#139 “Sexposition”
*edit* Made a few small tweaks. In my rush I forgot the shine in their eyes. I knew I was forgetting something.
PATREON Please support the comic?
*edit* Made a few small tweaks. In my rush I forgot the shine in their eyes. I knew I was forgetting something.
PATREON Please support the comic?
She is my darkest angel
Going somewhere above
Who knew my darkest angel
Would work her scares out of love?”
Nice, I like that!
Just curious any chance we’ll see what the Monster Society is like outside the school.
Cramped, I bet. ;3
Try the version from Bobby Helms. It has different lyrics, though.
Well then… this just reinforces my theory on Mortis…
A few chapters back someone mentioned that in the original story that he once “dated” a human girl, much the same way that Shadow and Tim are together..
My hypothesis is this: Mortis and this human lady got close, real close. She got pregnant. While giving birth, the lady died due to complications with the birth. The child was born as a Noxian. To protect the child from other humans, Mortis takes the newborn to Nox. But… since he’d get in trouble if he explained how the baby came about… he left it on the doorstep of the Bedbugs…
And thus that’s how Shadow came to be. A Noxian who doesn’t know of her human heritage and the father who feels protective but also guilty.
Now, I’ve only read the first original story… I haven’t read the sequel for it yet…
So I’m curious as to whether this is actually what happens in that original… I’ll have to check during a good long break.
It didn’t happen in the original. I don’t think Mortis and Moonlight ever even met in that version, in fact I know they didn’t.
But, all that’s different now.
Okay, i’ve been all around the internet looking for even the slightest signal of the original story but all i could find was and old video with, i guess it is, the cover of the original (shadow has wings) and nothin else.
Can someone at least point me in a general direction?
Well I think Brandon forbid any direct links (and I’m too tired to go digging for it right now anyway). I haven’t read it or even checked in awhile to see if it was still there but I found it on a two word website starting with H and F.
Just two letters is already way more than what i got
Thank you
Google ~Jive_Guru, I hope this is not against the rules. Sorry if it is.
heh.. I went for the website known simply as D.A.
She wouldn’t have had to die. Shadow was born as a monster, so it’s not like she could have lived in the human world, and her mother couldn’t have came with her here.. If it is the case that her mom was human and still alive… :'(
Maybe we can see them get reunited?
Are you gonna become more detailed in these scenes down the road?
I’ll probably stay relatively style-consistent.
Probs for the best.
Wow I just thought of how hard it would be to shade Moonie. She glows so where do you cast a shadow? I get that there is a light above them that would cast a shadow down but most of the light on Mortis is coming from her. From an artistic POV it would be very tricky to shade.
The Title just…wow…I…I might cry a little.
So beatifull!
So do noxians have any real power? I know some can do magic with books but other than that can they do anything humans can’t.
Also are they able to use their tails as weapons or to climb or are they just too sensitive?
I think Brandon’s said that Noxians aren’t inherently physically stronger than humans.
That being said, their magic could do more than hide themselves, and their claws could no doubt do tremendous damage.
Well I’m no fantasy writer how ever I do run D&D games and familar with some magic styles people have come up with.
1. Inate Magic or the ability to cast magic or magic abilitys with there own internal power at will.
2. Catalyst Magic unable to draw on there own power they use and item or Reagents. Not unlike shadow and the book it seemed to be drawing on her inate ability.
3. External magic items they have power all there own that can be drawn out in some cases by none magic users kinda like there buckles for passing to the human relms.
As for the tail they seem like there prehensiled they likely could use them as weapons thou you make a good point there more sensitive. I personaly would use my claws not to mention touching tails seems like a Culteral act of love. Taboo outside of a sign of affection to touch so not likely to use it as a secound hand.
Noxians major power seems to be the native ability to scare humans (and possibly other animals) but that’s largely to the morphological changes that dwelling in dim light or darkness has given them. Those would be the larger eyes (extra light collection) and the extra aperture control that vertical pupils would give. In full sun, they would be narrower, in dim light, more rounded for more light entry.
Brandon hasn’t directly explained their pointed teeth (fangs?) and claws – in earthly creatures, these are usually indicative of a hunting lifestyle and meat-eating diet.
Now, as to their magickal abilities, like humans, they CAN affect material objects with mind powers. This usually takes much mental control and years of dedicated practice
It is ALWAYS helpful to have training, either from a master or (just possibly) an encyclopaedia.
You’d have to be extremely mentally gifted and disciplined first and I wouldn’t trust a pre-teeen girl (of either species) with Power until she’d learned self-discipline first.
Brandon HAS explained that the tail tips are soft at tthe edges and sensitive to touch. Tim could feel Shadow’s heartbeat as he held her tailtip. It doesn’t seem likely that they’re much use as weapons, more as an ancillary sensual organ.
Seems very Cat/Bat like creatures of the night but not total darkness. thou some of them seem to have scales. Shadow almost reminds me of Toothless from How to train your dragon.
Bats could be related, but somehow I don’t think Brandon saw them as being insectivorous! (I could be wrong- that HAS happened before). Further data necessary.
Perhaps the crunch of biscuits (a.k.a. Zweibaecken or (US) “cookies”) reminds Shadow of crunching into a nice juicy grasshopper, which is why she’s so fond of them?
I don’t think those are scales, more like pigmented freckles (for camouflage in dappled moonlight?)
We’ve only seen some of the younger girls with those, Nightmare and Wormy Termy have stripes which would be more suited to an urban environment rather than wooded.
This story is well-balanced. Nor too much sauce, nor too little.
Jesus Morty, what are you doing? *burp*
Ha! Knew it! Mortis is Midnight’s father.
And Shadow’s too? if he was spreading the love around about twelve or fifteen years before. It would’nt surprise me at all. Could be Terminus’s Daddy too, maybe.
Yeah who knows there may be no formal relations beyond the clans. He might just sleep around there people maintained by a system of random social encounters. Thus the den mother and father teaching methods babys just droped like orphens in the proper circle and gender. It might explain that lack of understnading of a proper loving relationship. But they just might not be very good at the talk…
Tim has that education process very much in hand and has a good role model in his Mum, Ruth (Lady Blackheart/ Captain Ruthless/ the golden lion)
Oh hell I meant Shadow. I get names mixed up from time to time.
But no he can’t be Midnight’s father, the tail is too different. That seems to be a bit of a family trait.
Hmmm…that would actually be a good question for Brandon.
Q: “Is there a familial similaity in shaoes of tail tips?”
I don’t see why not, If you look at Lord Mortis and Shadow they have a similar shaped tail. But if you look at others, their tail shapes appear to be specific to them. Nobody else seems to share the same traits.
So either this means Brandon is getting sloppy which I doubt very highly, or it’s a clue that he dropped in the hopes that somebody eventually picked it up.
*writes this down as another note to add to his hypothesis*
Yes. :3
@Rick B – Well spotted, Sir!!
It has previously been pointed out that Moonlight and Blackheart have identical tail shapes, along with referring to each other as “sister”.
I just realized something. What percentage of people came here was duped into thinking that this was a 150+ page sex novel?
Well I’m here because it’s often cute, sometimes sexy but most of all it’s a good story being told with beautiful art and lots of humor. So far there haven’t been much of drama or horror, but that may come.
Honestly.. I came for the monsters and was surprised at finding it containing NSFW scenes…
LOL One can only truly be duped if they want to be if it wasn’t obvious from the first several pages and thats what you wanted then you continued of your on valition. I totaly am with Cpt. Obviuos on why I like this comic.
I don’t know why I started reading all I know is that I was linked her from another web comic, and I keep reading because I want to know what is going to happen.
I wasn’t “duped” at all. There was no deception or trickery involved.
I linked in from JAB Archives following the “Jive Guru” artist name so I knew what I was following.
Brandon’s plotline is what’s keeping my interest – the story and the characters, not just the drawing. For good characters, familiar and sexy, try the artist “Poland”
So nobody then right?
yeah, nobody. lol at first i came here looking for the NSFW, but I fell in love with the story.
Brandon has created a fun world and if it comes across as small, it’s still in a child’s frame of mind. The world shrinks as we age and I expect that as Shadow grows and expands her knowledge, our world veiw will grow as well.
Came for the “Plot”. Stayed for the plot.
If there wasnt any nudity this would be an amazing cartoon
A PG-rated cartoon, yes.
But if they keep this stuff in a cartoon series for TV, then they’ll have to change it to M or MA15+ (I forget which this would be considered as… it was mentioned before)
If it WERE a cartoon on TV, I would gladly tone down that sort of thing, although it would still be implied as heavily as possible. I would of course leave the fan art to whatever hypothetical fan base, as usual.
Bullshit. Networks would be running the show and will not think twice to what will happen in this comic. You sure you want that?
Or just NR.
Are you nuts? What are you 12?
TBH, i found this looking up images on “fan fiction memes”. I still don’t know how, what or why but it paid out anyway.
Somebody has to say it… “forgot the shine in their eyes”… she has eyes?
she will ascend to the top of the clouds, and make herself like the most high.
“That’s GOOD weed,bro”
– Fat Freddy (sometime in 1968)
Curioser and Curiouser… by the way, the little Krypton-style emblems, they’re used for the fear gathering thing, right? If the adults don’t go to the surface, why do they have them? Trinkets from youth, or do they actually go to the surface and have bigger targets?
They’re called the aegis(s) and the rest of your answers are not definitively known yet.
Yes, they record the fear collected and are inspected from time to time by Lady Moonlight (for the Bed Bugs) in determining rankings.
For the rest, either wait & see or we may never know for sure. (Delicious, isn’t it?)
They aren’t JUST fear collectors, they are also insignia for the guild one belongs to. Note the difference between the girls and boys Aegises. It’s a badge of honour.
And once more, I’d just like to point out that they DON’T actually COLLECT fear. It reads the amount of fear output, and collates it into a number, or score, basically. It is separate from the fact that Noxians enjoy human fear and are inclined to seek it out. It’s just a glorified calculator.
So what do they do with the fear? Do they absorb it through their skin or brrath it in like pheromones?
Well, I’ve HEARD (no guarantees, mind) that the girls like to pool their collection into a tiled bath, big enough for a dozen, heat it until it’s just short of steaming, mix with (extra virgin) olive oil then strip naked and soak so that only their nipples show above the surface and play “Who touched Last?” where nobody can see.
Of course, that might just be a rumour, or wishful thinking.
Brandon may know more, but try getting him to tell.