#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
I must say I’m amused by this it shows how quickly new ideas can spread when no ones ever thought about it.
Yes, by all means, spread those … ideas.
Oh the innocence. So cute.
is amazing how something simple as a kiss can be interpreted as something so amusing in a society were intimacy is lacking. I predict that soon they will learn about earth costume and love and that Shadow will be hunted down and label as a traitor. Tim will be her only hope, and both of them will fight their way through against the rules and introduce free will to her people.
(Honestly, I just want to see Tim & Shadow together, and how she discovers human ways of love)
Intimacy isn’t lacking in their society, just expressed differently. For them, tying their tails together is about as intimate as a kiss on the lips.
Unless you’re Moonlight and Mortimer.
So are sunset and gloom more of nightmare’s friends or are they neutral between nightmare and shadow/midnight?
They are Nightmare’s friends/cronies.
Members of BedBugs too, or are they too old for that?
Back on page 61 and following they all seem to be part of the same group, Shadow and Midnight being the youngest ones, though.
Mmm well this is interesting, judging by Midnights expression I believe we know who she is gonna kiss. Looks like Shadow is gonna get caught in a love triangle, wonder how it will go ? Midnight accepts Shadow loves Tim and moves on or… they have a threesome ? Would think it’s one of those considering they are on good terms in the future. On a side note I don’t have a problem with this page but my inner critic can’t help but remember, Brandon I believe you commented two pages back that there would be alot of nudity in the next few pages and yet only got 1. Mmm
There’s more coming! Give it time! °w°
Almost the entire ending of this chapter (which we are currently in) is packed full of big sexy reveals. ;3
Ok cool looking forward to it, don’t wanna be a critic but sometimes can’t help it. Also looking forward to see how Midnight fits into Tim and Shadows relationship, just a close friend or a really close friend ? Heh maybe things go further then that and Tim gains the attention and affection of all the girls, TIM THE HAREM KING !!! Hehe only joking about that second part. The Tim Shadow Midnight three way on the other hand…
Aren’t they all still technically minors at this point in time?
No, monsters.
As such they wouldn’t be subject to human legal systems.
Can’t help but notice that sunset and gloom twirled their tails together. Is that a blossoming romance I see, or can that even be a sign of just good friends?
Shadow and Midnight walk with their tails entwined too, it’s just like holding hands… except when it obviously isn’t. HAH! How’s that for a mixed signal?
Sunset has “buttons” on her tail to push. I wonder what each of them do?
Depends on how many batteries she has installed I guess.
The blue and yellow one seem to be doing the equivalent of “holding hands” but with their tails.
Why is my “Lesbian Monster Kiss Sense” going off all of a sudden?
Cause… you just saw two monster girls kissing?! I have no idea! O.o
*Chuckles* I was actually referring to a certain grinning little devil in the last panel and Shadow…..
Oh don’t do it…
(To be completed in a later comic assuming my prediction is correct)
Now I’m interested in how Midnight plans on teasing Shadow about her relationship with Tim.
Midnight doesn’t know that Shadow and Tim already know about kissing. Notice that Nightmare didn’t say anything about what entities kissed, in that book Terminus told her about. So, as far as Midnight knows, the average human doesn’t know any more about kissing than the average Nox-person.
Logically, just because it would be funny, Midnight should barge in on Shadow and Tim to tell them about kissing, only to find them in the midst of doing it.
Maybe at a later date; currently, they’re at the stage where kissing is still a bit ‘weird’ and ‘icky’ to them.
let the epidemic begin!
ooohh the innocence. this is going to be a fun ride
Oh no… I might be remembering wrong, but didn’t Shadow and Tim have some kind of fight? If so, I think I may be able to see why O.O
No, they haven’t fought, yet.
Yet? Slightly concerned about that, but judging by their relationship in the present, they seem to have gotten through it okay.
Login page isn’t secure…people logging in are vulnerable to having their login info intercepted.
This…could end badly. Hell, I’m lining up a list of who might have given Tim those claw marks we saw on page 2 and Midnight just jumped up that list…
She DID threaten to kill him if anything bad happens to Shadow.
True story, but the position and angle of the claw marks have left me guessing. Yeah, they COULD be from an attack, but there’s ANOTHER way a person can end up with scratches riiiight about there. In which case the culprit might have been… overly enthusiastic, rather than hostile.
+Patiently1Wanders Were that the case I’d expect him to have, well, more…