I remember thinking something along the lines of disneys gargoyles for the wings and how they basically wore them as cloaks. I assume thats where the robes in this version came from.
They always wore robes in the original, and yes, I got rid of them because they aren’t gargoyles, or succubuseseses and didn’t want that comparison thrown at me every page if they DID have wings. Didn’t help though, I still hear it every once in a blue moon anyway, but just because they are multi-coloured monsters that have claws and tails and hair and interact with humans in a clandestine manner at night also.
At least they don’t turn to stone during the day. XD
No, they just turn certain parts of humans to stone
But ya, comparisons are going to happen. If it looks cool to you, odds are somebody else out there has done it before. Big deal. That takes nothing out of the quality here or the enjoyment its brought to your fanbase.
I was expecting something like that since he kissed the red girl (I forgot her name, was it Nightmare?), yet it still surprised me since it was revealed pretty damn quickly. So well played Brandon, well played ^^
I feel the reason he is trying to solve the energy crisis in his world so he does not have to spend so much Time doing it as we see and so he can have a life with this girl that he has fallen in love with. Please let there be a happen ending for these two.
I have a sudden suspicion she’s a schoolteacher…
Hmmm, not a bad guess.
That’s all I have to say.
The plot thickens!
And so do the characters!
OK OK OK wait! Shadow had wings?
Yeah, she USED to for some dumb reason. XD
It would be interesting to see an illustration of what Shadow would have looked like. But that’s just me…
Something like that.
Yeah thanks! Shadow with wings is… Different to say the least.
I remember thinking something along the lines of disneys gargoyles for the wings and how they basically wore them as cloaks. I assume thats where the robes in this version came from.
They always wore robes in the original, and yes, I got rid of them because they aren’t gargoyles, or succubuseseses and didn’t want that comparison thrown at me every page if they DID have wings. Didn’t help though, I still hear it every once in a blue moon anyway, but just because they are multi-coloured monsters that have claws and tails and hair and interact with humans in a clandestine manner at night also.
At least they don’t turn to stone during the day. XD
No, they just turn certain parts of humans to stone
But ya, comparisons are going to happen. If it looks cool to you, odds are somebody else out there has done it before. Big deal. That takes nothing out of the quality here or the enjoyment its brought to your fanbase.
Wing hugs are niiiiiice – full envelopment and warm – ooohhh warm. Feathered wings are the best, but I’ll take what I can get anytime.
wait shadow has wings? am I missing something?
No, you’re not. Don’t think about it. It’s literally nothing. Smoke and mirrors. Swamp gas.
I was expecting something like that since he kissed the red girl (I forgot her name, was it Nightmare?), yet it still surprised me since it was revealed pretty damn quickly. So well played Brandon, well played ^^
This song realy fits Terminus https://youtu.be/O1WFyes03O4
“Even that one thing you love that I do with your tail”
Terminus be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJrVu4_ByDM
Just watch the video (*o*)
Ok this Link is good
Creative Name’s link is good
Brandon I just got done reading ch 2 of the short story and I cried…. I would love to thank you for making such an amazing story and comic.
My brain right now after seeing this page
Welp looks like Shadow ain’t the only one who has a relationship with a human, looks like this guy has himself a human relationship too. XD
I feel the reason he is trying to solve the energy crisis in his world so he does not have to spend so much Time doing it as we see and so he can have a life with this girl that he has fallen in love with. Please let there be a happen ending for these two.
Stop with the meme links my YouTube search algorithm is trash enough
I neeed to see him fully naked
“Skeleton” in the closet? Nah he isn’t lanky enough.
So First Reaver is First Cheater
As you promised you gave us a nice reveal
They seems happy together or maybe…
Damn. I love chokers/neck belts on girl’s neck ^^