#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
Ok, so it’s been awhile since I’ve posted in the comments, but I have a legit question. Maybe it’s already been asked, but I’m lazy and don’t want to read pages of comments to find out since I don’t have a lot of time atm since I’m at work. Anywho…a few pages ago (please forgive me for not remembering names) the red chick implied that the guy leading her down the stairs wanted to get into her pants, and obviously Mother Moon knows what sex is, so how do they not know about kissing? O.o
Hey, Reever! That’s a really good question and unfortunately i don’t have a concrete answer for you in terms of this comic. All i can tell you is this: we often, understandably, put the act of kissing and the act of sex in the same category. They are however individual acts; you can kiss somebody without having sex with them and you can have sex with someone without kissing them. I mean look at Goku for example. I’m not sure if you’re into the Dragon Ball series, but all you need to know is that in the recent series, they revealed that even though the main character, Goku, has been married to his wife, Chichi, for several years and even had two children with her, not only has Goku never kissed her before but he doesn’t even know what kissing is! So they’re completely independent acts. I’m sorry if this answer doesn’t help, but it’s the best that i could do.
I think it’s because they have a different way of kissing. Earlier in the story, Shadow explains to time that the way they show affection in Nox is by wrapping their tails around each other. I think that’s their way of kissing. The way we do it is the human way.
They simply never thought of putting their mouths together like that, or if anyone did in their history, it certainly didn’t catch on. Their mouths are full of sharp teeth, after all.
Which makes Nox one of the few cultures to develop bug-zappers before underwear.
Vicious, vicious moths!
Oh, spelling? No, I don’t believe it, not Brandon.
Aaaw! You changed the spelling and defeated the whole joke (pout). It wasn’t as though it was actualy text on one of the panels.
bug-zap underwear…hmm
This comical Idea could actually work. It’s relatively insane, but seeing the crap on Kickstarter this is promising by comparison.
Wouldn’t it also have to do with the fact that they are isolated from the rest of the world?
Pretty sure if it gave any measure of satisfaction to them, there’d have been quite a few doing it (heck, it’d be hard to imagine fellatio or cunnilingus not being a thing around there).
So either they’ve been really doctrinated against intimate encounters, which I don’t thinks to be the case, or we’re following some really young kids, who have no idea of what their doing. So yeah… Probably kiddy boobies… =/
I’m not sure how likely it is that they have fellatio and cunnilingus in Nox. Don’t forget that Noxians have very sharp teeth.
I know I’m late about this, but I noticed how the ends of each of their tails are different, even if slightly. If this does mean something, Are going to pull a gravity falls in future updates?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n15b_RJu14 this is what I’m alluding too just in case someone doesn’t know.
No, their tails all being different is merely a genetics thing, I don’t plan on using them for anything like the Cipher Wheel in Gravity Falls. Although everybody will have their parts to play getting to the finale.
Dang, now I wanna watch Gravity Falls again. So good!
Sorry, not sorry. Good show…jolly good show. XD
Your thinking about Pops aren’t you now?
Now I’m sad. Why do I do this to my self?
Not even in here i get to get away from that reality?!
That dang good ending hit me right in my feelings, hard.
I can’t wait until next page ^^ Normaly i don’t read web comics but this one is soo good keep up great work and hope there will be Monster Under The Bed 2 (MUTB) or new story from you please could you tell me? :3 btw did u considre puting yourself into the story as some random guy who was in one page and then vanish?
If you manage to find his original story that this one is loosely based off, there is a second story.
But I’m not giving even the slightest of spoilers on what happens. No spoilers allowed here.
No, I’ve never considered that. Self-insert characters are… just awful. XD
I wouldn’t think of it as a self-insert, more like a cameo appearance. Like how Stan Lee appears in every Marvel movie.
It spoiled the “suspension of disbelief”effect for me when Alfred Hitchcock did it in HIS films, it has the same effect when Stan Lee does it. I reccomend AGAINST.
Well, in Stan Lee’s case, it’s only done for comedic effect.
I’ve seen it. It’s not funny
The look on Midnight’ face is priceless.
we need a decent bit more indecent exposure when it comes to midnight also just my personal opinion but sunset and midnight are my favorite:P
We’ve had a little bit of indecent exposure with Midnight, but that was when she was of legal age. I would prefer to keep it that way.
What’s “legal age” for a CARTOON character?
Well, right now she’s about ten. Whereas in the present timeline she’s probably either 17 or 18.
Brandon, does Santa visit Nox?
Is he likely to leave something in their stockings for each of the BedBugs?
Or is it just Lord Mortis and Mother Moonlight?
You know, with everyone getting guys… (seemingly this time around) Midnight needs to get some(one) too. (human man, monster man, doesn’t matter.)
It would be quite interesting to see Midnight end up in the same “predicament” as Shadow.
My guess is Midnight will end up married to her career later in life.
Not everybody is going to be paired up nice and neatly in the end.
:'( That’s no fun.. or fair.
Haha, such is life, though.
“Such Is Life” – famous “last words” of the Aussie legend Ned Kelly before he was hanged.
Brandon will there be a second one (god i sounded like a reporter)
A second what?
Haha what a vague question.
Hey Brandon. I found this comic in a very bizarre way, (google images lol), but im glad I found it! Its sooo good! Thank you for this!
I found it looking at memes.
I found it while looking for hentai on google images. Absolutely worth it.
I found it in a Facebook group that started out just for Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou but is now for any monster girl.
Who is Midnight going to kiss?? PLACE YOUR BETS HERE!
My guess is that she’s going to try to get Shadow to kiss Tim. Of course, Midnight probably doesn’t know that that’s already happened at this point.
Aww that is actually kinda cute. Reminds me of practising kissing with my friends when we were kids. At the time it was just gross, but hey, it paid off for the future.
Man, I was just thinking.. After getting to know Nightmare a lot more, and hearing things like this and all the times we see her and her “BF” together…. This is going to be painful and quite… “distressing” to watch if all goes even nearly the same. :’/
*crosses fingers* and looks towards Brandon…..
Oh and Merry Christmas and happy holidays Brandon and everyone else.
Welcome to Christmas! Where everyone is spending time with their family and…oh who am I kidding I have 3 projects due :/
Sorry to hear that… work or school?
Merry Christmas, hope you’re able to get some time to spend with family and friends. .
school XD
Merry Christmas, all.