#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
Girls kissing?
So “Orange” is a girl? Young enough that there’s no visible signs.
I think “Green” can be persuaded to look, though.
Yeah, she’s been a girl the whole time! XD
Boy and girl monsters have different ears. It’s a dead giveaway.
I never noticed that…. thanks!!
Congrats … out on time … but no clue what this does for wrap up and all the theories in this forum
Yeah, I was on a roll this weekend, kind like old times!
Fist Full moon and now this?
Brandon, are you trying to make out…I mean make up for missing content lately?
’cause if so, it’s working!
hehe the tails….
Sunset and Gloom are girls
Huhuh ! You even add a saliva bridge. So erotic !!
And now, prepare yourself for some fanarts with those two cuties. XD
if I seem rude its because i just came from CinemaSins *ahem*
Welcome to ComicSins where we do certain pages of certain comics and find all their sins. Lets start:
Midnight somehow knows about kissing *ding*
Alludes to beginning of Chapter 3. No comic character’s memory last this long *ding*
Matter a fact: the reader’s typical memory would have filtered this out by now *ding*
The First couple frames look like you photoshopped Tim’s and Shadow’s kiss and drew over this *ding*
I saw a gleam in the saliva. This isn’t twilight *ding*
If I’m correct, they are both girls so that is lesbian. And 2017 people don’t accept LGBTQ members *ding*
The yellow one is obviously masturbating *ding*
There tails are intertwined, signaling a relationship *ding*
like I said about lesbians *ding*
Or Friends with benefits *ding*
Midnight look like she having some perverted thoughts *ding*
Yellow girl looking at Nightmare’s boobs. Again, lesbians *ding*
Somehow, Midnight knew EXACTLY where they are *ding*
95% of the comments are about all the sexual relationships going on lately. Called it *ding*
What are “old times” ? *ding*
I got all these sins from 5 frames and a few comments *ding*
I have no right seeing how I am a 14 year old *ding*
Final Tally: 17
Punishment: I don’t know you guys come up with it.
Also my sin counter broke again. Hasn’t happened Since Fate of the Furious.
Hold up why is Chopper’s name red? *ding*
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *ding*
Now I’m done. Again, sorry
You realize all your “sins” are all mostly none sense many of them are only assumptions base oh next to nothing. Not to mention the fact that since there nox ALL of your ideas are based on culture your implying on to a different culture. You might as well bring american standards to japan and expect them to treat you with respect. You want to pick something a part you actually need to have real facts before making judgements.
“if I seem rude…” Yes, you do.
“.. I am a 14 year old…” That may be a reason, but not an excuse.
I understand that tomokatu but if you allow them to jump in and act like that then they will. Thou I have no intention to start a flame war i’m just not interested someones cliched attemp to follow a trend from another website. If there is a sin here it’s his vanity in attemping to claim attention. we are all entitled to are opinions but he him self claim to come from a website that does this which makes him un-original at best not showing an opinion.
For myself, I find the whole concept of “sin” as “an offence against god” (as it was once attempted to be explained to me) intrinsicallly offensive.
I have often asked “which god” since there are so many, but never received a satisfactory or persuasive answer that there’s any I should concern myself about. So, start talking to ME about “sin” yours, mine, his/hers/its, and I’m primed for an argument already.
Whenever I get into religious talks I bring up Zeus. Now THAT’s a God who’s got my vote. Haha.
I often refer back to Hachiman or Hanuman. Of course, for all-round deities there’s Amaterasu or GwanYin- (but they’re goddesses and doesn’t THAT piss of the typical sexist godders)
For gods and goddesses I’m stuck between Odin and Gaia.
Thank you Age of Mythology and your expansions for teaching me about history and creating my love of mythology.
…Brandon started it.
XD I remember that people, but it wasn’t taking a stab at American politics, instead the one I saw was taking a stab at Jesus or “God” getting rid of evil people.
I rather vote for Odin. That god took out one of his own eyes because of the visions the ravens gave him were too much. Tough guy.
Sorry, but the moment I saw this page I knew…it was time.
Ok, I get it. I did something wrong by trying to connect different Universes. I am sorry ok? For some reason, this page made me think about a youtube channel, so I went with it. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.
Also, I understood that someone will be offended by my childish joke and chew me out. But why bring Religion and Mythology into this?
I not trying to be a dick olatheii just not looking to see someone openly critize someone just to get attention. Tomo made a point I did lash back it wasn’t that I was offended just not wanting someone to start trolling. As far as Religion well the word sin is a religious in origin and well everyone kind followed Tomo on that one.
I’ve gotta wonder, if Morty and Moonie, having progressed way (way) beyond, started with this kissing thing.
Doubt it! I wonder if Mortis & Moonlight will have to deal with a sudden epidemic of everybody making out?
I think that that could be the best epidemic ever!
Pitty there’s no such epidemic in real life T-T
Maybe it’ll be followed by an outbreak of mononucleosis…
You had to go and ruin it, huh?
Now i’ll never kiss anyone without a blood test first
I bet I know exactly what Midnight is thinking of… or who she’s thinking of I should say…
I think Nightmare inadvertently made a Lesbian out of Blue-gal. Orange-gal better watch herself.
There names were provided in a (much) earlier comic. The orange one is Sunset, and the blue one is Gloom.
And now midnight goes to make one of the submitted fanarts a lovely reality, providing a definite reason for her dislike of tim.
If you think of the Bed Bugs as similar to an all-girls school, certain “experiments” are to be expected.
Experiment away. We will all watch and critique.
And soon Nightmare will be be running Nox’s adult entertainment industry.
Actually… I’ve got ideas brewing for something involving an adult entertainment establishment in future. XD A ‘Maison Derriere’, one might say.
heh fair enough one way or the other he’s talking about chasing tail. I’m sure alot of us wouldn’t mind some of that tail. Just beware of the sharp ones.
Ummm. a “house bum”?
You know, ‘derriere’ just means ‘behind’ or ‘at the back’ in French, so that means something like ‘house at the end of a back alley’ or something like that.
Actually, Brandon, Is there a cast list of minor characters? If “Orange” and “Blue” have names, it’s disrespectful of me not to use them.
Perhaps in the “Archive” pages?
Sunset and Gloom, though their personalities are quite the opposite!
Had their names been revealid in the comic? I can remember reading their names at some point, but you might just have told is in the comments…
Both names are revealed on page 79. Sunset and Gloom is what they are named.
I went back too far, thanks for pointing out the right page
Every pimp has to start somewhere, right?
Gloom has now adopted our traditions.
Heh. Looks like Gloom is into girls.