#140 “Kiss & Tell”
Gossip spreads fast in Nox… and other trends.
UPDATE JAN. 7, 2018:
Hello everybody!
Well, this isn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the new year off, but I’m going to have to delay this week’s update due to well, I’m just not happy with this week’s page. I was working on it and I’m going to chalk it up to a rough start after a break, but well… it kinda sucks! Haaaaah… yeah.
So… that’s about it. I’m going to do my best to save what I can, but there’s one major element I’m just not happy with, and it’ll have to be pushed back. Sorry folks!
I found something funny with the comment section the farther you go down the darker it gets
Yea, good comics tend to have that pattern. First comments are always good and full of joy about the new comic page update but when the normal new page reveal schedule falters without explanations the supporters start to get testy. Stretch that page update stall far enough and it can get down right dark and nasty, just before everyone leaves.
Rather why binge reading a comic or watching a TV series once a year is so popular. No breaks and no unexpected disappointments from start to expected finish.
Some people may leave, but in my experience, generally, I’ve been lucky enough to maintain a pretty cool group of people who stick around!
This week’s delay was mostly on me, because I was pushing out something I knew was weak… but kept going anyway, then slept on it and really didn’t like it so had to redo it. It’s much better now though.
People stay because you made something good and rather original. They also get upset because you set a standard of predictable quality they look up to.
It’s the double edged sword of success and right now your getting cut up on the backside for over a long delay that didn’t came with a familiar place holder to set the tone or timeline for it.
(Simple to explain but not always easy to see from the inside.)
No, he literally means it gets darker. the background is white and it fades to black…
It’s rather hilarious to be honest. Give the fandom too much time to fester, and they either start trying to unravel all of the mysteries of the comic, or start trying to create new words for genitalia.
I meant the color of the comment section gets darker
hah, called it before I scrolled here
I just found this webcomic about uhmm an hour ago and have read through all the currently posted pages and I just have to say. Dang I like!! Shadow is sooo adorable!!!
It’s better to read the comments and what the author says
Welp, looks like I’m reading it over….again.
You make it sound like it’s a burden. This here is good shit, bro. Not trying to sound like an ass btw.
why does it as to be always like that, i look at the comic every weekend and its always that weekend that for some reasons there’s no pages and then im stopping forgetting the comic then came back and see new page like ” oh yeah new page i’ve totally forgot i was reading this” and then look the next week for the new one and then… no page again T.T and its hmmm always like that xD should i stop looking the comic and then read it in 1 year so page go faster ? XD
For some, that is a very viable plan of action. I myself do it with certain things all the time. So, I don’t necessarily mind people doing it to my story.
On the other hand, thanks to everybody who comes back week after week!
No, I’m too needy for the wait. Plus, you’re far more consistent than some comics that I’ve read. *Queue dramatic music* An extra week is nothing. NOTHING! *Sorry, I’m not sorry
Keep it up! Cant wait to see what come after the end of “on my mind!!”
Haha, I bet!
I can’t wait to get stuck “In the Middle” later on!
Hay Brandon you haven’t posted anything in a while. Are you feeling okay?
I’m fine, don’t worry!
Read my update blurb to see what happened to this week’s update, as for the past few weeks, well, it was Christmas and New Years and I took a holiday.
I DO feel bad that I missed the update this week, but overall, it was for the better. It just sucks that is was supposed to be the first update of the year! XD I’m soooo close to the end of chapter 3 now! XD
Stick with it…make it good…remember a lot of us are in it for the long haul.
Will you be putting a draft on Patreon? I like filling in the empty speech bubbles :3
Oh yes, I’ve got a bit of work to do yet before the new rough is finished.
But I must have the OLD rough draft. The sun barely rises in this frozen hellscape, and I need the scraps and ruminations of artists to brighten my day.
Take your time and grind this gem of yours to perfection
Yo Brandon, I’ve been lurking here for a while. Hope this serves as a reminder that beyond your usual posters, there are some diehard lurkers that love your work!
I eagerly await your next installment – take your time and enjoy the creative process!
Every comic artist/story telling makes a bad page every once in awhile and has to start over on it. Take your time
I’ve already fixed what I hated about the original version of the page, so it’s looking good for this weekend’s work completing everything.
Nice good to hear. I love your art style.
First, just want to say I just discovered your comic. And I love it. Great story.
Secondly, having known a few artist types, (including at least one comic guy) don’t kill yourself on our accounts. You might end up like some other comic series, where the fans are still waiting for the next update 8 years later.
Great job so far. Looking forward to more.
I bought final fantasy 7 the other day and it is awesome…. That is all
whens next page im so anxiuos
You’ll get it this weekend for sure!
So what was specifically wrong with the page that made you want to redo it?
I didn’t like a certain character design and the layout was crappy.
you do good work brandon *slides brandon a soda and some coffee* i keep checking and im not upset. i seen webcomics go down cause the creator got tired of people complaining of “updates not often enough” and i seen creators work their butts off trying to keep to a schedule. you do your best. =) i mean heck, the creator of gamercat is taking a 3 month hiatus cause he has been nonstop creating that comic from day one for years! compared to that, i cant see how anyone can complain of you having irl situations. keep up the good work
and thank you
Quick question: Is a story about a non-canon comic considered canon?
This is the reason: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12716679/6/The-Portal-Games-Remastered
I got bored of waiting for a page and decided to write a story about Terminus after the knife thing.
I don’t know if it count as non-non canon but then that’ll make it canon