#138 “Transition”
And so we transition into the epilogue portion of Chapter 3 where I’ll be cleaning up a few loose ends before jumping into Chapter 4.
EDIT: Sorry for taking so long guys, but I’ve been pretty swamped the past few weeks with real-life stuff. This happens every year around this time with me, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Constructively, I hope. The comic is not in danger of ending. I want to keep things rolling along just as much as you do, and I’m pretty bummed when I can’t manage it.
I’m just a single guy working on this for fun, the fact that you are reading it; and care even a smidge about it at all, really pushes me along. As much as I don’t like reading complaints about delays, it does make me happy to know you care enough to complain, and that at least I’m doing something right.
Stay tuned, stay cool.
Doing the rounds and putting pathetic humans in their place… Just what does he do?
I care enough to complain that I wish you had someone to help carry the load. Like Samwise to Frodo. Must see how that last panel ends up. Such a tease.
The moment I posted the thing my story blew up. Science required multiple tests for confirmation, so I need more results
Test 2: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12716679/7/The-Portal-Games-Remastered
I swear if this gets past the Owner filters….
hard not to stay cool when…the weather outside is frightful…and if u didnt hear a christmas song there then ur ebeneezer
seriously though brandon, take ur time and whenever u are able to come up with more i will be ecstatic…till then i will go warm my toes by the fire while it snows and remain on the edge of my seat
No one should be critical or complain. Do the best you can. We all enjoy reading the strip and will patiently wait for the next posting.
Brandon are you posting this week or you have something else again?
Well, there technically IS another birthday tonight (Hi Jess!), but I’ve opted out to finally finish work on this page. Haha, you guys haven’t seen it yet, and I’m SICK of looking at this particular page. XD
So, say “Many Happies” to Jess from “all your devoted fans”, have a good time and finish the page if and when you’re sober, OK?
More wild and crazy nookie scenes or do we get to see something else?
“Give that glowing bitch a cannon. Bitches love cannons” Alucard – Hellsing Abridged
Is what he would say if Alucard saw this page
Yes today
If you don’t like reading complaints about delays, maybe you shouldn’t be such a tease so people don’t get their hopes up too soon.
I don’t mind the delays that much — there’s always other things to do. I’d rather you work at your own pace and tell a whole story than push yourself too far and burn out halfway through. Keep up the good work!
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