#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
Alright.. gonna be the first to say it I guess…
A new years post maybe?!?!?! Jk probably busy. Happy new years
Happy New Years everybody! Hope to see you all in this new year of 2018, let’s try our best to make it a good one!
Lets hope the wishes comes through!
Happy new year to you Brandon and to all of you readers too
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year and may your dreams come true
When I saw this page I bursted out laughing
The Sunset’s face is priceless. Nice to see her and Gloom ^^
MGM and National Harbor anyone?
To all my niggas out there, I was the last comment! my Internet Explorer is just REALLY SLOW. In fact, this comment was sent in anticipation of this happening. Happy New Year!!!!!
Also, I’m Black so I can say it. Wait a sec, does Nox have curse words???
… not traditional ones, but I’m sure some human words will creep in from time to time as things move along.
On Page 61, Midnight got right up Nightmare’s nose with a beauty (which I won’t repeat here).
Only the arrival of Mother Moon prevented a proper knock-down drag-out barney dust-up!
I really like the idea of Noxians having their own original lexicon of slang terms, I’m just not that great at thinking them up.
I’ve been scratching my head for a few new words for genitals that Noxians might use as slang instead of the usual human ones. XD What would a cute word be that Shadow might use when talking about her vagina? If it ever came up in conversation? “Oh that? It’s just my BLANK!” keeping in mind she has no shame about such things.
Can we assume that male and female nox genitalia have similar shapes ( form follows function, after all) to human?
Obviously Tim and Shadow MAKE them fit but are there any unused corners?
Yeah, they are pretty much the same. (They just come in a wider variety of colours!)
hmm time to make random syllibles…..niliaci….genora,
I tend to favour the re-use of some traditional Old English terms.
You may consult a GOOD dictionary for “coynte” (Shakespeare used that one) -“coney” ( rabbit, small & furry) – “twatch” (a hole in a hedge and the linguistic ancestor of “twat”).
More modern – a “well”, completely made-up -“velule” and lastly, a break into the Irish – “pogue” (the phrase “pogue mahone”, I am told means “kiss my arse” but I have no idea which part of the phrase it is).
bout to do that rn
how about pudenta(Poo-dent-a)
honest i think that you have a lot of fans, and if you need some little help in the World build area, you just need ask, for example creat new world or or terms if want help just ask.
Tomokatu: “Shakespeare used that one”
SECUNDING THIS. (Allcaps accidental but left in place). Shakespeare used a LOT of them. His pieces were played at places that acted as teather and bordello at different hours of the day, after all…
He also used lots of words that, at his time, were pronounced different, and were homophones for ribald things. Most famous being “from hour to hour, we rot and rot” – which makes sense if you remember that back then, “hour” was pronounced /hɔɹ/ – yes, EXACTLY like “whore”.
Of coure, given how Mortis etc. do dress, Noxian using Shakesperian play-of-words as ribaldry and swearwords would be VERY PROPER.
“Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, And after one hour more ’twill be eleven; And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot; And thereby hangs a tale”
I have had my eye open casually for years to find one (without success) and I’d love to be able to discuss pronunciation with it.
Windows 7 64-bit requiring TruType fonts. Pleeeeease? (whine like a puppy)
I’ve often been reduced to telling people to imagine The Bard’s words in a Yorkshire (and even Mummerset) accent (but that doesn’t work for Fluellen).
One point I make to Brandon is that most of the older words for body parts and functons are single-syllable and likely of Germanic/Norse origin.
Multi-syllabled words tend to be of Latin/Romance roots and result from academic obscurantism or technical usage, rather than the words in everyday speech.
More often, single-syllable words tend to be the commonest words. That’s a consequence of laziness. Two-syllable words tend to be used less often than one-syllable words. Three-syllable words tend to be used even less often. And so on. So, all those profane 4-letter words in English: one-syllable words. I’m pretty sure profane words in other languages are also most often single-syllable words.
Note to Brandon: Keep the above in mind, when inventing profane Nox words. On a related note, I think you once commented something about how Nox and humans have a common root language. This implies that you could take a profane Indo-European word (there might even be a list of those somewhere on the internet) and simply modify it slightly, to create a profane Nox word.
Just googling TMUTB and accidentally put in, “The Monster In The Bed”, whoops!
Also Happy New Years everyone!
Anything interesting?
To be fair, Shadow does spend a lot of time in Tim’s bed in the present timeline.
You should just have shadow refer to her vagina as a “Wawa”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSauuSV5jzU lmao no “Wawa” or I fear for the pun to comment ratio of this comment section XD.
And I’m all caught up.
Good show, sir! Good show!
I would like to suggest the word Ovi pronounced “Ovee”. I think it comes across as cute . The first 2 letters of Ovi relate in oval as shape and ovum as related in function and shape,(without getting into the details of the birds and bees etc…).8)
Really loving this series! Hoping a new page comes out soon. At the point of daily refreshes for a new page D:
Updates are on sundays
Technically, yes, but it can also be Saturday or Monday depending on your local time zone. That, and it’s not every Sunday, so it’s reassuring to check occasionally.
Damn, going on three weeks between updates. Somebody important better be dead or in jail.
It was Christmas and then New Years. You know how those Canadians like to Party. He is just now probably getting over the hangovers.
Hah, yeah, something like that!
Seriously though, I AM behind this week. I can’t exactly give away the exact reason (because it’s a surprise!) but I had some “Design Troubles” on this new page which really gave a big pause to this week’s update. So, I doubt it’s gonna be posted today. I’m not even done the rough stage yet, and even that I’m not 100% happy with.
Do it right, mate. Take the time – if you’re not happy with the Draft we wouldn’t like that as a finished page.
Sleep on it perhaps, the subconscious mind still works & there’s no pressure.
Now I’m expecting some sort of big reveal…
Also, my best ideas tend to happen during a shower… maybe that’ll get your mind going
I think the most people can understand that cuz everyone has already had that feeling whit a work.
I guess.