#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
There goes Nightmare, corrupting the Youth of Nox
On the earlier page 139, Moonlight get some Exposition but we don’t? I just thought that was a little weird is all.
So the yellow one and blue one have a thing going? Forgot their names… It looks like a Midnight’s going to try something most likely with Shadow.
Would you post fanart even if it was not canon?
I have posted non-canon fan art! It’s up in the fan art gallery! XD
As for exposition, yes, it happens off-screen for now, but we’ll hear the story eventually!
And no, Sunset and Gloom don’t necessarily have a thing, they are just testing out a new game to play!
Brandon your from Canad, what the hell is “Boxing Day”?
Even I don’t really know. I assume it’s when we box everything up and put it away… but I totally DON’T do that. Mostly it’s about big Boxing Day blowout sales in stores, like Black Friday 2.
We have it here in Australia too… but even I don’t really know how the day originated.
Boxing day comes from your colonial ancestors here in the uk. It’s essentially a second day of Christmas for servants who would have had to work on Christmas day. They would often receive a box to take home with either cash or gifts which is where the name came from. Think it originated in the 1600’s or something
No. Because Christmas as a “festival”, rather than a day of religious observance, only developed in the 19thC in England (introduction of Xmas trees mid-1840s- courtesy of Prince Albert) and Xmas card giving (courtesy of the “Penny Post”).
in the Republic (1640s), Cromwell & the Puritans banned all religious celebrations as “papist (or “pagan”) idolatry” with gaol terms of (about) 5 years for being caught.
Origins 19th C rather than 17thC although the custom of gifting DID originate earlier
Was just sharing what I was taught however I did do a quick search and the origins are shown to still be 17th centry weather or not it was celebrated as a festival or not didn’t necessitate weather gifts where given or not. you can find reference to this in the diary of samuel pepys dated saturday 19th december 1663. https://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/1663/12/19/ (the old english is broken down in annotations below)
From what I’ve heard, it’s a day for the boxing of Christmas decorations and cleaning up all the boxes the gifts came in. I’m in Texas, so our boxing day is just having every single recycle bin on my street be filled past capacity.
How does Nox compare to earth as in terms of time? If on the same time scale, how does it compare to EST?
It runs on the same 24 hr. clock as Earth.
But the planetary rotation period of 23.5 hours means that Nox ALSO has a Leap Year.
That’s when Shadow will propose marriage to Tim.
Hey Brandon do you think that you will add a character list to your website in the future if and when you add new characters to the series?
Probably sometime, possibly when Chapter 4 starts up.
There are a couple of theories (hypotheses really) which relate to the original holiday being a HOLYday when the only acceptable action was to attend church and spend the rest of the day in religious readings and contemplation of your own (and others’) shortcomings.
Boxing Day was for the exchange of gifts.
The Christmas season ran from Advent (Feast of the Nativity) until Candlemas (1st February) a total of 38 (or so) days. Winter stores were used up (Pickles, preserved meats )were finished off as temperatures rose.
But that’s a Northern Hemisphere festival really.
Here it’s beer, BBQs,bikinis and beaches in temperatures about 30C. Sweating and snoozing happen too.
Don’t forget lying in a hammock on the back deck along the canals, watching a lightning storm while 2 Black Swans and a stingray swim near the pontoon.
But that’s how I spent mine.
Good eatin’ both of them – swans and rays.
And very illegal. At least it is for the swans… unsure about the rays
rays are quite chewy.
Rays (at least their “wings”) need to be treated like sharkfin, as a texture additive to Asian dishes. They’re almost completely cartilage and need long, low temeprature cooking separately to break down that cartilage into a jelly That’s how your calves feet are cooked to make gelatine (where you can’t see , or smell the process)- then add that to the rest of the dish.
I stumbled on this while browsing reddit. Next thing I know, an hour or so has gone by and I’ve completed the entire run. Great comic. I enjoy the story, and curious to know more about where everyone is headed.
Their’s no new update. Time to re-binge it again. that will hold me over for another week.
Found this on Reddit, great exposure for a cool comic
OK so I know it’s a bit late, but I just went back to the first comic page that I commented on when I first read through the comic(# 97) and I went to see what I said and I quote
” You know what would be fun on Halloween Tim takes Shadow out and no one notices because everyone thinks she’s dressed up.”
keep in mind that this what before they even hinted at doing anything for Halloween. I found hilarious…
Haha, yeah. People surprisingly pre-guess things a lot… of course when people guess every option… XD
I have a guess that I kind-of hope does not cause you a problem with respect to story-line consistency. In this page we see Midnight observing the results of Nightmare explaining the “kiss” concept to Sunset and Gloom –but what about the time it took for Nightmare and Terminus to climb back out from almost-the-Core? Because simultaneously with them approaching the Core, Tim and Shadow were heading back toward his house.
And that means Shadow should probably be back in Nox now, and sharing her candy haul with Midnight. So why is Midnight on this page?
Midnight isn’t just waiting around roar Shadow to come back. If she did that it’d be too obvious where Shadow went. There’s been a bit of a time skip (like an hour) and Shadow is still hanging out with Tim in his room. We’ll see in a couple pages.
Thank you!
Ive been thinking about this for a while; are there other ways to get to nox from earth, aside from the aegis?
Technically, yes… but it’s not easy nor cost effective. ¦)
O___O You have peaked my interest. If this is unrelated to what appeared in your original story (not its sequel nor this webcomic), then please go into detail, or at least something in a chapter or 2 from now…
If it is the same as that from the original, then I will ask no more.
I’ve figured out exactly where Nox is located, and I’m sure it’s location will be revealed eventually. It’ll be a surprise though!
The “Hollow Earth” theory was popular in the 19th and early 20thC.
We’ll all just have to wait and see what my brain has cooking!
Theres a hollow earth movie i remember they enter a mine and get stuck n all an fall alot
Exactly the theory I’ve been entertaining myself with in regards to Nox since I started reading this.
Calling dibs on the “North Pole – and nope, they AREN’T Santa’s Elves” theory
Jeanot1000 – you’re thinking of the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008 film)?
Good movie, seen it about 6 times
I was unaware there was a sequel to the original fic. Read the first one ages ago and loved it. Might have to go chasing down the sequel now. I wonder if Brandon will comicify (comicize? Comicerate?) the sequel…
Can someone post the original fanfic? I am seeing a few messages about a story telling events prior to this webcomic.
Not here.
There are clues in some of the comments sections where the original story may be found but Brandon has warned that there are a lot of differences between that and this improved version.
And, as someone told me before I started my search, some see it as a rite of passage. I found that fun so I’m keeping it like that.
Good luck with your search. You may have to check under a lot of beds to find it, or get lucky on the first try.
And “Beware of stobor!”
Hi Brandon!
I’m sure you get this a lot (I’ve seen it in these comment threads) but I just want to express what a gem you have on your hands here. To think, I was browsing some particularly …lewd… subreddits yesterday and stumbled upon this, and I ended up falling in love. It’s not very often that I’m able to find a story that I obsess about the way I have for this comic. The characters are very interesting and relatable, the artwork is fantastic, and the relationship between Tim and Shadow is loaded with chemistry.
Additionally, I’ve at least glanced at the comment thread on each page, and I was astounded at the consistency of your community presence. I wouldn’t be able to spot the difference between one of your comments from 2014 vs one from this year. You seem to be really committed to this story, and that gives me confidence that I can keep coming back every week getting more content and communication from you (even if you miss some weeks!).
Needless to say, you’ve locked down another hardcore fan, and I’ll be sitting at the edge of my seat every week waiting for the story to unfold! The only thing upsetting me is that I just binged 140 pages and now I have to wait!
Join the club
We have cookies, if someone hasn’t eaten them all already……
When i finish school “it wil still take some years” i may want to make a minigame about this
Scrap that i cant even draw a non frankenstein fish
I know you said in an earlier post “Sunset and Gloom don’t necessarily have a thing, they are just testing out a new game to play!” but I would like to point out that they had their tails intertwined which is sort of an affection sign. Question is is the tail thing a couples thing(which seems to be the case from earlier comments by Shadow) or can it be a friendship thing to?
It is also a friendship thing. If you go back in the comic, you can notice Shadow and Midnight doing the same thing. Though, my sort of perverted romantic side wants Sunset and Gloom to be more than friends. They look like they’d make a good couple.
Shadow and Midnight wrap their tails together when they walk, so… are they a couple too? Haha. It’s just like holding hands. I’m sure if they were rubbing or stroking each others tails in an intimate fashion, then it might be more.
Well in all fairness you don’t always notice things. I saw this page at least 4 times before I noticed their tails. Never noticed Shadow and Midnight doing it.
Nooo I caught up with the comic:(
In all seriousness, absolutly adorable. Love this comic, will probably come back in a while since I prefer reading more pages at once. Keep up the good work:)