#143 “A Golden Lion”
Everyone, meet Ruthless; aka, Lady Blackheart – The Lost Mother. Officially. Oh, and the reveals just keep coming! It’s also Ruth & Thomas’ anniversary!
A bonus comic this week, it was originally a part of the last page, but I split it up to give a proper look at Ruth’s reveal. So if you didn’t see the page before this one you might want to check it out!
i got a job as a lifeguard, I make above minimum wage, I moving up baby, next step WORLD DOMINATION
Well, I got used to irregular updates and gave up. Now it’s just checking if there are any new pages every time I remember this comic exists. Still, there is a significant story progression.
You should really “join the community” read chuckle and respomd to the commentaries
Yeah, half of the fun of webcomics can be found in the shenanigans that is the comments. All kinds of stupid, awesome, and hilarious things are found here. EMBRACE THE LOLS!
Glad that’s finally out in the open, though I’m a little surprised that even Tim’s dad knew about Shadow.
Their isn’t anything yet saying Tim’s mom told him yet
Of course, they don’t hide things from each other, at least concerning their child.
Well then I can’t wait to find out what he thinks about it
Check Out this mysterious Noxian I made. To make it more mysterious this Noxians Aegis is scratched out making it unidentifiable to figure out where it is from. And this pretty colorful Noxian with some unique making is also wearing a ask which make it even more mysterious adding a question what gender even is this Noxian?!?! https://somestrangeguy68.deviantart.com/art/Unnamed-Noxian-728467519?ga_submit_new=10%3A1517384386 Enjoy it was fun making this piece
“Wearing a mask”
I’m gussing Darth Vader style, random side character only important in one arc, or filithy frank’s rencarnation.
Please be Filthy frank. I need the benign healing cancer of his videos
Accurate it was inspired by Lady Blackheart on page 87. And the mask was inspired by my hobby of creating masks irl and added the weird and mysterious symbolbon the door page 123
Wish their was a way to edit what I have sent I always overlook it either I mess up pressing space or my anto correct kicks in too soon
Ok; but what about Filthy Frank? The important questions are about Filthy Frank.
Stop shouting
I’m sorry, I just talk like this to show respect to Sir. Shane don’t get the wrong impression
We all respect Shane and his work.
Most of us feel able to show that respect with quiet engagement in our comments.
You know Shane is Canadian? and that format of speech, shouting – with the honorific “Sir” at the beginning and end of every statement is only used by the USA military and ONLY by their recruits during their period of instruction. Qualified US military personnel do not, generally.
It could be considered insulting by Shane (being Canadian and an artist, not an American military recruit) but that’s his call. Many of us are from other countries, too and in the military in my country at least, that kind of ostentation is frowned on in normal use. So, please continue in a restrained manner.
I’m really sorry I didn’t know, I just wanted to show respect but I guess I have to tone down a bit, thank you for your advice
Also, how do I receive notification from this? And registering in this makes the vote not work making me go unanimous to see the vote, can you help?
Haha… my name is Brandon! Shane is my family name.
Sorry, Brandon – I should know better.
Ruben, what “notification” are you expecting?
When for example I post this replay, how do I know when you.answered?
Is it OK if I call Mr Shane to Brandon?
I don’t think it works like that here. You just have to check.
I on the other hand get EVERY notification from everyone… so try not to drown me in multiple replies all the time, eh?
The date and timestamp are printed underneath the writer’s name on each reply. That’s if you’re reading this on Brandon’s webpage – if you’re looking at it under some other media, then I dunno.
Brandon (Mr Shane) has complete and final say on how you may address him.
I suspect however that you can call him anything except late for dinner (that’s a joke!)
You guys don’t have to be so formal, geez… I’m just a normal dude with a few ideas I’ve managed to scrape together into a hobby comic.
What tomokatu? I didn’t got the address thing, may you explain?
And Mr. Shane you do deserve the formality, because you are very talented and deserve more then you already have, I can’t believe you have so few followers, and sorry for the notification thing
Brandon, send me a copy of the file you have. It might be corrupted a bit, but its better than starting from complete scratch.
No promises, but willing to give it a shot.
He has already tried fixing it and has already started over
FiresLayer, you have no vision friend. Of the present or future.
Or do you believe there is no point in revival when the patient flatlines?
People like you, my friend, would have prevented the cardiac and cardiopulmonary resusitator from ever being created.
Lead us not into despair my friend. But instead let others lead the way to resuscitation!
No Brandon told me
And wtf lol
Damn that’s deep for a corrupted file, I agree starting from something is better than nothing, but he’s probably using this as an opertunity to revise or change some things in the coming panels. Don’t you think?
Hah! You guys have got to get over the dumb corrupted file! I already erased it and redrew it anyway. You’ll see the new page this Sunday!
Brandon!!! Did you take Down the original story?!?!?!
No, but I really should.
Please don’t get rid of them! Like ever… Or if you do at least send me all of them for myself…
Please don’t delete it (just yet).
On principle, I haven’t even looked for it nor read it (avoid spoilers) and I don’t intend to UNTIL you finish publishing this comic version (I might live that long).
I say the story is fine as it is, just my opinion
According to Heredity, If the mom had all noxian genes and Tim’s dad a human, the only possible combination for time would be the X(n)Y trait.
That would mean, yes Tim is Noxian. Brandon probaly didn’t think about that.
Even if he did, he should have remembered that for boys, if X has a sex-linked phenotype, that phenotype WILL BE PRESENT
Since this hasn’t happen, this means that Tim’s dad just HAPPENED to have a Gene that suppresses a Noxian X somehow….
Also the theoretical chance that Tim has no Noxian genes is less than 12.5%, Seeing that Tim’s mom is a Noxian.
*Wipes sweat from forehead* Whew! I love applying Logic to a alternete universe.
I solved the case. You all can stop asking “Is tim half noxian?” Now
You’re not the first to figure that out. And it’s not hard to deduce that he’s 1/2 Noxian if you literally just think about it for a moment. The thing you need to concern yourself with is not only chromosomes but enzymes and the like. For a human (h) and a Noxian (N) to be able to interbreed and, this is important, for their offspring to be fertile they must be of the same genus and species. Now it is possible, in rare cases, for the offspring of two of the same genus to be fertile as there are tales of tigons and ligers, the combination of tigers and lions, that have managed to breed in captivity.
So unless Noxians and humans both have the same chromosomes AND they’re in the same positions AND the enzymes from the male is able to cross the zona pellucida and actually fertilize the egg in question, then they’re not going to be able to reproduce no matter how much they try. But as I said in a previous post, I’d be content if the answer was “magic”.
In other words, throw the science out the window because it doesn’t work and just accept that magic plays by it’s own rules.
I guess your right *Throws away 2 years worth of biology and bio-chemical research*
And of course there’s magic involved too. That kind of throws everything in the air
Also, My Bio class was finally useful for something.
Maybe he inherited none visible traits is the only thing I can think of
I know that the author said he removes comments if they are too spoiler’y, but I spent the day thinking about Tim’s origin. I believe that Ruthless and Thomas did not conceive Tim together. I’m pretty sure Ruthless spend most of her time in Nox after some point-break-up with the father before or perhaps because of Thomas getting together with another human who birthed Tim. I doubt the story will get deep into that end of the story, as it’d be a tad bit dramatic and sad to hear about given the only people who could/would tell it for the narrative.
Anyway, we know that Ruthless regrets having chosen power and station over love and eventually left for the latter. I think Tim was already born at that point but that the mother was absent. Ruthless adopted him as a son, and Tim is not half Noxian.
That’s my theory.
While I’m talking…
I also think that the whole “kissing thing” getting spread around is going to be important. A catalyst! The expected/most obvious events to come from that, I think, would be for Nightmare to get into trouble for teaching kissing to the other girls. She being protective of her jerk-boyfriend, blames Shadow for teaching it to her, which coincidentally Shadow does know about. This puts heat onto her, which will probably strain her ability to meet with Tim, but not likely end up being serious.
Jerk-O then realized that Shadow did already know about kissing and reasons that she’s doing the same thing he is, more or less, and starts to take a closer look at her.
Obviously (her father/uncle?) Lord Mortis is going to get pissed off about that, which will anger the Jerk-Who’s-Name-I-Forgot, and cause him to do something stupid with he door.
That’s the most principle story I can cobble together with what pieces of the story we know in both time settings. I’m probably way off though, because we just keep learning more about the world and characters as the story goes on, and we’re about to learn some backstory from Mortis anyway.
+This chapter is supposedly the last flashback chapter, and that’s all way too much to add in to what is already the longest chapter by a fair deal…
It’s just so much fun reading this comic, I couldn’t stop thinking about what’s coming next! I had tons of speculations but this is my favourite course of prediction.
Phew! Well, all I can say is that you’ll have to keep reading to find out what happens! I’ve got some big new ideas coming down the line.
I definitely do plan to keep reading!
And since all that hullabaloo up there is just a drafted standard (albeit) wild, speculation based (very precariously) on very little, I think it’s safe to say whatever you’ve got up your sleeves is going to much more interesting and original.
If some rando who read the comic yesterday could really figure out all the twists and plot changes coming in the comic, that fast, it wouldn’t be as good as it is, right?
♥ ♥ ♥ Super psyched for updates.
Instead of going to bed at a reasonable time last night so that I could wake up early for my early morning shift at work, I decided to stay up late into the morning reading this comic.
I absolutely love it ♥!
It’s so cute, and exactly what I’ve been looking for for ages.
It’s a romance (A+), it has good art (A), it had casual nudity (A), it’s not Oglaf style casual nudity (A+) so as to be pornographic, it has LORE (SSS+), it has a non-human species with a wide variety of appearances (A-)…
It’s a romantic fantasy with supernatural lore and stuff… I love it!
Holy Crap! After looking at this page I had to browse through the archive. I noticed that he has left little clues through out the pages that feature Lady Blackheart! I never noticed til I say this page!
I made a 3 paragraph theory about it awhile back. I looked at every single page carefully even too Ruth’s and lady Blackheart’s Text color.
I wonder what lives underneath Shadow’s bed… Next comic idea! “Monster Under the Monster’s Bed!”
Oh, that’s where Mr. Squishy lives.
Does Shadow know he’s there or does he hide under any other Bed Bugs’ beds as well?
He’s her pet. XD
Hah, no… Needs more tentacle!
Who’s “Mr.Squishy”
First mentioned by Brandon on 3rd Feb 2018.
Now you know as much as the rest of us. Feel free to add words or illustrations.
Make Mr Squishy more fully realised!
I would like to imagine that it’s a teddy bear or some other stuffed animal that Shadow is too embarrassed to have out in the open.
Hehe. LEWD!
Discovered this gem a week ago and read it through 3 times already
Would it be wrong to read it again while waiting for the next page?
As long as you don’t get sick of it by reading it too much!
Inb4 another delay
Now i win no matter what happens, either im right or i get to see a new page
Found the pessimist.
It’s his fault if something goes wrong. Just sayin’…
love it, great to be back in the swing of things. i left for some time but i’m back again
Welcome back!
I found out about this recently and have enjoyed it so much! Can’t wait for what’s next
Isn’t it supposed to be Soon™? You’re one silly goose my friend.