#138 “Transition”
And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.
EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.
I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.
Stay tuned, stay cool.
Hey, it’s been 3 weeks, not tryna sound rude…but is everything cool?
who knows, what really rubs me off is the fact the site cleary states a weekly upload, if thats not happening that should at least be changed. just my 2 cents
Shit happens hope off him
No, not everything is cool. I’m trying my best, but I’ve been busy.
Sorry you’ve had a tough time lately, when you’re too busy to unwind with a much loved hobby things must be pretty stressful. Looking forward to new pages when you have time for it.
At least one character seems to be enjoying the hiatus
Yes, she’s been having the longest orgasm ever!
And here I thought pigs were the record holders… what with their 30 minute orgasms….
ROFL Indeed she has..
ok. to all the ones complaining about delayed pages 3 times in a row. 1:r eal life happens 2: crap happens. stop complaining. the maker of this comic does try their best and always apologies when its late. if a comic is delayed, there is a reason. ive seen comics that were delayed cause of real life issues, and so many people were rude about it the creator pretty much decided they were sick of all the gripes cause of unexpected real life situations, and the comics dropped, stopped, and died unfinished. think that over carefully before you complain about delays on here. do we REALLY want this comic to die?
then brandon should at least change the site where it says updates weekly it will cause less confusion about the time of uploads. People have a right to complain when the site cleary states a weekly upload.
totally agree, i know real life does happen, however if brandon is not going to be doing weekly uploads he very well should change it, it would cut back on the complaints
Thank you. Everything will be fine. The comic isn’t ending. Yes, some people need to relax. Go do something else. XD It’ll update when it’s finished.
I assume it’s finals affecting you, Bran?
Naaaah, I’ve been done with school for 17 years. I’m 35 years old! I’ve got grown-up stuff to do, haha.
Eh, it’s true. Just saying, since it’s finals week here.
I feel the complaint should just result in changing the text from weekly to “comics released every two weeks or when able” it’s fair to the viewers, and to the creator
Pretty bummed at this point, avoided for nearly a month so I could read a few at once but I’m right where I left off.
Sorry about that. Been busy.
Is there any chance you’ll be able to keep us updated on how you’re doing on a weekly [or biweekly] basis, at least [in the comic description, preferably]? Just so those of us with working brain cells know that you’re still kickin’?
It’d be easier to wait if we knew you haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth.
dude its real life, its fine. Just keep us updated and don’t flake on us and the majority won’t freak out. I know I won’t, stay strong dude!
Brandon, take all the time you need…. We’ll still be here for you.
Hey, RL happens, Brandon. True, a few of us are going through a bit of cuteness withdrawal, but we understand.
You know, when you’ve spent 1 whole year waiting on a page, then you’d have an appropriate reason to gripe. A three week hiatus is nothing for the well-seasoned reader. Btw, if you want to know where that hiatus came from, check out “Alpha Luna”. The fan-base(myself included) thought that Leonardo had died. He fell off of the internet entirely for a year straight.
Yeah, well, Homestuck. I think one of the longer pauses was multiple full years.
Something like the Gigapause I think he called it. Comic was better for it, though.
Probably needed a break to recover from burn out or something. I can sympathize.
I don’t mind the wait… I’ve had a manga take 2+ years for a single chapter to update….
Only reason I want the next page to come quickly is so I have a place to put a theory of mine (one that doesn’t involve the “Tim Theory”) and make sure that it gets seen.
From one dude in his 30s to another, take all the time ya need. RL comes first before this recreational comic anyways.
Ive waited longer for worse. You take your time and have some good holidays. Try to catch some of the good movies comming out (murder on the orient was decent) and Ill pop back in after the new year.
Quick question, is Moonlight and Mortis a couple? Are they going to have child together?
Now that I think about it, can Noxians have kids? I mean, assuming the theory is true, Tim’s mom was still “human” during conception, so I don’t think that counts. But of course, that theory isn’t true! Right Brandon?
We may assume that Nox-Nox mating is fertile from Terminus’s distaste for humans (or maybe he just hasn’t sneaked into “the right girl’s” closet, yet.)
Nightmare certainly seems interested enough?
However, it MAY be that Nox-Nox mating has a reduced probability of successful offspring and that Nox-human matings result in more viable hybrid offspring. As yet there is insufficient data.
The genetics could be interesting.Ruth Newton (Tim’s Mum) is a transformed Noxian (although Brandon hasn’t yet confirmed that hypothesis). Tim’s dad is (as far as we know) fully human. So we can infer that that crossbreeding is fertile. Take a bow, Tim. Tim shows no morphological signs (no claws, feet or tail) so those Nox genes may be assumed to be recessive.
So Nox female (NF) to human male (HM) is fertile. (Use protection, Tim)
NF to NM is (probably) also fertile. Yet to be confirmed but the existence of the Bed Bugs and other Nox youth in suffucient numbers to have kept the population at least stable is indicative of such fertility.
Now we have no data on NM to HF – Lord Mortis’s history is unstated. He may already have hybrid offspring, Craig (for example) could have a Noxian genetic tendency to scare human children, leading to a physical expression as violence & bullying. Of course, he may NOT be a Nox-human hybrid, just a natural arsehole.
So, there’s not enough data (yet) to draw any definitive conclusion.
All babies are delivered by stork, so it doesn’t matter! ;-P
“stork” Is that the Canadian spelling of stalk?
Under the impression that this isn’t sarcasm…
No, he’s referring to the fabricated story once told to children about where babies came from that they’re flown to parents by storks flying through the air.
There’s a good animated kids movie about it called Storks.
Actually, Weredraco, it’s a jocular reference to the erect penis.
Must be a bit obscure to some though. (Now THAT’S sarcasm)
Hey Brandon, take your time with your comic. I know things get a little crazy around the holidays. Just want to let you know that I will still be here to read your wonderful comic when you get around to updating it. I love this comic and cannot wait to see your next page.
Guys, when a comic says ‘updates weekly’, that’s the original schedule, but as others have said, life CAN and WILL get in the way sometimes. You can’t expect anybody to just say “Oh, people are complaining that I haven’t updated in a while, let me just drop everything and update it!” It doesn’t work that way.
TL;DR: Nobody is going to just drop all their problems just to make you happy.
To Brandon, I hope everything works out for you. Take as long as you need
My friends always did a few pages at time in case of rainy days. Maybe that is something to consider? Anyways, great story. Hope everything goes well.
I don’t have time. It takes me all weekend to do just one page, and I have a day job the rest of the week.
I feel like you’ve already told us what it is before once… but what is it?
Factory work. It’s pretty tiring and I don’t have the energy to really do much art after I get home and make dinner, blah blah blah.
Weekends are the best option I have, really.
Now I’m curious at to what you make in those factories… and what part of the process you help with…
My curiosity will never go away… and it’s led me to things that I wish I could forget….
I understand man. I’m in the navy and trust me I understand bad hours.
Out of curiosity. If it ever does come to the point where you can’t finish this, would a written summary of the major plot points you plan to cover be a possibility? I am legitimately curious to know some of the secrets, what the event at the start of the comic is, and what the ultimate fate of the characters is.
Could be. If I were ever to end it early for whatever reason, I would make sure to at least get it to a point where it has at least a sort of ending, at least concerning whatever scenario I happen to be in the midst of.