Updates Whenever’ or just say nothing about it at all.
Leave that preamble as is, I say.
All adolescents (whatever their chronological age) need to learn the phrase “delayed gratification” and the emotions which accompany it.
You’re actually performing a public service here.